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TSMC gets $6.6 billion in chipmaking cash from Biden while pledging to build a third Arizona plant 2024-4-8 Ben Werschkul The Biden administration said Monday it plans to send up to $6.6 billion in federal grants to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSM) as the chipmaking giant promises a $25 billion Arizona expansion that will bring a third TSMC fabrication plant to that state. The deal, the second major US chipmaking grant announcement of the last three weeks, is part of President Joe Biden's effort to restart advanced semiconductor manufacturing in the US. In March Biden said the US would provide up to $8.5 billion in grants in the years ahead to Intel (INTC) to support a range of new projects in Arizona, Ohio, New Mexico, and Oregon. The money for both companies is coming from 2022's CHIPs and Science law, a signature accomplishment of Biden's current term. TSMC will use the grants to fund the continued construction of two manufacturing plants already being built in the Phoenix area. The company also announced Monday it would build a third facility there in the years ahead. The goal is for all three plants to be online by the end of the decade and producing TSMC's most advanced chips. Some of the plants even hope to use a forthcoming 2 nanometer fabrication process and make even more advanced chips than are currently available. "These are the chips that underpin all artificial intelligence and they are the chips that are necessary components for the technology that we need to underpin our economy," Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told reporters ahead of the announcement The $6.6 billion in grants to be doled out in the years ahead include an allotment of $50 million for workforce development as well as additional authorization for up to $5 billion in government loans. That inflow comes in addition to manufacturing tax credits in the 2022 law that could be worth additional billions. The government money will pair with TSMC's plans to invest over $65 billion in its Arizona operations. It had previously announced $40 billion and said today it would add an additional $25 billion largely to fund construction of the third fabrication facility. 备注: 大意就是拜登政府晶片法案预计补贴给 包含台积电亚利桑那建厂 共66亿镁 只输亲儿子不到20亿镁 看来被日积电吓到了吗? ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone --
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1F:推 ggian123 : 拜登还钱 干你娘 04/08 17:15
2F:→ ggian123 : 04/08 17:15
3F:→ saisai34 : 丸子 补贴拿的越多 代价越大 QQ 04/08 17:15
4F:→ imlucky : 66亿美 算蓝三欸 04/08 17:15
5F:推 EvilJustice : 一楼好凶 04/08 17:15
6F:推 psynanako : 在多发点绿卡给台湾工程师吧 不然只补钱应该不够力 04/08 17:15
7F:推 musi : 丸子 04/08 17:16
8F:推 chongwen : 没用的啦,光补助有什麽用 04/08 17:17
9F:推 thetide0512 : 喷! 04/08 17:17
10F:→ chongwen : 日本有补助,有24小时全力配合,你美国有什麽 04/08 17:18
11F:→ chongwen : 只给钱有什麽屁用 04/08 17:19
12F:→ Necro927 : 然後投资额变成650亿,这样有比较好吗? 连2奈米都 04/08 17:19
13F:→ Necro927 : 要过去了 04/08 17:19
14F:推 korgh413 : 给钱也要有人盖啊 04/08 17:19
15F:推 sdf90258 : 只给你钱 美国工人不配合加班有屁用吗 04/08 17:20
16F:推 joygo : 补助台湾人移民真的比较快啦 04/08 17:20
17F:→ piece1 : 你要他的补贴,他要你的本!!没什麽好高兴 04/08 17:21
18F:推 newton000 : 肯给已经不错了…老美就算不肯给还是得去 04/08 17:21
19F:推 php4 : 美国工人这麽懒,不要去最好 04/08 17:21
20F:推 titay333 : 老美肯给 这当中有诈吧 04/08 17:22
21F:推 david3033 : 台积电2月营收:1816亿 04/08 17:22
22F:推 jumpballfan : 2000亿台币大红包 太爽啦 04/08 17:22
23F:→ david3033 : 04/08 17:22
