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原文标题:Advanced Micro Devices Stock Forecast: AMD sinks 8.3% as Fed officials downplay interest rate cuts 原文连结: 发布时间:04/04/2024 21:12:16 GMT 原文内容:
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) stock slid 8.26% on Thursday after tech stocks sold off on hawkish statements by Federal Reserve (Fed) officials. The NASDAQ revers ed course from a gain above 1% earlier in the session to a loss of 1.4%. The Dow Jones and S&P 500 did slightly better, falling 1.35% and 1.23%, respectively. AMD stock closed near its daily low at $165.83, a price level the market hasn’t experienced since February 20. The slumping price action came despite industry data showing that semiconductor sales were much higher in February than a year p rior. AMD continued trading lower afterhours, and Nvidia (NVDA) and Super Micro Comput er (SMCI) shed 3.44% and 5.67%, respectively, in Wednesday's session. AMD stock news AMD’s rocky outing on Thursday began a steeper drop after Minneapolis Fed Presi dent Neel Kashkari said in an online Q&A session that the central bank might pos tpone cuts if inflation stalled out at its current level. Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester then echoed this sentiment when she said during an event that central bankers like here needed further evidence before tr iggering any cut to the fed funds rate. Until now, the general belief has been t hat the Fed would begin trimming rates at the June meeting. Adding insult to injury, the usually dovish Austan Goolsbee, president of the Ch icago Fed, said that Fed governors required more evidence that inflation was on its way toward its 2% mandate before they could agree to any cuts. All indices slumped more than 1% due to the news. This is despite positive semic onductor industry news. The Semiconductor Industry Association reported that Feb ruary sales rose 16% YoY globally while trending down 3% from January’s high. AMD stock forecast Luckily, AMD stockholders have support sitting nearby on the daily chart. AMD st ock has not traded here since late February, but AMD is now nearing January/Febr uary support at $162.50. Below there is the resistance-turned-support level of $ 150, which was tested on several occasions in late December and early January. The 20-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) is narrowing its lead over its 50-day cou nterpart, and a crossover there would bode poorly for AMD’s outlook. Additional ly, the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) shows that AMD remains in a downtrend that is gaining steam as the indicator crosses below the zero thresho ld. 翻译: 周四,随着美联储(Fed)官员发表鹰派声明,科技股下跌,美国超微(AMD)股价下跌了8. 26%。纳斯达克指数在当日早些时候曾上涨超过1%,但最终收盘跌幅达1.4%。道琼斯指数 和标普500指数则稍微好些,分别下跌了1.35%和1.23%。 超微股票收盘价接近每日低点,报165.83美元,市场自2月20日以来尚未达到的价位水平。 尽管行业数据显示,2月份的半导体销售显着高於一年前,但股价持续下跌。 超微股票在盘後交易中继续下跌,而在周三的交易中,英伟达(Nvidia)和超微电脑(Supe r Micro Computer)分别下跌了3.44%和5.67%。 超微股票新闻 超微股票在周四出现的波动局面在明尼阿波利斯联储主席尼尔·卡什卡里在线问答会议中表 示,如果通胀停滞不前,央行可能会延迟降息後变得更加陡峭。 