作者steveisaman (who is the man)
标题[情报] 0812 上市柜外资投信买超金额排行
时间Mon Aug 12 23:31:27 2024
排行 股票名称 收盘价 涨跌 买超(百万)
1 2330台积电 940 +6 10,610
2 2303联电 54.7 +0.8 1,925
3 3231纬创 102.5 +5.2 1,757
4 2308台达电 399 +11.5 718
5 2317鸿海 176 +7.5 683
6 2603长荣 180 +7 597
7 2615万海 82.5 +5.3 582
8 2618长荣航 34.45 +1.2 568
9 3583辛耘 414.5 +18.5 533
10 2886兆丰金 39.4 +0.55 520
排行 股票名称 收盘价 涨跌 买超(百万)
1 2891中信金 34.5 -0.2 774
2 2382广达 267 +17 627
3 2317鸿海 176 +7.5 603
4 2345智邦 509 +16 463
5 3017奇鋐 585 +17 445
6 6669纬颖 1965 +90 416
7 2449京元电 118.5 +5 382
8 2330台积电 940 +6 336
9 2303联电 54.7 +0.8 299
10 3037欣兴 158 +10 262
以上 谢谢
"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"
LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Stock/M.1723476690.A.A8F.html
1F:推 TIPPK : 感谢分享 08/12 23:32
2F:推 aika5512308 : 航运喷喷 08/13 01:12
3F:推 TeddyisaBear: 99阳明 08/13 02:36