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原文标题:Donald Trump rushed offstage after sound of gunfire at campaign rally 原文连结: 发布时间:2024/7/14 记者署名:Steff Chávez 原文内容: Donald Trump was rushed offstage by the United States Secret Service during a rally in the swing state of Pennsylvania after what sounded like gunfire was heard from the crowd. The presumptive Republican nominee for president sank to the ground after the noises were heard and was escorted to his motorcade by armed agents with blood visible on his right ear and streaking his cheek. Trump pumped his fist before being put into a vehicle. It was unclear where he was taken. Steven Cheung, communications director for the Trump campaign, said: Trump was “fine” and “being checked out a local medical facility.” “President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act,” Cheung added. A spokesperson for the Secret Service, which is responsible for protecting current and former presidents, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The incident happened just minutes after the former president began speaking at a rally of supporters in Butler, Pennsylvania, a rural town in the north-west corner of the state. Trump rallies are usually subject to airport-style security, run by the Secret Service in conjunction with local authorities. The White House said US President Joe Biden, who is currently in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, had received an “initial briefing” on the incident. A White House spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for further comment. The incident happened just days before the start of the Republican National Convention, when Trump is set to formally accept his party’s nomination for president. Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House, said on X that he was “praying for President Trump”. Others including Trump’s former vice-president Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, a former Secretary of State, expressed similar sentiments. Elon Musk, owner of X, Tesla and SpaceX, said he “fully” endorsed Trump and that he hoped for a “full recovery”. This is a developing story 心得/评论: 简单来说就是川普被子弹射到,右耳脸颊有血迹 这个周末鬼故事够大了吧,台股礼拜一准备一根 是捡便宜还是反转点,台指留仓的想清楚操作搂 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: spadesA ( 台湾), 07/14/2024 07:10:10
1F:推 herculus6502: 这现在很难判断,要看晚点怎麽发酵,有可能丧事喜办 07/14 07:09
2F:→ qw5980162 : 没死就是嘎爆空军 07/14 07:13
3F:推 davidex : 是擦到脸吗?? 07/14 07:25
4F:推 rokman14 : 周末鬼故事 涨还是是崩? 07/14 07:25
5F:推 panda816 : 没差吧 又不是死了 07/14 07:25
6F:→ nata12 : 重金投资美国跟石油业 拜登应该结束了 07/14 07:28
7F:推 fajita : 本来想说周末换拜,没想到变周末灭川,有够狠 07/14 07:31
8F:→ LMgogo : 没死应该没事 07/14 07:34
9F:推 hensel : 要稍微管制一下枪枝没 07/14 07:36
10F:推 TCPai : 今天股市没开欸 07/14 07:38
11F:推 zxcvb1234522: 差几公分就挂了,川普神运 07/14 07:43
12F:→ seemoon2000 : 靠北 这还真的是黑天鹅 07/14 07:45
13F:推 takasaki : 阿扁也没死,但那次一天10% 呵呵 07/14 07:46
14F:推 a109250405 : 这已经不只是鬼故事… 07/14 07:47
15F:推 beast20213 : 过去历史,如果这种事件下跌,都是绝佳买点 07/14 07:49
16F:→ LMgogo : 啊扁没死 啊扁是装喔 就不要窝川下午出来开嘲讽 07/14 07:50
17F:→ lawyer94 : 阿扁那次是涨还跌? 07/14 07:51
18F:→ LMgogo : 阿扁爆跌啊 因为装可怜装到选举当天 07/14 07:52
19F:推 nin1145 : 完了 07/14 07:53
20F:→ LMgogo : 然後选应又被围起来 07/14 07:53
21F:→ LMgogo : zzz 07/14 07:53
22F:→ asdzxc001 : 联盛闻:干勒 学我? 07/14 07:53
