Stock 板

LINE A Listmania! list by M. Nowacki "bocamick" (mentor, ohio) amazon上面读者列出的最佳投资书清单 1. Security Analysis: The Classic 1934 Edition by Benjamin Graham The list author says:"I recommend reading all editions" 证券分析 1934年版 -- 葛拉罕 注:建议每一版都看。 2. The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Counsel by Benjamin Graham 智慧型股票投资人 -- 葛拉罕 The list author says:"Buffett called this the best investment book ever" 注:巴菲特称此书为有史以来最佳投资书。 3. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings (Wiley Investment Classics) by Philip A. Fisher The list author says:"Just as insightful as Ben Graham" 非常潜力股- 费雪 注:跟葛拉罕一样深具洞见。 4. One Up On Wall Street : How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market by Peter Lynch 彼得林区选股战略 5. The Warren Buffett Way: Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor by Robert G. Hagstrom (巴菲特)胜券在握--海格斯壮 6. Beating the Street by Peter Lynch 彼得林区征服股海 7. The Essays of Warren Buffett : Lessons for Corporate America by Warren Buffett The list author says: "In Buffett's own words; priceless" 巴菲特写给股东的信 注:巴菲特自已写的,无价。 8. The Future for Investors: Why the Tried and the True Triumph Over the Bold and the New by Jeremy J. Siegel 投资者的未来 杰里米.西格尔(这本没繁中版,但有简中版) 9. Stocks for the Long Run : The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns and Long-Term Investment Strategies by Jeremy J. Siegel 散户投资正典 杰里米.西格尔 10. You Can Be a Stock Market Genius: Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits by Joel Greenblatt (好像没中文版) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: flied 来自: (02/01 06:57)
1F:推 kalaokla:请教高手一下 彼得林区选股战略,征服股海这两本内容主要 02/01 07:40
2F:→ kalaokla:差在哪啊? 02/01 07:40
3F:→ kalaokla:感谢原po分享 02/01 07:40
4F:推 stunnerbhd:选股战略比征服股海好看~~~而且也有趣多了! 02/01 07:46
5F:推 kalaokla:葛拉汉中文版的书好像不多了 有人推荐哪一本吗? 02/01 08:08
6F:推 kalaokla:"价值投资之父:葛拉汉论投资" 请问这本如何啊? 02/01 08:14
7F:→ kalaokla:"智慧型股票投资人" 博客来现在买不到 02/01 08:15
8F:推 kalaokla:还是其实只要看巴菲特书籍即可取代葛拉汉? 02/01 08:45
9F:推 wall:我觉得先看完葛拉汉再看巴菲特 读起来比较有架构 02/01 09:46
10F:推 promised987:2 最适合普罗大众阅读 02/01 10:22
11F:推 ckai1983:没科斯托兰尼-.- 02/01 10:53
12F:推 yellowpeach:5 有中译本 就是巴菲特胜劵在握 02/01 11:18
感谢yellowpeach ※ 编辑: flied 来自: (02/01 11:41)
13F:推 globekiller:科老的书感觉比较偏向自传 02/01 12:47
14F:→ nike00000000:证券分析 繁体版 是不是已经绝版了 ? 02/01 13:07
15F:推 kkkppp:好书帮推,但是阅读的广度不只如此,多看多了解,才能选择 02/01 14:36
16F:→ kkkppp:配合自己优势的方法。只看这排行榜的书,本身无疑就是随波 02/01 14:38
17F:→ kkkppp:逐流的狂热与迷信… 02/01 14:39
18F:推 davidbright:还有许多,但这些能读起来用已非一般散户 02/01 16:46
19F:→ sonyblue:证券分析 繁体版的确是绝版了 我MAIL过去他们说 版权到期 02/01 23:28
20F:推 davidbright:原来绝版了,我手上有,高雄的乡亲可以来信商借:) 02/02 16:24
21F:推 william2001:没绝版前放在书店5年了,我也很少去翻它。还是先攻巴 02/02 18:26
22F:→ william2001:菲特的再说吧。 02/02 18:26

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