引  言     Renewing News: When Bloggers Report and Reporters Blog                       更新新闻:网志变报导,报导变网志                             When public journalism transpires and proliferates,                how do you receive news?                     公民新闻显身广传,你如何看待新消息?                   When digital media abound and converge,                             how do papers renew news?                        数位媒体量产汇流,报社如何更新新闻 引  言      Renewing News—Replacing, or Resuming?                                                              更新新闻:是,还是                   引  言      Editors and founders of newspapers and news websites from Austria,   Germany,Sweden and the United States tell you how they understand digital   media,evaluate journalistic immediacy, deliberate global marketing, and   handle public news.   来自奥地利、德国、瑞典、美国的报纸社论编辑、公民新闻总裁告诉你,他们     怎样了解数位媒体,取舍新闻时效,思考全球行销,面对公民新闻。 And the news won't be complete without 而这新闻要完美,不能没有                 your voice. 你的声音。 第一场座谈会  Panel One:                          第一场:    ̄ ̄   Global Marketing and News Industry        全球行销与新闻产业     Time: Fri. 5th Dec. 10:30~11:30              时间:十二月五日(五)上午十点半至十一点半   (Entrance from 10:00)                 (上午十点入场)   Venue: National Kaohsiung Hospitality College               地点:国立高雄餐旅学院行政大楼6F行政会议室             第二场座谈会  Panel Two:                          第二场:    ̄ ̄   Precision, or Immediacy?                要准,还是要快?     Time: Fri. 5th Dec. 15:30~17:00                时间:十二月五日(五)上午三点半至五点   (Entrance from 15:00)                 (下午三点入场)   Venue: Management Building R2037 National Sun Yat-Sen University                      地点:国立中山大学管理学院2037教室             第三场座谈会  Panel Three:                         第三场:    ̄ ̄ ̄   Does Blogging Block Journalism?            网志会网住新闻吗?    Time: Mon. 8th Dec. 10:30~12:00               时间:十二月八日(一)上午十点半至十二点     (Entrance from 10:00)                 (上午十点入场)   Venue: Conference Room R1001           地点:世新大学R1001      Shih Hsin University                            Note: Chinese Summaries Provided 注:本场提供中文段落翻译          第四场座谈会  Panel Four:                          第四场:    ̄ ̄   Media Converge, News Diverges?           媒体同流,新闻分道?     Time: Mon. 8th Dec. 15:30~17:00                时间:十二月五日(五)上午三点半至五点   Venue: Conference Room 103      the Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University       地点:国立台湾大学新闻所103会议室   (Entrance from 15:00)               (下午三点入场)    Note: Chinese Summaries Provided 注:本场提供中文段落翻译                                    第五场座谈会  Panel Five:                          第五场:    ̄ ̄     Citizen Reporting—Privileges and Challenges    公民报导—优势与挑战     Time: Wed. 10th Dec. 15:00~17:00                 时间:十二月十日(三)下午三点至五点   Venue: Conference Room 401,      the Graduate Institute of Journalism,                 National Taiwan University       地点:国立台湾大学新闻所401会议室   (Entrance from 14:30)              (下午两点半入场)    Note: Chinese Summaries Provided 注:本场提供中文段落翻译                                    与谈来宾     Rachelle Cohen Editorial Page Editor and Political Columnist,     The Boston Herald                                 波士顿先驱报 社论版编辑、政治专栏作家                                  Marc Cooper   Author, Blogger, and Senior Journalist, Los Angeles    洛杉矶作家、网路记者、资深记者                   Romana Klär Senior Journalist, Außenpolitik, Kurier   维也纳时报 国际政治资深记者 Eric Ringham Commentary Editor, The Star Tribune    明尼苏达明星论坛报 社论主笔、编辑                                    与谈来宾     Daniel Alexander Schacht     Politikredakteur, Die Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung               汉诺威汇报 政治版主编                                  Jan Söderqvist  Columnist, TV producer, and Editor, Sweden  瑞典作家,电视制作人,编辑                   Rachel Sterne CEO,   基底报导网站 总裁 Jackman Wilson Editorial Page Editor, The Register-Guard    奥勒冈州记录卫士报 社论编辑                                    主办单位       Organizer: 主办单位:              The Graduate Institute of Journalism   National Taiwan University        国立台湾大学新闻研究所     National Kaohsiung Hospitality College       国立高雄餐旅学院   National Sun Yat-Sen University   The Institute of Communications Management 国立中山大学传管所   Shih Hsin University   The dept. of Communications Management 世新大学传管系                                                   Panel Three:                         第三场:     Barack Obama learned to manage his blog four years ago; four years later,Doe what's your plan?   Time: Mon. 8th Dec. 10:30~12:00 欧巴马四年前开始学习经营部落格;四年後,你怎麽打算              (Entrance from 10:00)                 (上午十点入场)   Venue: Conference Room R1001           地点:世新大学R1001      Shih Hsin University                                                Website:                          活动网站:    Contact/Registration:                  联络∕报名:    [email protected]    Ligo, L. Su,    专案助理:廖咏蕙    Secretary General of International Affairs  02-3366-3133                                                                       When public journalism transpires and proliferates,            --

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