Sakurazaka46 板


原文: 来源: Credit:@toomuchidea "Sakurazaka46's new aggressive stance shown in Nobody's Fault. Examining the bold, delicate, and dynamic figure in debut song" 《Nobody's Fault》展现出樱坂46的新积极姿态,从出道曲中可以看到大胆、细腻及动感 的形象。 The author wrote that Keyaki has been a group with offensive stance from the start, so they feel relieved that it continues 作者说欅坂从一开始就是带着强烈姿态的团体,看到这点延续下来後松了口气。 The first thing they like about the song is the BPM. When making a fresh start, a danceable, light-hearted, and bright song is often the "safe bet" to be chosen. But this song have an imposing BPM of 110 首先他们喜欢歌曲的跃动感,通常在一个全新的开始,会选择有律动感、轻快、明亮的「 保险牌」歌曲,但这首歌的气势是心跳110。 Then they describe the mood of the song 接着谈到歌曲的气氛 "A hard rock sound with a brass arrangement, with an confident feeling as if walking step-by-step. Aggressive guitar & handclap intro that taunts, a rhythmic fill-in & a dramatic raspy chorus modulation makes the overall sound powerful. Above all, the lyrics are strong" "<Saying something like “Let’s change this world” Don’t be so conceited> 伴随着铜乐的重摇滚,有着走路 步步踏实的自信,开场是嘲讽挑衅,具侵略性的吉 他与拍手声,副歌是充满节奏与强烈戏剧性的调和,使整体听起来很有力,此外歌词也相 当强烈,诉说着像是「让我们改变这世界」,别自负了。 They sing phrases like this, as if bringing down a crushing blow from a distant height, with a provocative tilt of head and a fearless smile on their face. Honestly, it makes me feel thrilled" 他们唱着如此的片语,如同从高处带来一个辗压性的打击,挑衅的将头歪向一边,脸上挂 着无惧的笑容,说实话这让我感到颤栗。 Instead of songs with strong theatrical elements (i.e having a lot of movements) like in Ambi / Hitsuji, the amount of movement is kept to an average or lower amount for a modern dance vocal work, and the increased time spent facing the audience creates a sense of intimidation 歌曲不像《Ambivilent》、《黑羊》有强烈戏剧元素(很多动作),动作的量在现代舞蹈声 乐作品中,是保持在一般或稍低的量,增加面向观众的时间,营造出威吓感。 Instead of large movements to show the group movement, there are small gestures near the face, such as waving "bye bye", giving the bold and delicate impression. "braveness" and "beauty" coexist 并非呈现团体的大幅度动作,而是有着在脸部周围的小动作,例如:挥手拜拜,留下了大 胆且细致的印象,勇敢与美丽并存。 they then quoted this part from yuuka's interview Thanks (Sugai Yuuka, B.L.T2020 October) 接着文章引用友香在B.L.T 2020 October 的杂志采访。 they don't know how much of the members' thoughts are reflected in the work, but it's a new direction while still following the trend. the author wrote that until now, it feels like they are sending a message to people who can understand each other "somewhere in this world" 他们不知道作品反映出多少成员的想法,但这仍是在延续原趋势下的新方向,作者写到, 直到现在,感觉他们仍然在传递讯息给在世界某处,可以相互理解的人。 but nobody's fault feels like throwing a fastball to the other person who is standing right there, like saying "i'm talking to you!" 但《Nobody's Fault》感觉像是将快速球投向站在那的人,传达着「我就是在对你说!」 Hikaru went beyond the author's expectation, though still within the prediction of many people. Her short figure is visually compelling and create a well balanced look. the liveliness of her figure as she jump and shout can be a shock, because she's a small girl 虽然仍在许多人的预期中,但森田光超乎作者的预期,她娇小的身形在视觉上很吸睛,创 造出平衡很好的样貌,因为她是个小女孩,跳跃与喊叫的活泼形象可以带来震撼。 The powerful and delicate choreography is expressed through her whole body 透过她的全身传达出有力且细腻的舞蹈。 on the selection, koike ozeki and ten that was dropped in 9th was put in this time. the author noted that this three have shown more success than the other members 选员部分,9单落选的小池美波、尾关梨香和山崎天这次有被选上,作者提到这3人展现出 比其他成员更多的成功。 koike seems to be playing an important role as the back center too, and seems to be making use of her experience from online live in july. she have matured over the past year, and it feels like she's pouring her charm into this work 小池身为後Center看起来扮演着重要的角色,利用7月份online live获得的经验,过去几 年她成长许多,感觉她正将自身魅力注入作品中。 the author ended it by saying that there is no need<to willfully be in despair> just because they are not selected this time. they hope that everyone can do what they got to do, work hard and encourage each other for the next one 作者结尾说到这次没被选上的人,不必有意的陷入惆怅,他希望每个人都能为下个机会, 做好本份、努力工作并互相鼓励。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第三手资讯,表达不周之处请见谅 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (美国)
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1F:推 Crepuscolo: 基本上可以看清楚脸的时间也增加了w 10/17 03:28
2F:推 balance2011: 咪酱舞姿迈入夺人目光之路了 10/17 10:58
3F:推 Guyinkt: 但说真的原本团体表演给我的感觉是像成员投入表演时的侧 10/17 11:40
4F:→ Guyinkt: 拍,成员为作品服务,新曲感觉回到「注意看我吧」的传统 10/17 11:40
5F:→ Guyinkt: 路线,作品为突出成员的服务 10/17 11:40
6F:推 xinrai: 感谢翻译 10/17 16:04

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