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原文标题: Nike shares fall as overstocked inventory weighs on earnings 由於库存积压影响收益,NIKE股价下跌 ※请勿删减原文标题 原文连结: ※网址超过一行过长请用缩网址工具 发布时间: Sep 29 2022 ※请以原文网页/报纸之发布时间为准 记者署名: Lillian Rizzo ※原文无记载者得留空 原文内容: Key Points Nike first fiscal quarter revenue was up 4% to $12.69 billion, beating estimates. Nike net income was down 22% to $1.5 billion. The sneaker giant said inventory on its balance sheet was up 44% to $9.7 billion, driven by continued supply chain issues. NIKE第一财季收入增长 4% 至 126.9 亿美元,优於预期。 耐克净收入下降 22% 至 15 亿美元。 这家运动鞋巨头表示,由於持续的供应链问题, 其资产负债表上的库存增加了 44% 至 97 亿美元。 Nike on Thursday said it had a strong first fiscal quarter despite supply chain issues, as well as declining sales in Greater China, its third biggest market by revenue. 尽管存在供应链问题, 以及按收入计算的第三大市场大中华区的销售额下降,但该公司第一财季表现强劲。 But the company’s shares dropped in after-hours trading as the company described problems with overstocked inventory and the aggressive steps it’s taking to lower them. NIKE股票在盘後交易中下跌, 因为该公司描述了库存积压的问题以及它正在采取的积极措施来降低库存。 Nike and other retailers have been facing supply chain headwinds and Covid-related store closure disruptions. Like other retailers, Nike has been facing supply chain headwinds, such as a rise in both shipping costs and shipping times in recent quarters. Here’s how Nike did in its first fiscal quarter compared with what Wall Street was anticipating, based on a survey of analysts by Refinitiv: Earnings per share: 93 cents vs. 92 cents expected Revenue: $12.69 billion vs. $12.27 billion expected 每股收益:93 美分,预期为 92 美分 收入:126.9 亿美元,预期为 122.7 亿美元 As delivery times and consumer demand rose this year, retailers responded by ordering inventory earlier than usual. When in-transit shipping time began to improve quickly, Nike CFO Matthew Friend said, it led to swelling inventories. 当在途运输时间开始迅速改善时,导致库存膨胀。 The Nike executive noted that this, mixed with consumers facing greater economic uncertainty, promotional activity has accelerated across the marketplace, especially for apparel brands. 消费者面临更大的经济不确定性,整个市场的促销活动加速,尤其是服装品牌。 “As a result, we face a new degree of complexity,” Friend said on the call with investors on Thursday, adding that Nike will look to clear inventory for specific pockets of “seasonally late products,” especially apparel. 耐克将清理“季节性延迟产品”的库存,尤其是服装。 Nike executives said its inventory in North America alone grew 65% compared to last year, reflecting a combination of late deliveries for the past two seasons and early holiday orders that are now scheduled to arrive earlier than planned. That has resulted in having a few seasons’ worth of merchandise available at the same time. Because of that, Friend said, “we’ve decided to take that inventory and more aggressively liquidate it so that we can put the newest and best inventory in front of the consumer in the right locations.” Nike reported net income for the three-month period ended Aug. 31 fell 22% to $1.5 billion, or 93 cents per share, compared with $1.87 billion, or $1.18 per share, a year earlier. Revenue