作者steveisaman (who is the man)
标题[情报] 0828 上市柜外资投信买超金额排行
时间Mon Aug 28 19:29:19 2023
排行 股票名称 百万 收盘价 涨跌
1 2454联发科 1671 701 +7
2 3231纬创 1378 109.5 -1.5
3 2357华硕 482 405 -8
4 2383台光电 452 404 -16
5 3443创意 442 1430 0
6 6669纬颖 405 1600 -10
7 2329华泰 379 43.35 -1.5
8 2327国巨 343 478 +8
9 3711日月投 341 119 +2.5
10 4979华星光 320 150 -7
排行 股票名称 百万 收盘价 涨跌
1 2376技嘉 1326 345 +2.5
2 5274信骅 227 2590 +205
3 3653健策 203 627 +1
4 3034联咏 194 393.5 +1
5 2330台积电 193 549 +3
6 3715定颖投控 124 47.95 +0.05
7 2634汉翔 119 61 +0.7
8 2303联电 114 44.8 +1.3
9 6274台燿 101 120.5 -0.5
10 3044健鼎 99.3 194.5 +1
以上 谢谢
"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"
LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Stock/M.1693222161.A.CCA.html
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