作者MrPanda ()
标题[新闻] JPMorgan预测标普500未来报酬不如预期
时间Thu Sep 19 19:18:50 2024
JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) Warns Investors to Expect Lower Stock Market Returns
Analysts at JPMorgan Chase , the world’s biggest bank, are warning investors to expect lower stock market returns over the next decade as high-flying technology stocks come back to earth.
Analysts at JPMorgan Chase , the world’s biggest bank, are warning investors to expect lower stock market returns over the next decade as high-flying technology stocks come back to earth.
The analysts point out that, over time, stock valuations revert to the mean, which should translate to lower returns for investors in the coming years. With a current trailing price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 23.7 times, the S&P 500 index is about 25% more expensive than its 35-year average of 19 times.
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Stock/M.1726744732.A.8F7.html
1F:推 abcdefgbob : 别想骗我下车 09/19 19:21
2F:推 tony870414 : 开示了 懂得都懂 09/19 19:21
3F:推 pwseki206 : JPM一向都看很空阿,戴蒙之前还说Fed会升到7%笑死 09/19 19:21
4F:推 jack529 : 想上车啊 阿摩 09/19 19:25
5F:→ aegis43210 : 看美国众议院谁赢吧,民主党赢,加税就势在必行,对 09/19 19:26
6F:→ aegis43210 : 股市的确不利 09/19 19:26
7F:推 cosmite : 现在难上车 09/19 19:26
8F:→ pwseki206 : 也不一定耶,要加税必须参院加重多数。所以台美租税 09/19 19:26
9F:→ pwseki206 : 协定就卡死在没有足够的多数(参院方面) 09/19 19:27
10F:推 aimgel : 反着做 蒿吐露丝 09/19 19:27
11F:推 newstar13579: 想骗车票 野鸡分析 09/19 19:27
12F:推 hugh509 : 加税应该谁上都加,你不加债务难扛 09/19 19:31
13F:推 avecmoi : ??今天花旗说全球经济强劲於预期 09/19 19:34
14F:推 mamorui : 蛤? 09/19 19:34
15F:推 tsubasawolfy: 看内文就说那个分析师认为会均值回归 还说老人太多 09/19 19:36
16F:推 BIGBIGFISH : 都创新高了还不如预期 小摩真的很严格 09/19 19:36
17F:→ tsubasawolfy: 不利股市成长 因为它们都保守投资 09/19 19:36
18F:→ tsubasawolfy: 都这样讲了那他要不要去发BBcall 09/19 19:36
19F:推 Sweet83921 : 很好 还有人看空 09/19 19:40
20F:推 kitsune318 : 两年前就这样说然後喷30% 09/19 19:50
21F:推 JingPingKing: 收到打收到 09/19 19:51
22F:推 immence : 每年都这麽说然後每年都喷到烂 09/19 20:00
23F:推 xxgogg : 收到,终於可以安心买惹0.0/// 09/19 20:02
24F:推 sustto : 喷 09/19 20:06
25F:推 murrayace : 涨多看空很合理 09/19 20:06
26F:→ murrayace : 2021年底也一堆人觉得应该逢高追高报酬率才好 09/19 20:08
27F:推 jecint1707 : 崩 09/19 20:09
28F:→ rax1010 : 收到讯号 09/19 20:10
29F:→ inoce : 完蛋了 09/19 20:14
30F:推 grtfor : 讯号来了 09/19 20:14
31F:推 FireJ : 骗人出清 09/19 20:16
32F:推 ajkofqq : 他懂个p股票 09/19 20:18
33F:推 ianchen1223 : 骗你卖的啦 09/19 20:57
34F:推 THE7088 : 标普五百怎跑得赢鬼指 09/19 21:06
35F:推 herculus6502: 这麽好心 09/19 21:10
36F:推 ben121196 : 稳了 09/19 21:13
37F:→ twic : 稳 09/19 21:32
38F:→ tabrisPTT : 我预测JPM预测不准 09/19 22:07
39F:→ rexwis : 噪音 09/19 22:15
40F:推 h311013 : 比特币 边喊空边买嘛 阿摩 09/19 22:49