24F:推 lc85301 : 好了啦 04/08 17:24
25F:推 centaurjr : GG 04/08 17:24
26F:→ knives : 拿得愈多,不办事吗?美厂根本短多长空 04/08 17:25
27F:→ ulamong : 没有像Intel一样有优惠贷款? 04/08 17:25
28F:推 chongwen : 拿的越多,就要越听话,以後叫你做什麽,就得做啊 04/08 17:25
29F:推 saviora : 补钱没用啦 还不如对台湾高学历大开绿卡 04/08 17:25
30F:推 ddddmomo : Adr喷出 04/08 17:25
31F:→ chongwen : 不做的话,就准备被翻了 04/08 17:25
32F:→ schula : 这个钱,能挡得住美国员工薪资谈判几次? 04/08 17:26
33F:推 xm3u4vmp6 : 台积电有缺钱吗 04/08 17:27
34F:→ saisai34 : 这个钱大概GG一季的获利而已...拿补贴不是好事.=.= 04/08 17:27
35F:→ shlee : 拿去付美国员工都不够 04/08 17:28
36F:→ henry821001 : 拿钱要听话欸美鸡电 04/08 17:28
37F:→ jerrylin : 我信你个鬼 04/08 17:29
38F:→ jerrylin : 而且拜登可能没办法连任了 04/08 17:29
39F:推 baka1412 : 比没有好啦 04/08 17:29
40F:嘘 cosmite : 画大饼 之前的补助款下来了吗 04/08 17:29
41F:→ jerrylin : 拿补贴当然OK 但美国补贴没那麽好拿 04/08 17:29
42F:推 tenghui : 钱真的入帐再来发新闻稿 04/08 17:29
43F:→ kmshy : 一楼好凶 04/08 17:30
44F:推 Samurai : 先说清楚条件是什麽,流氓美国 04/08 17:30
45F:嘘 asole : 笑了 给乞丐铜板喔 04/08 17:31
46F:推 herculus6502: 一定要喷爆 04/08 17:31
47F:推 kingearth : 别拿吧,跟他们合作大家都委屈,做做样子就好皆大欢 04/08 17:31
48F:→ kingearth : 喜 04/08 17:31
49F:推 livewater : 美国诚意比日本差多了 04/08 17:31
50F:→ m180 : eps会直接加吗? 04/08 17:31
51F:→ livewater : 66亿最好赶快拿入手,不然明年等川普上台.... 04/08 17:32
52F:推 a28200266 : 计画aka画大饼 04/08 17:32
53F:推 deolinwind : it plans to,也就是还没有 04/08 17:33
54F:嘘 psychic : 讲屁话,之前还说百亿补助勒 盖房补助款呢? 04/08 17:33
55F:→ a28200266 : 美厂就当给老美政府一个面子做做秀 盖的快慢根本不 04/08 17:33
56F:→ a28200266 : 重要 04/08 17:33
57F:→ livewater : 川普:什麽!叫你过来盖厂还要给钱? 04/08 17:33
58F:推 tamynumber1 : 没有奴隶没有竞争力 04/08 17:33
59F:→ wmdlifecoba : 美国工人没办法 04/08 17:36
60F:推 vbhero : 美国还有巨婴intel扯後腿 04/08 17:37
61F:推 starport : 终於肯给了是吗 04/08 17:38
62F:推 lottepudgy : 够少 04/08 17:38
63F:推 AGODC : 走在路上捡到2000亿,有够爽 04/08 17:39
64F:→ luffyd4 : 拖好久欸 04/08 17:40
65F:→ leon1757tw : 这2000亿 一下就被美国劳工烧完了 04/08 17:40
66F:推 hunteryoyoyo: 崩 04/08 17:42
67F:推 tom0090117 : 美国还觉得美国厂失败是因为钱哦,多看点ptt吧,湾 04/08 17:43
68F:→ tom0090117 : 湾都告诉你答案了 04/08 17:43
69F:推 xkso : 来了 本国劳工又要抗议了 04/08 17:43
70F:推 s213092921 : 笑死,还敢说中国补贴中芯华为 04/08 17:44
71F:推 applegoodeat: 笨喔,让台湾变51州送台积电 04/08 17:44
72F:推 yulunyeh : 美国一堆烂草莓员工 不适合啦 04/08 17:44
73F:推 aegis43210 : 需要晶片法案2.0,不然各家只拿15%而已 04/08 17:45
74F:推 hyde711034 : 好爽喔,到世界各国掠夺资源 04/08 17:45
75F:推 johndennis : 受惠股 中鼎 台积电美国统包商 04/08 17:51
76F:推 wyytw : 拿了钱就要乖乖办事了 04/08 17:52
77F:推 b325019 : 美国问题在劳方不在资方吧 04/08 17:57
78F:→ b325019 : 日本都在加盖了美国??? 04/08 17:58
79F:推 YJJ : 计画赶不上变化,不如别拿这个钱 04/08 18:01
80F:推 didi22lic : 计画66E镁 04/08 18:03
81F:→ timidwei : 喷爆啦 04/08 18:04
82F:→ jerrylin : 还是日本多盖几个厂吧 04/08 18:04
83F:→ imsai : 我也有计画全台一人发100万 04/08 18:06
84F:推 Heedictator : 乖乖听话就对了,台湾人有今天都是美国人给的,好好 04/08 18:12
85F:→ Heedictator : 珍惜,美国会教你技术,让你吃好穿好,不像中国是来 04/08 18:13
86F:→ Heedictator : 偷你的技术 04/08 18:14
87F:→ Heedictator : ,吃乾抹净後把你赶走,你什麽都不剩 04/08 18:20
88F:推 humbler : 台积电要喷了 04/08 18:21
89F:推 chocobo24 : 拿少拿多都有话说,酸民的人生是不是卷的很厉害 04/08 18:36
90F:→ kausan : 这补助有毒建议不要 04/08 18:55
91F:推 olp123 : 後续又会增加条件 04/08 19:03
92F:→ olp123 : 信用不佳 04/08 19:03
93F:→ olp123 : 美国是直接打跨你的产业,就像日本以前的半导体业 04/08 19:04
94F:推 kenro : 有打垮吗?台湾这边要建更多怎不讲下 04/08 19:07
95F:推 orange7986 : 丸子 04/08 19:08
96F:推 Brioni : 美国工人不加班不会怎样,那个厂本来就是象徵用的, 04/08 19:30
97F:→ Brioni : 产能开不出来就算了 04/08 19:30
98F:推 icedog122 : 这是利空吧 去美国建厂就是赔钱 04/08 19:47
99F:嘘 abc1494 : 计画就是随时会变化 04/08 20:55
100F:推 DIDIMIN : 美国人懒惰到连厂房都盖不好 04/08 21:54
101F:→ eemail : 说起来这种厂房跟一般的还真是差很大 04/09 06:28
102F:→ nekosandy : 计画 又不是已经确定了 04/09 22:27

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