SNSD's Colossal Music Bank Victory 少时在音乐银行巨大的胜利 While most K-pop followers expected SNSD to emerge victorious on the KBS Music Bank K-Charts for their single "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)", few expected a margin of victory of this magnitude. Accumulating 17,995 points, the SM nonagon early doubled the 9,651 points of the second place finisher, Korean music legend Seo Taiji. 17,995? That's insane! The highest number people can remember is DBSK's 16,404 points for "Mirotic", but because the Music Bank point system has evolved countless times throughout the years, it's pointless to compare the two (even though telling commenters to refrain from comparing is like asking Xiah Junsu to refrain from being awesome). 简单地说,很多人都期待少时的新专辑主打歌"说出你的愿望"可以在音乐银行拿下冠军。 这周少时拿下冠军的累积票数是17995票,这是一个疯狂的数字! 之前的最高票是16404票,但是因为计分方式有更新过,所以比较两个票数是无意义的。 With sensually militaristic blue outfits and a typically tight performance, the So Nyuhs granted SONE wishes with a good show for their eleventh Music Bank victory of the year. The victory speech and encore contained few tears; winning just isn't as emotional the eleventh time around, I suppose. There were the usual highlights though, from the camera panning away just as Taeyeon and Tiffany were about to hug (party pooper), to the traditional chucking-of-the-bouquet-into-the-crowd from Yuri, though from her reaction, it seems she hit an unsuspecting spectator. Come on Yuri, did your baseball experiences teach you nothing? SHINee's diva Key also can't seem to tear himself away from the girls - perhaps his participation in Boys Generation was simply an indicator of his desire to become the tenth So Nyuh. Hm... maybe next life, Key. 这里说到少时穿着性感的蓝色军服,而且演出跟往常一样精彩紧凑。她们的演出完成了 SONE们的愿望,也拿下了今年第十一次的音乐银行冠军。 作者还列举了几个HIGH LIGHT,分别是金太抽跟傻T的拥抱还有YURI丢花,可是从YURI的 反应来看,她好像丢到人了= =,作者说:YURI啊,难道你的棒球经验没有教你吗?? 然後还有闪弟在旁边小小跳了一下GENIE的勾腿舞。←闪弟跳舞的连结在此 以上转载自 -- 短身短身~呀呀呀!!!平均身高165~~~~~( ̄▽ ̄")a ---SNSD後援会短身队‧队呼 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: smail363 来自: (07/11 09:50) ※ 编辑: smail363 来自: (07/11 09:53) ※ 编辑: smail363 来自: (07/11 09:55)
1F:推 sulaoeoe:果然丢到人了,幸运儿阿~~~~~~~~~ 07/11 12:15
2F:推 muse1628:太妍和美英的拥抱...TaeNy万岁阿... 07/11 12:22
※ 编辑: smail363 来自: (07/11 12:33) ※ 编辑: smail363 来自: (07/11 12:41)
3F:→ leeboysmile:闪弟得就不用看拉XD" 07/11 16:50
4F:推 yargen1215:楼上.....弟也有跳TELL ME YOUR WISH 不要这样=_= 07/11 17:14

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