Stock 板

内文: 我的最新调查显示,在未来数个季度内,稳懋的营运动能将持续改善,不受主要客户Lumt entum订单趋势转弱影响,关键在於磊晶圆 (epi wafer) 与手机功率放大器 (PA) 订单持 续成长。 1. 稳懋的epi wafer已通过Apple验证,预计将自2H23开始首度出货给Apple并用於iPhone 15系列。稳懋的epi wafer市占率预期在未来数年将持续成长,有利垂直整合与获利提升 。 2. 中芯国际最快或将在2H23开始出货5G晶片,稳懋为独家PA代工厂商。 3. 中国品牌采用本土PA供应商比例持续提升,有利稳懋的PA生产市占率持续提升。 4. 综合上述,稳懋的整体产能利用率将自1Q23底部的15-20%,在2Q23与3Q23分别提升到3 0-35%与35-40%,并预期4Q23将持续增长。 My latest survey indicates that Win Semi's business momentum will continue to improve in the coming quarters, unaffected by the weakening trend of orders fr om major client Lumentum. It is due to the growing orders for epi wafers and s martphone power amplifiers (PA). 1. Win Semi's epi wafer has been qualified by Apple and is anticipated to ship to Apple for the first time in 2H23 for use in the iPhone 15 series. The mark et share of Win Semi's epi wafer is expected to keep growing over the next few years, promoting vertical integration and profit enhancement. 2. SMIC will likely start shipping 5G chips as early as 2H23, with Win Semi as the exclusive PA foundry. 3. The proportion of Chinese brands adopting local PA suppliers continues to g row, contributing to the ongoing increase in the market share of PA production for Win Semi. 4. Based on the above factors, Win Semi's overall capacity utilization rate wi ll increase from 15-20% at the bottom of 1Q23 to 30-35% and 35-40% in 2Q23 and 3Q23, respectively, with further growth expected in 4Q23. 心得: 苹果小王子开示,究竟是重返荣耀还是继续稳… --
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1F:推 cuteSquirrel: 郭老师回来喇 04/07 11:10
2F:推 ya113010 : 他先po对帐单出来证明他现在有加码 04/07 11:30
3F:→ stonecold123: 第2点前後句怪怪的,SMIC是foundry,出5G的晶片,跟 04/07 11:32
4F:→ stonecold123: Win semi是PA独家生产有甚麽关系? 04/07 11:32
5F:→ stonecold123: Win semi是世界第一大GaAs的Foundry 04/07 11:35
6F:推 xfile : 老板去养猪 skip 04/07 11:36
7F:推 evo107 : 结果还在黑,上面卖压超重 04/07 11:38
8F:→ a0921387223 : 稳套利多连发是吧 04/07 11:39
9F:→ asiguo : 中国本土PA的单都是宏杰跟三安在抢吧 利润差得很 04/07 12:12
10F:嘘 s155260 : 这是前几年说发哥只值400结果嘎到破千那位吗 04/07 12:12
11F:→ asiguo : 毛利率拉不起来呵呵 还要被三安抢单 04/07 12:13
12F:推 seeback : 稳套吗? 04/07 12:32
13F:推 cleanx : 根据我的研究:不准! 04/07 12:43
14F:→ ajkofqq : 懂 04/07 13:02
15F:推 kevin31a2 : 真假消息分析师 04/07 13:14
16F:→ chrischiu : 5G晶片中国应该只有华为能做吧? 04/07 13:37
17F:推 Kobe5210 : 好特别的情报分享文 04/07 14:04
18F:→ Kobe5210 : 推 04/07 14:04
19F:推 cetus : 稳套 04/07 14:11
20F:推 fortesv : 我看你是不懂喔! 04/08 00:15

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