Statistics 板


我利用google搜寻板上文章 还有自身修读的经验(很多是成大统计老师用书或建议书目) 先预编了一下,还请板友帮忙补充 另外,如果很多本,不想推文的话,欢迎寄私信 目前徵求类别如下: 1. 统计学 a. Statistics for Business and Economics / McClave / Pearson b. 统计学 / 陈顺宇、郑碧娥 / 华泰文化 ( ) c. Introduction to the practice of statistics / David S. Moore, George P. Mccabe / W.H. Freeman and Company, Inc 2. 数理统计学(高等统计学)(大学难度) a. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics / Robert V. Hogg , Allen Craig, Joseph W. McKean / Pearson b. Mathematical Statistics with Applications / Dennis Wackerly, William Mendenhall, Richard L. Scheaffer / Thomson Brooks c. Statistical Inference / George Casella, Roger L. Berger / Duxbury Press d. 数理统计 / 黄文璋 / 华泰 e. Introduction to the Theory of Statistics / Alexander M. Mood, Franklin A. Graybill, Duane C. Boes / McGraw Hill 3. 数理统计学、统计推论(硕班以上难度) a. Mathematical Statistics / Peter J. Bickel, Kjell A. Doksum / Pearson b. Elements of Large-Sample Theory / E.L. Lehmann / Springer c. Mathematical Statistics / Jun Shao / Springer (推荐考研究所读) d. Testing Statistical Hypotheses / Erich L. Lehmann, Joseph P. Romano / Springer e. Theory of Point Estimation / Erich L. Lehmann, George Casella / Springer 4. 机率论(硕班以下难度) a. A First Course in Probability / Sheldon M. Ross / Academic Press b. Introduction to Probability / Douglas G. Kelly / Pearson c. Basic Probability Theory / Robert B. Ash / Academic Press (已免费公开, ) d. Counterexamples in Probability / Jordan M. Stoyano / Dover Publications (提供不少有趣的反例,可以当作课外读物!?) 5. 高等机率论(博士班以上难度) a. A Course in Probability Theory / Kai Lai Chung / Academic Press b. Probability And Measure / Patrick Billingsley / Wiley c. Measure Theory Probability Theory / Krishna B. Athreya, Soumendra N. Lahiri / springer 6. (广义)线性模型 (目前先合并,之後再视情况拆开) a. Linear Models / S. R. Searle / Wiley (硕班难度) b. Generalized Linear Models / McCullagh and Nelder / Chapman & Hall (硕班难度) c. Introduction to econometrics / James H. Stock/Mark W. Watston / wiley (偏重使用跟分析) d. A primer on linear models / John F. Monahan / Chapman and Hall (硕班难度) e. Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications / C. Radhakrishna Rao / Wiley (硕班难度) f. Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data / Geert Verbeke and Geert Molenberghs / Springer g. A First Course in Linear Model Theory / Nalini Ravishanker, Dipak K. Dey / Chapman and Hall 7. 无母数统计 a. All of Nonparametric Statistics / Larry Wasserman / Springer b. Nonparametric Statistical Methods / Myles Hollander, Douglas A. Wolfe, Eric Chicken / Wiley c. 实用无母数统计方法 / 颜月珠 / 三民 8. 实验设计 a. Design and Analysis of Experiments / Douglas C. Montgomery / Wiley b. Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data / Scott E. Maxwell, Harold D. Delaney / Routledge c. Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization / C. F. Jeff Wu, Michael S. Hamada / Wiley 9. 多变量分析 a. Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis / Richard A. Johnson, Dean W. Wichern / Pearson (这本可能比较适合硕班) b. 多变量分析方法:统计软体应用 / 陈正昌、程炳林、陈新丰、刘子键 / 五南 10. 随机过程 a. Introduction to Probability Models / Sheldon M. Ross / Academic Press b. Stochastic Processes / Sheldon M. Ross / Academic Press c. A First Course in Stochastic Processes / Samuel Karlin, Howard M. Taylor / Academic Press 11. 存活分析/可靠度分析 a. Statistical Methods for Reliability Data / Meeker, Escobar / Wiley b. Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data / John P. Klein, Melvin L. Moeschberger / Springer c. Survival Analysis / Rupert G. Miller Jr. / Wiley d. The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data / John D. Kalbfleisch, Ross L. Prentice / Wiley e. Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data / Jerald F. Lawless / Wiley 12. functional data a. Functional Data Analysis / James Ramsay, B. W. Silverman / springer 13. 抽样调查 a. Elementary Survey Sampling / Richard L. Scheaffer, William Mendenhall III, R. Lyman Ott, Kenneth G. Gerow / Cengage Learning b. Sampling / Steven K. Thompson / Wiley 14. 时间序列分析 a. Analysis of Financial Time Series / Ruey S. Tsay / Wiley b. Time Series Analysis and Its Applications: With R Examples / Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer / springer c. Time Series: Theory and Methods / Peter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis / springer 15. 类别资料分析 a. An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis / Alan Agresti / Wiley b. Categorical Data Analysis / Alan Agresti / Wiley (硕班难度) 16. 贝氏统计 a. Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis / James O. Berger / Springer 17. 经验贝氏统计 (empirical Bayes) a. Large-Scale Inference: Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation, Testing, and Prediction / Bradley Efron / Cambridge University Press b. Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis / Bradley P. Carlin, Thomas A. Louis / Chapman and Hall / CRC c. An Introduction to Empirical Bayes Data Analysis / George Casella / American Statistical Association (这是一篇导读的review,想要了解empirical Bayes可以从这个开始) 17. 临床试验 18. 其他 a. 统计模拟:Simulation / Sheldon M. Ross / Academic Press b. 资料采矿:The Elements of Statistical Learning / Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman / springer (已免费公开 ) (Robert Tibshirani就是那个提出lasso的教授) c. 电脑试验:The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments / Thomas J. Santner, Brian J. Williams, William I. Notz / springer 19. 线上课程 a. 交大统计学 b. 交大高等统计学 c. 交大回归分析 d. 交大多变量分析 e. 台大统计学 f. 清大统计学 其他开放式课程可以上台湾开放式课程联盟查询: 如果有需要帮忙纳入类别的,麻烦推文告知 推文范例:推 celstialgod: 1. statistics for business and economics 推 celstialgod: / McClave / pearson 可以的话,麻烦一并附上作者,方便板友找寻该书,出版社有更好 另外,也欢迎加注,像是 3-b, 3-d, 3-e 都是天书 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 recorriendo: 8. Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data 08/28 19:56
2F:→ recorriendo: / Maxwell & Delaney / Routledge 08/28 19:57
3F:→ recorriendo: 7. All of Nonparametric Statistics 08/28 19:57
4F:→ recorriendo: / Larry Wasserman / Springer 08/28 19:58
5F:推 CoperChen: Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data / 08/28 20:56
6F:→ CoperChen: Geert Verbeke and Geert Molenberghs / Springer 08/28 20:57
7F:→ yhliu: 1c 和其他3本是同一等级吗? 08/29 11:06
我调到2好了~~那本是当初置底的,想说可能比较靠近一般统计学 ※ 编辑: celestialgod (, 10/05/2015 01:07:06
8F:推 Glamsight: 14. New Introduction to Multiple Time Series 08/01 14:55
9F:→ Glamsight: Analysis / Helmut Ltkepohl / Springer 08/01 14:56
10F:推 Glamsight: 14. Time Series Analysis / James Douglas Hamilton / 08/01 14:58
11F:→ Glamsight: Princeton University Press 08/01 14:58
12F:推 empireisme: 推 03/16 21:17
13F:推 BJ0912: 线上课程的缩网址是不是失效了 09/03 21:03
14F:推 peter308: 推!! 10/17 18:53
更新缩网址 ※ 编辑: celestialgod (, 02/23/2018 19:00:09
15F:推 ChenXY: 6. 回归分析 / 黄文隆 / 沧海 05/20 23:54
16F:推 ChenXY: 14. Time Series Analysis: Univariate and Multivariate 05/20 23:58
17F:→ ChenXY: Methods / William W.S. Wei / Pearson 05/20 23:59

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