during the period was up 4% to $12.7 billion, compared with $12.2 billion a year earlier. Recently, Nike has been shifting its strategy and looking to sell its sneakers and other merchandise directly to customers and scale back on what is sold by wholesale partners like Foot Locker. The company said on Thursday its direct sales grew by 8% to $5.1 billion, and sales for its digital-brand rose 16%. On the flip side, sales for Nike’s wholesale business sales increased by 1%. In its first fiscal quarter, Nike said its inventory rose 44% to $9.7 billion on its balance sheet from the same period last year, which the company said was driven by supply chain issues and partially offset by strong consumer demand. Total sales in Greater China were down 16% to about $1.7 billion, compared with nearly $2 billion a year earlier. The company has faced disruption in its business in the region, where Covid lockdowns have affected its business. Nike had said in the previous quarter it expected issues in Greater China to weigh on its business. Meanwhile, total sales in North America, Nike’s largest market, increased 13% to $5.5 billion in the first fiscal quarter, compared with roughly $4.9 billion in the same period last year. The sneaker giant has continuously said consumer demand, especially in the U.S. market, hasn’t waned despite inflation. 这家运动鞋巨头一直表示,尽管通货膨胀, 消费者需求,尤其是美国市场的需求并未减弱。 The company said Thursday it expects revenue in the second fiscal quarter to grow low double digits based on strong consumer demand, despite supply chain and foreign exchange currency headwinds. 心得/评论: ※必需填写满30字,无意义者板规处分 (跳着机翻一下) 尽管营收盈余略优於市场预期 nike盘後怒跌9% 主因库存爆增 以及nike宣示将用更多的折扣来清理库存 这将导致利润率下滑 儒鸿等纺织类股今天压力山大? --
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1F:推 ck326 : 市场需求未减弱但是库存暴涨,到底在说什麽 09/30 08:23
抵销一部分 但前期递延的货品大量涌进 供>>>求 ※ 编辑: bamama56 ( 台湾), 09/30/2022 08:24:27
2F:推 Severine : 这样看来LULU也会.. 09/30 08:23
3F:推 joysanchis : 供应链问题 库存暴涨听起来也乖乖的 它不是品牌厂吗 09/30 08:24
4F:→ joysanchis : ? 09/30 08:24
因为去年越南大停工 所以一堆货卡住 全部在今年才运过来 官方说法是这样啦 ※ 编辑: bamama56 ( 台湾), 09/30/2022 08:25:57
5F:推 peter25871 : 宝成有危机了吗? 09/30 08:25
6F:推 capssan : 笑死 平稳的时候靠库存管理嚣张的 战乱就被库存搞 09/30 08:27
7F:→ capssan : 死 09/30 08:27
8F:推 DecemberLV : 昨天去一中看Nike 门可罗雀 09/30 08:28
9F:推 pttstock : nike是球鞋的apple太贵了 都买迪卡农 09/30 08:28
10F:→ cityport : 跟之前UA一样的问题..不过Nike的量更大..这下惨了 09/30 08:30
11F:→ bamama56 : 那LuLu是服饰界苹果ㄇ 09/30 08:31
12F:推 joysanchis : 嗯..那这样对Nike的确颇伤 到货时都变过季品XD 09/30 08:38
没错 他有提到都是一堆过季品 尤其是服饰 所以必须搞更多促销跟折扣来清库存 ※ 编辑: bamama56 ( 台湾), 09/30/2022 08:40:41
13F:推 joysanchis : 这样不知道会不会影响到当季鞋子的采购量 如果会的 09/30 08:47
14F:→ joysanchis : 话 那宝成感觉也是gg 09/30 08:47
15F:→ LoveDonGin : nike可以进outlet 前提敢便宜就有人会买单 09/30 08:55
16F:→ HCYPMGO : 问题是消费紧缩 不好卖阿~ 09/30 09:07
17F:→ bamama56 : 儒鸿丰泰炸裂 09/30 09:10
18F:→ bamama56 : 不过今天每只都马炸裂 09/30 09:11
19F:推 ilw4e : 经济学阿,通膨消费者先砍不必要支出 09/30 10:29
20F:推 misson : 看官方商城,哪来的降价,有些因为运费还倒涨 09/30 11:24
21F:推 rstpiopxo : 美亚之前有特卖倒货喔 09/30 13:01
22F:→ shawncarter : 净利暴跌22%就表示拼命杀价清库存 09/30 15:02

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