23F:推 tamama000 : American great again ,Taiwan 鬼 again . 07/14 07:54
24F:→ DAEVA : 还好没死 不然真的大爆杀 07/14 07:54
25F:→ tamama000 : 抄底正二仔记得来喔 07/14 07:55
26F:嘘 breez : 台湾领先业界20年! 07/14 07:55
27F:推 a13132006 : 阿扁:???这招我知道 07/14 07:55
28F:嘘 jjjjjjs : 拜登赢了 07/14 07:56
29F:推 vltw5v : 小伤 川普稳了 07/14 07:57
30F:→ amig0123 : 震荡应该在所难免 07/14 07:58
31F:推 mimoo : 是射BB弹吗? 不然那个角度进去怎麽只有耳朵流血 07/14 08:00
32F:→ ethan0419 : 剧本这样演 枪手超准的 07/14 08:00
33F:推 qa1122z : 07/14 08:01
34F:推 lpmybig : 怕屁怕 下周捡钻石 还是都是追高仔 07/14 08:01
35F:→ vltw5v : 这周末鬼故事有够恐怖 完全没有东西可以参考 明天马 07/14 08:02
36F:→ vltw5v : 上要面对这个鬼故事 07/14 08:02
37F:推 fmp1234 : 刚好回档上车,先蹲後跳。 07/14 08:03
38F:推 breez : 请问现在美股期货还有开吗? 07/14 08:03
39F:推 ntpcgov : 07/14 08:03
40F:推 samper889 : 想太多 不是涨就是跌 07/14 08:03
41F:推 sanwan : 周五暴跌,周一本来要反弹现在烙赛了 07/14 08:05
42F:推 x20165 : 07/14 08:07
43F:→ x20165 : 马顾问要喷了 07/14 08:07
44F:推 thetide0512 : 鬼故事一定先崩再说 方向之後再说 07/14 08:08
45F:推 justinnn : 高大成说枪要射头是最困难的,所以杀手都是先开胸部 07/14 08:09
46F:推 love50921 : 好在是周末,给市场反应时间。不然又要熔断了 07/14 08:10
47F:→ justinnn : 川普耳朵应该是有被子弹打到,看他手先摸了耳朵才蹲 07/14 08:10
48F:→ ethan0419 : 先崩一波反应 07/14 08:11
49F:→ chungj : meta确定死定了 07/14 08:12
50F:→ chungj : Meta下 TSLA上 07/14 08:12
51F:推 tamama000 : 多蛙 勿壮胆 07/14 08:13
52F:推 bryantjet : 周五跌,周日又有新闻,台股又相对高点,这下去可能需 07/14 08:13
53F:→ bryantjet : 要盘一阵子了吧 07/14 08:13
54F:推 Chilloutt : 蜥蜴人995 07/14 08:14
55F:推 x221x221 : 利空出尽 07/14 08:15
56F:→ aewul : 提前确定选情,涨一波 07/14 08:18
57F:推 Tohkachan : 没致命伤 川普稳了 准备喷 07/14 08:22
58F:推 v58264579 : 这个应该还好 07/14 08:23
59F:→ vanii40 : 不良品跌回500 07/14 08:25
60F:→ DAEVA : 看起来差一点就爆头了 07/14 08:25
61F:推 rbull : 老马站对边 女股神也要跟着发了 07/14 08:25
62F:→ aewul : 川让美国再次强大,沸腾起来了 07/14 08:25
63F:推 beast20213 : 比特币先反应了 大喷! 07/14 08:25
64F:推 lulu0408 : 支持者都没跑有够胆大,美国人就爱这种硬汉形象... 07/14 08:26
65F:推 pig789 : 川普上 跟特斯拉有关系吗? 07/14 08:26
66F:推 okah : 美债或飙 07/14 08:26
67F:推 RanceTsai : 霸王命格 看影片真的生死一瞬 世界的拐点 07/14 08:26
68F:推 zerro7 : 真的挂了才是黑天鹅 07/14 08:28
69F:推 kitune : 美债应该会飙吧 川普肯定暴力降息 07/14 08:29
70F:嘘 distantblc : 没死 问题不大 07/14 08:30
71F:推 zebirlin : 川普当下就让人看见他没事了哪像那个X扁故意要骗 07/14 08:32
72F:推 johnps : 世界怎麽跟得上台湾 07/14 08:33
73F:推 xephon : 周一台指期涨停! 07/14 08:33
74F:推 AirLee : 还好不是在盘中 07/14 08:33
75F:推 Gipmydanger : 07/14 08:34
76F:推 owei0404 : 尬空了 07/14 08:35
77F:推 pqpqpqpq : 周一完惹,空蛙升 多军哭 07/14 08:35
78F:推 rbull : 这种文还有输不起粉崩溃 07/14 08:35
79F:推 Haerin520 : 台湾演过一次 绝对稳赢 07/14 08:37
80F:→ Haerin520 : 如果盘中真的会崩烂 07/14 08:37
81F:推 stocktonty : 奇美小护士准备登场 07/14 08:42
82F:→ spadesA : 其实只要连跌三天质押仔很多就要强制卖出了 07/14 08:52
83F:推 watchmeisyou: 礼拜一进场好时机阿!还能有几次机会遇到总统候选 07/14 08:53
84F:→ watchmeisyou: 人被开枪没死的 07/14 08:53
85F:推 kitune : 你还是先去弄懂质押基本吧 连这都能讲错== 07/14 08:55
86F:推 JJBOY : 还要看他是质押是什麽股票,原po搞不懂喔质押维持率 07/14 09:04
87F:推 wowok : 字幕玻璃破碎 反弹到耳朵 07/14 09:06
88F:推 ga278057 : 靠腰比特币爆喷,看起来是涨 07/14 09:08
89F:推 vgil : 2004年股市涨跌幅上限才7% 哪来一天跌10% 唬烂不 07/14 09:15
90F:→ vgil : 用钱喔? 07/14 09:15
91F:→ breez : 07/14 09:36
※ 编辑: spadesA ( 台湾), 07/14/2024 10:18:58
92F:推 moike22 : 晚点看以色列股市怎麽反应0.0 07/14 11:22
93F:推 david850914 : 马投顾又要拉特特了 07/14 11:33
94F:推 linyap : 不管怎样 先买美债再说 XD 07/14 13:51
95F:推 MIT5566 : 应该只有拜登概念股往下一根吧 07/14 14:09
96F:推 zerofield : 我就喜欢大家看很坏 07/14 15:37
97F:→ aimlikenoob : 没开枪也是川普当选,不存在转折问题 07/14 18:10

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