Stock 板

LINE An options trader bets $7.5 million on breaking into AMD 原文内容: AMD shares are pulling back Thursday after hitting yet another all-time high, and one options trader is betting that the chipmaker’s stock will fall by nearly 25%. “The stock closed 38% above the 200-day moving average today. We tend to see these mean reversion trades pop up whenever the stock exceeds about 30% to 35% above its long-term moving average, and the stock traded very actively today,” OptionsPlay chief strategist Tony Zhang said Wednesday on CNBC’s “ Fast Money.” More than 2.6 million AMD options contracts changed hands in Wednesday’s session, which is about seven times the average daily options trading volume for the chipmaker. One major trade stuck out among the rest. “Ten-thousand contracts of the October 115/90-put spread traded for about $7.50, so this particular trader laid out $7.5 million to bet that AMD will return back toward the 200-day moving average, which is just a bit below the $90 short strike that they sold on this put vertical,” said Zhang. This trade would see it’s maximum return if AMD were to drop to $90 per share, which would represent a 24% decline from where it closed Wednesday’s session. AMD was trading about 6% lower on Thursday. 心得/评论: ※必需填写满20字 有没高手能讲下期权交易的部份?? 简单翻译下 有错请指正 有期权交易员看空amd的股价,花了750万美元赌amd回到200日均线下的价格 大约在85-90美元左右 这是看好我大intel牙膏一次喷发还是看衰合并案??? 个人是猜後者可能性较大 虽然今天的5600g/5700g价格一点都不香QQ 召唤教主~~~~~ --

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1F:嘘 a000000000 : 空peko=粪 08/06 03:22
2F:推 user048288ef: 美股空头老输 08/06 03:23
3F:推 kissa0924307: 合并案破局是利多欸 08/06 03:23
4F:→ SaintsRow : 教主表示 送钱的买方 08/06 03:36
5F:推 waitrop : 合并案破局是利多是市场共识 08/06 03:39
6F:→ waitrop : 应该是很多人买单intel前几天的roadmap 08/06 03:41
7F:嘘 a000000000 : 老黄之前也是览趴捏惹大半年 五月之後涨惹两葛月 08/06 03:41
8F:→ a000000000 : +差不多50% 苏妈这波大概也 恩 08/06 03:41
9F:→ a000000000 : 现在大概+20% 尼还有30%可以桃 08/06 03:42
10F:→ NCKUFatPork : AMD一年没涨喽。涨个20%就各种被空qq 08/06 03:53
11F:→ NCKUFatPork : 感觉单纯就看AMD欠空而已,不过这7天每天交易量都破 08/06 03:54
12F:→ NCKUFatPork : 100m. 感觉还有得喷,如果嘎到空方受不了就。喷了 08/06 03:54
13F:推 gibbs1286 : 盘那麽久,涨一下就跑来空,欠嘎 08/06 04:29
14F:推 thbygn98 : 美国老苏 08/06 04:46
15F:推 TCPai : 看起来他是跑去当买方,选择权当买方还好啦 08/06 05:16
16F:推 linda17a3 : 美国+~ 08/06 05:17
17F:→ linda17a3 : 教主开示and还有30%的肉呜呜呜呜好羡慕呜呜 08/06 05:18
18F:嘘 lpmybig : 又在找理由 前几天大涨 怎麽不找 08/06 05:45
19F:推 AUwalker : 我看过巴黎交易员 自杀别怨 08/06 06:32
20F:推 taruru : 燃料多才能继续往上阿,今天拉回5%,明天再来看 08/06 06:54
21F:推 darlost : put spread 赚利息 风险可控 现在卖方价格比较漂亮 08/06 07:19
22F:→ darlost : 有错请纠正:D 08/06 07:19
23F:推 darlost : 如果是买方还蛮贵的 107.5才能平衡吧 08/06 07:39
24F:→ mecca : 全部吃糕 08/06 07:43
25F:推 sonofman : 最近涨跌幅大。贵是正常的 08/06 07:45
26F:推 Severine : 这有什麽好讲得 赌涨多回跌啊 08/06 08:13
27F:推 mrloscar : 好几季财报好都烙赛踢到铁板了吧 08/06 08:14
28F:推 siki588 : and很强耶 我电脑都换信仰了 08/06 08:20
29F:推 stevelovkaka: 美国空头总书令 08/06 08:29
30F:推 deii : 叫主995 08/06 08:39
31F:推 jorden : 没空军没燃料 怎麽上涨 08/06 08:43
32F:推 donkilu : 我们需要更多的空军燃料 08/06 08:45
33F:推 xsoho : 只信nvidia而已,AMD跟intel都一样注定衰退 08/06 08:56
34F:嘘 a000000000 : 任岛下修switch销量预估 老黄览趴捏紧点 08/06 10:01
35F:→ threebar : 老任感觉牙膏化了 08/06 11:38
36F:→ longkiss0618: 感谢教主信心加持 AMD一股不卖 08/06 12:49
37F:推 minazukimaya: 8/4当天有大量的AMD/XLNX套利交易被逼到停损 08/06 13:33
38F:→ minazukimaya: 我觉得大家应该注意一下8/4 5两天的价差走势 08/06 13:33
39F:→ minazukimaya: 很多市场面的东西不是表面上看起来的那样 08/06 13:34
40F:推 zephyr105 : 超屌的 08/06 14:11

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