作者JeremyKSKGA (GIANTS!!!)
标题Fw: [外电] Hunter Pence最新的精神讲话 (NLCS版)
时间Fri Oct 17 21:18:37 2014
※ [本文转录自 MLB 看板 #1KGC-JBL ]
作者: Phater (肥特) 看板: MLB
标题: Re: [外电] Hunter Pence最新的精神讲话
时间: Fri Oct 17 16:13:01 2014
Raw Video Hunter Pence Locker Room Speech
"There's 30, 40 guys showed up every single one of these games that could've
beat any body, that could've beat anyone. No team is cooler than like the
San Francisco Giants. No team, no team is cooler than San Francisco Giants.
It doesn't take anyone to believe us. When that's right here. I promise you.
I tell you right now, they're already saying that the Kansas City Royals are
too good. They are already saying that the Kansas City Royals haven't lost
a game. But I swear to you, there are 30 guys in here, 40 guys in here that
will step up and [win]. And I am gonna tell you right now, I am gonna tell you
right now, the way we played together, the way we played together, we ain't
seeing nothing but 4 more wins. Every fiber of every one of these guy, every
one will step up. I see Ishikawa, I see ***, I see [Panik], I see every body
showed up in this post season. And we ain't done yet boys. Saddle the hell
up, we are burning it down! Yes! Yes!......"
我们每个人每场球都全力以赴,我们可以打败任何人. 没有任何一队比旧金山巨人队还强.
我不在乎没人相信我们,我只在乎我们自己相信自己. 我跟你保证. 他们已经开始说皇
家太强,皇家季後赛没输过一场球. 但我跟你保证,在场的所有人绝对会站出来赢球. 我再
说,以我们这阵子的表现,我看到了我们还有四场球好赢. 我看到Ishikawa, ***, Panik,
所有人都在关键时刻站出来. 我们的旅程还没走完. 大家准备好,我们要在世界大赛好好
唉! 眼跟前这是一小盒鸦片,可昨天拿来的时候还是整整一条,一天之内咱们家是川流不息,
一共是七两五,连声谢都不说就拿走,仗着官大欺负人,哼! 你们抽 你们抽 你们抽死活该!
朋友到家来谈勾结的事,我该拿什麽来贿赂人家呢? 唉......... <<记性与忘性>>
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/MLB/M.1413533587.A.2D5.html
1F:推 MattCain: yes yes yes 10/17 16:18
2F:推 zxccasd: 皇家加油~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/17 16:23
3F:推 breadf: 黄佳莹 vs. 技安妹 10/17 16:23
4F:推 wuming2: 来个12连胜嘛 10/17 16:24
5F:推 JessicaA1ba: 林盲肠:fxck yeah! 10/17 16:46
6F:推 globekiller: 黄佳莹 vs 具仁盛 10/17 17:05
7F:推 gdaa5566: Pence要不要考虑退休後去WWE啊XD MIC技能很强啊 10/17 20:47
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: JeremyKSKGA (, 10/17/2014 21:18:37