Sixers 板

LINE Ayers Names Assistant Coaches Philadelphia, Pa. - July 10, 2003 - Philadelphia 76ers Head Coach Randy Ayers announced today that he has hired Chris Ford as an assistant bench coach and Chris Jent as assistant coach/player development, and promoted Bob Bender to assistant bench coach and elevated Frank Zanin to assistant coach/advance scout. Ayers expects to complete his coaching staff with an additional hire at a later date. Per team policy, terms of the contracts are not disclosed. “Chris (Ford) is a great addition to our staff. He has a tremendous background as a player and coach. He knows how to prepare and win at this level, which is evident with his success earning three championship rings. He has coached some of the best that ever played,” Ayers said. “I have always respected Bob (Bender) going back to when he was a head coach at Illinois State and (the University of) Washington, and I am excited about having him return to our staff next season. Chris (Jent) was one of my favorite players to coach at Ohio State, and he has a tremendous work ethic. And Frank (Zanin) has worked tirelessly for us the past three years, and I look forward to his continued contributions.” Ford, 54, has served as a head coach with the Boston Celtics (1990-91 to 1994-95), Milwaukee Bucks (1996-97 to 1997-98) and L.A. Clippers (1998-99 to 1999-2000), and most recently, the last two seasons as the head coach at Brandeis University. In 1991 and 1992, he led his Celtics’ squads with Larry Bird, Robert Parish and Kevin McHale to first place finishes in the Atlantic Division. A second round selection by the Detroit Pistons in the 1972 NBA Draft, Ford played with the Pistons from the 1972-73 season until he was traded to Boston on Oct. 19, 1978. With the Celtics, Ford would get the first of three NBA Championship rings, the first as a player in 1981, and the other two as an assistant coach in 1984 and 1986. Ford averaged 9.2 points, 3.4 assists and 3.0 rebounds in his 10-year playing career. Ford has strong ties to the Delaware Valley, playing at Villanova University from 1968-72, and is a member of the Wildcats Hall of Fame. A native of Atlantic City, N.J., Ford attended Holy Spirit High School in Absecon, N.J. Jent, 33, joins the Sixers staff with 10 years of experience of as a professional basketball player, including three seasons in the NBA. In addition to his assisting coaching duties, Jent will assist in the development of players during the regular season and in the off-season. During his three-year NBA career, Jent, a member of the 1993-94 Houston Rockets NBA Championship team, spent two seasons with the Houston Rockets (1993-94 and 1994-95), spending the 1994-95 season on the injured list, and also played for the New York Knicks (1996-97). As a four-year player at Ohio State from 1988-92, Jent played in 123 games as a Buckeye, scoring 1,007 points, while shooting 38.2 percent (112-for-293) from three-point range. His 112 three-point field goals ranks seventh all-time in the Buckeyes record books. Ayers served as an assistant on the Buckeyes’ coaching staff during Jent’s freshman season and was elevated to head coach for Jent’s final three seasons in Columbus, Ohio, a three-year span that the Buckeyes made three consecutive NCAA Tournament appearances and captured back-to-back Big Ten Championships. He recently served as the head coach for the West Hill High School varsity boys’ basketball team in Stamford, Conn., for the 2002-03 season. Bender, 46, returns for his second season with the Sixers after serving as assistant coach/player development last year. Prior to joining the Sixers staff, Bender was a head coach at the collegiate level for 13 years, including a nine-year stint at the University of Washington where he guided the Huskies to a 116-142 record, finishing his tenure ranked fourth all-time with 116 career wins. The 1996 Pac-10 Coach of the Year became the first Washington head coach to lead the Huskies to four consecutive NCAA Tournament appearances from 1996 to 1999. Bender’s 1998 Husky squad, which featured Sixer Todd MacCulloch, posted a 20-10 (.667) record that marked the school's best winning percentage since the 1985 season. A 1980 Duke graduate, Bender served as an assistant coach at his alma mater under Mike Krzyewski from 1983-89, before beginning his four-year head coaching tenure at Illinois State (1990-93), where he helped the Redbirds earn two Missouri Valley Conference championships one conference tournament title and a trip to the 1990 NCAA Tournament. As the Sixers Video Coordinator the past three seasons, Zanin, 25, assisted the coaching staff by preparing scouting tapes for the upcoming opponents. His responsibilities included recording games for scouting purposes, providing scout tapes to the team and coaching staff, as well as putting together player personnel tapes. A graduate of West Chester University in 1999 with a degree in business management, Zanin played basketball for the Golden Rams from 1995-99, helping West Chester to a 74-37 record and an appearance in the 1999 Division II NCAA Tournament. His brother, T.J. Zanin, has been the video coordinator for the Memphis Grizzlies for past two seasons. -- 嗯, 简单来说就是请了 Chris Ford, Chris Jent 这两位加入我们的 助理教练团行列, 至於原本的 Bob Bender, Frank Zanin则是续聘. (应该是这样没错吧^^" 里头我只看的懂六七成@@||) -- ╭───╮╭───╮╭─╮╭╮╭───╮┌───╮ │ ╭╮ ││ ╭╮ ││ ││││ ╭╮ ││ ╭╮ │ │ ╰╯ ││ ╰╯ ╯│ ╰╯╮│ ││ ││ ││ │ │╭─╮││╭─╮┐│╭╮ ││ ╰╯ ││ ╰╯ │ ╰╯ ╰╯╰╯ ╰╯╰╯╰─╯╰───╯└───╯ --
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