克利夫兰联储主席洛雷塔·梅斯特在活动中也表达了同样的观点,她表示像她这样的央行官 员在触发任何降息前需要更多证据。直到现在,人们普遍认为美联储将在6月会议上开始降 息。 雪上加霜的是,通常是鸽派的芝加哥联储行长奥斯坦·古尔斯比表示,美联储理事们需要更 多证据表明通胀正朝着其2%的目标进发,才能同意任何削减。 由於这一消息,所有指数都下跌了1%以上。尽管有积极的半导体行业消息,半导体工业协 会报告称,全球2月份销售额同比增长了16%,但较1月份的高位下降了3%。 超微股票预测 幸运的是,超微股票持有者在日图上有支撑。超微股票自2月下旬以来尚未交易到此水平, 但目前正在接近1月/2月的支撑位162.50美元。在此之下是150美元的阻力转支撑位,该价位 在去年12月底和今年年初多次受到测试。 20日简单移动平均线(SMA)正在逼近50日简单移动平均线,如果两者交叉,将对超微的前 景不利。此外,移动平均收敛-扩散指标(MACD)显示,超微仍处於下降趋势,随着指标跌 破零阈值,这种趋势正在加剧。 心得/评论: 99 费半 99 AMD A特快要追上套特曼的後尘了 油价飙升 以哈战争 CPI反扑 彷佛正在重演2022年2月的美股 --

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1F:推 herculus6502: 补个干 04/05 09:00
2F:嘘 a000000000 : 去死 04/05 09:02
3F:推 Catdatfat : 去你的包尔 04/05 09:02
4F:推 frozenmoon : 有可能再升息吗? 04/05 09:02
5F:推 NicholasTse3: 楼上资产一天少一亿 04/05 09:02
6F:嘘 strlen : 找机会杀盘 华西街 真会玩 04/05 09:07
7F:推 justin531xx : 喷跟降都可以用降息不降息当藉口习惯就好 04/05 09:08
8F:→ stationary : 教主救救我 04/05 09:11
9F:→ Jeff1989 : 美股大盘不好时这ID就会出现XD 04/05 09:17
10F:→ qwerty110 : 教主一天身家蒸发一亿美 04/05 09:18
11F:推 jenchieh5 : 降息都是你们看图虾猜的 鲍尔从没说过 04/05 09:19
12F:推 yftsai : 老鲍有说喔 04/05 09:20
13F:→ Gipmydanger : AMD=A特快=卒业预定 04/05 09:25
14F:推 poeoe : 结果昨天债还涨 真的是这个理由? 04/05 09:26
15F:推 alvis91919 : 不降息不是应该要股喷债跌吗到底 04/05 09:32
16F:推 tonylolz : amd开跌 这次目标价110 04/05 09:34
17F:嘘 highca0709 : 哈哈 还敢呛套特曼 半斤八两的废物股 04/05 09:35
18F:推 yuen1029 : 鹰鸽鹰鸽鹰鸽鹰鸽鹰鸽 美股每天都这样玩 04/05 09:36
19F:→ energyy1104 : 幸好我217块全卖了 舒服 04/05 09:38
20F:→ NEWinx : 经济大好为什麽要降息?都华尔街找名目在玩而已 04/05 09:40
21F:嘘 LMgogo : 你特不会底部吧 昨天没跳水还上攻 04/05 09:40
22F:嘘 kevinmeng2 : AMD烂跟降息无关,是他们舔共,美国不补助罢了 04/05 09:43
23F:→ kevinmeng2 : 每个抗中保台的都支持这种股…哈哈哈 04/05 09:43
24F:推 alanlight : 教主995~呜呜呜 04/05 09:45
25F:推 redbeanbread: 卒预定 04/05 09:48
26F:推 BryceJames : amd no 04/05 10:17
27F:推 b777787 : 卒业预定 04/05 10:23
28F:推 metallolly : 救命啊 04/05 10:24
29F:嘘 genius721105: 美债涨耶,所以明明是地缘政治因素 04/05 10:27
30F:→ genius721105: 资产流入避险,比特币也涨 04/05 10:28
31F:推 coffee112 : 04/05 10:32
32F:→ coffee112 : 04/05 10:32
33F:→ coffee112 : 是跌这个吗? 04/05 10:32
34F:推 hololive45P : 教主救命== 04/05 10:45
35F:→ cyshowen : 桥头勇士 奥特曼勇士 太保勇士 下一个? 04/05 10:51
36F:推 miyazakisun2: AMD卒业予定 AMD卒业予定 AMD卒业予定 04/05 10:59
37F:推 cowranch : MD和特斯拉谁先跌破160啦 04/05 11:16
38F:推 simba1222 : 特斯拉这次在跌倒100那边。一定把资金都丢进去... 04/05 11:20
39F:嘘 pttjohny : 上次推文有人说这咖就是以前的Appleaday, 从不到100 04/05 12:30
40F:→ pttjohny : 反指标到200多, 跌个几十又出来吠了。 04/05 12:30
41F:→ Kobe5210 : 有意思,果然是政策消息面 04/05 12:46
42F:推 toddyeh : 救命 同时持有AMD和TSLA 04/05 12:55
43F:→ abdiascat : 这理由用过N次了 花街随便找理由而已 04/05 13:17
44F:推 ProTrader : 教主现在负能量开始积聚应该又有硬起来战的感觉惹 04/05 13:34
45F:推 waitrop : 教主救命呀! 救救AMD 04/05 13:54
46F:推 ProTrader : 教主才需要救AMD 楼上是TQQQ王 包牌没再怕 04/05 13:57
47F:推 huabandd : 为什麽降息会跌? 04/05 14:07
48F:推 domon0525 : 99 AMD 04/05 14:13
49F:推 kevin0508 : 教主救救我 04/05 15:11
50F:推 ya113010 : 幸好昨天忍住没买。今天再看看 04/05 15:54
51F:→ suijojo : 淡化降息,应该杀最凶的是美债吧。 04/05 16:03
52F:推 cphe : 先前卖一半转NV了,不过长线应该还是能投资 04/05 19:02
53F:推 tsukimiyu : 卒业预定,A是AMD的A 04/05 20:17
54F:推 mnmnooo : AMD YES!最近组电脑都搭配AMD CPU呢 04/05 22:08
55F:→ tsukimiyu : 卖了一张165的put,最後还是没接到 04/06 09:34

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