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1. 标题:FDX财报 2. 来源:reuters (公司名、网站名) 3. 网址: 4. 内文: U.S. delivery firm FedEx Corp (FDX.N) posted a 7% drop in quarterly profit and cut its full-year forecast on Tuesday, after labor shortages crimped earnings, slowed packages and drove up costs ahead of the all-important holiday peak season. Shares in the Memphis, Tennessee-based company fell 4.6% to $240.50 in extended trading after FedEx said staffing problems resulted in a $450 million year-over-year increase in costs due to higher wage rates and overtime, increased spending on third-party transportation services and shipping hiccups. "The impact of constrained labor markets remains the biggest issue facing our business" and was a key driver for the first-quarter underperformance, FedEx Chief Operating Officer Raj Subramaniam said on a conference call with analysts. Most of the excess labor expense hit the company's Ground network - which is now rerouting 600,000 packages a day, or 6.4% of the segment's average daily volume during the quarter - to work around woes stemming from the labor shortfall, executives said. As an example, Subramaniam said its hub in Portland, Oregon, is just 65% staffed. That requires FedEx to pay more and send packages to other hubs - adding time, package miles and spending on outside help. "We anticipate the cost pressures from network inefficiencies, such as the one I just illustrated, to persist through peak," Subramaniam said. "Overcoming staffing and retention challenges is our utmost priority." FedEx said adjusted net income fell to $1.19 billion, or $4.37 per share, for the fiscal first quarter ended Aug. 31, from $1.28 billion, or $4.87 per share, a year earlier. Revenue increased 14% to $22.0 billion. On the heels of the report, FedEx lowered its full-year forecast for earnings, excluding items, to $19.75 to $21.00 per share. FedEx previously forecast 2022 earnings per share, excluding items, of $20.50 to $21.50. FedEx and competitor United Parcel Service Inc (UPS.N) are sprinting to hire holiday help as the resurgence of Delta variant-driven COVID-19 infections threatens to increase e-commerce delivery demand during the holiday season, when package volume can easily double. FedEx aims to bring on 90,000 holiday workers. It hired 70,000 last year and 55,000 in 2019. Up-and-coming rival Inc (AMZN.O) is touting average pay of $18 per hour as it races to expand its own delivery network. Amazon's nonunion delivery contractors compete with FedEx and its Ground delivery partners for workers. UPS workers are unionized and among the highest paid in the industry. Shares in UPS shed 2.6% after the FedEx report. At the market close on Tuesday, shares in FedEx were down 10% over the past six months, while UPS shares gained 19%. ---- 机器翻译 美国快递公司联邦快递公司(FDX.N)周二公布季度利润下降7%,并下调了全年预期,此 前工作力短缺压慢了收入,减缓了套餐,并推高了成本。 总部位於田纳西州孟菲斯市的该公司股价在延长交易中下跌4.6%,至240.50美元。 联邦快递首席运营官拉杰?苏布拉马尼亚姆(Raj Subramaniam)在与分析师的电话会议 上表示:"受约束的工作力市场的影响仍然是我们业务面临的最大问题",也是第一季度业 绩不佳的主要驱动因素。 高管们表示,大部分超额工作力支出都打到了该公司的地面网路上,该公司目前正在调整 每天60万套的包裹,占该季度该市场区隔日均数量的6.4%。 例如,苏布拉马尼亚姆说,其位於俄勒冈州波特兰的枢纽只有65%的员工。这就要求联邦 快递支付更多费用,并将包裹发送到其他中心-增加时间,套餐里程和花费外部説明。 Subramaniam 说:「我们预计,网路效率低下带来的成本压力(如我刚才说明的)将持续 到高峰期。"克服人员配备和留用挑战是我们的首要任务。 联邦快递表示,截至8月31日的第一季度,经调整的净利润从去年的12.8亿美元(合每股 4.87美元)降至11.9亿美元(合每股4.37美元)。 收入增长14%,达到220亿美元。 报告发布后,联邦快递将全年收益(不包括专案)预期下调至每股19.75美元至21.00美元 。联邦快递此前预测,2022年每股收益(不包括专案)为20.50美元至21.50美元。 联邦快递和竞争对手联合包裹服务公司(UPS) 。N)正在冲刺雇用假日帮助,因为达美 变种驱动的 COVID-19 感染的死灰复燃可能会增加节日期间的电子商务交付需求,届时包 裹数量很容易翻倍。 联邦快递计划引进90,000名假日工人。该公司去年雇佣了70,000人,2019年雇佣了55, 000人。 新兴竞争对手 公司(AMZN)O)正在兜售每小时 18 美元的平均工资, 因为 它争先恐後地扩大自己的送货网路。亚马逊的非工会交付承包商与联邦快递及其地面交付 合作夥伴争夺工人。 UPS 员工是工会会员,也是业内薪酬最高的员工之一。联邦快递报告发布后,UPS股价下 跌2.6%。 在周二收盘时,联邦快递的股价在过去六个月中下跌了10%,而UPS的股价则上涨了19%。 --- FedEx是我很久以前就在关注的 原本我对他的预期是随着海运业也有所增长 结果事实是... 物流增加、人力增加、增长的运输成本、资源管理不善 货运业鬼故事? --
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1F:→ DamnDre : adobe也不知道在躺啥 09/22 23:16
2F:推 nfsong : Cramer 建议买进adobe 09/22 23:23
3F:推 a0921830077 : 可是不是刚宣布涨价吗 看来是觉得净利太烂了 09/22 23:31
4F:→ jones2011 : 欧美因为薪资补贴,所以有些人选择躺平啊... 09/22 23:38
5F:推 losage : 减缓了套餐,笑了,想说这是啥小。 09/22 23:39
6F:→ Severine : 机器翻译 09/22 23:39
7F:→ jones2011 : 躺平的那些人就是廉价劳动人口啊... 09/22 23:39
8F:→ Severine : 看了一下这机器翻译的品质好像还真的不怎麽好 09/22 23:40
9F:→ Severine : 请大家加减看吧 不然就看原文 09/22 23:40
10F:→ jones2011 : 好好玩,然後政府发补助金比他以前上班薪资还高 09/22 23:41
11F:→ Severine : 那是以前 现在好像鼓励你工作久一点 像亚马逊就鼓励 09/22 23:45
12F:→ Severine : 员工,如果读大学的人就补助学费,但需继续兼职 09/22 23:46
13F:推 mainsa : 欸 不是 这机翻品质应该算是超乎想像的好吧 09/22 23:51
14F:→ Severine : 看了一下 这价格基本上回到去年9月的水准了 09/22 23:57
15F:推 doranako : 上周买就觉得走势不行抛出,还好觉得怪怪先闪 09/23 00:15
16F:→ Severine : 上周的问题在於大盘都向下 所以其实很难判断个股 09/23 00:19
17F:推 donkilu : 这真的靠北了 我的UPS也被杀烂= = 09/23 01:37
18F:推 lianli1024 : 问题就是聘不到员工 09/23 02:25
19F:嘘 HenryLin123 : 达美变种笑死 09/23 03:43

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