作者JeremyKSKGA (GIANTS!!!)
标题Fw: [外电] Hunter Pence最新的精神讲话
时间Sat Sep 27 16:31:52 2014
※ [本文转录自 MLB 看板 #1K9YjCjQ ]
作者: Phater (肥特) 看板: MLB
标题: [外电] Hunter Pence最新的精神讲话
时间: Sat Sep 27 11:13:09 2014
Video of Hunter Pence's speech for the ages — how he motivated his SF
Giants' teammates
http://tinyurl.com/lbhlyg3 内有影片
Hunter Pence在2012年季後赛时曾经多次对队友做出精神喊话,让Giants能罕见的赢
了六场淘汰赛. 这也让他有了"牧师"的封号. 昨天Giants打进外卡後,Pence抓住这个
Take your bleeping goggles off. We earned this bleeping burn. Let’s go,
boys. Second thing. We don’t need no bleeping easy road. We get to play an
extra bleeping game. It doesn’t matter how you get from A to B. Our goal at
the beginning of this bleeping season is to win a bleeping World Series, and
guess what, boys, we’re going to the bleeping dance. You know what, we’ve
had bleeps out all the time, all year long. We’ve had bleeping big injuries.
We had bleeping all sorts of bleep. Ups, downs. But we're bleeping here.
And we bleeping know what the bleep we do. Bochy said it a long time ago
when we had that meeting. He said we’ve got the bleeping champion blood.
We’ve got the bleeping champion blood.
"把他妈的护目镜拿掉,我们好不容易才拼来被他妈的香槟刺眼的机会. 全给我拿掉. 第二
点,我们才不屌走简单的路. 我们偏要多打一场比赛. 过程不重要,重要的是我们在这他妈
的球季前的目标就是赢他妈的World Series. 现在呢? 你他妈的我们就拿到入场卷了. 我
们一整年都衰到见鬼,队友一个个受伤,场上又打到落赛. 好好坏坏,但他妈的我们还是进
季後赛了. 而且我们都知道要怎麽做. Bochy很早就说过,他妈的我们都流着冠军的血."
I see clearly I am not afraid to fall
And with you near me I can rise above it all
And now you love me The clouds above me
Couldn't stop the way I'm feeling
Together we are beautiful, I miss you
------Oceanlab "Beautiful Together"
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/MLB/M.1411787596.A.B5A.html
1F:推 dimand: 喜欢第一句XD...香槟刺眼的机会! 09/27 11:38
2F:推 KISSFORMISS: 还蛮好笑的XDDD 09/27 11:41
3F:推 mmmmmfff: 口气好凶的牧师 XDD 09/27 12:10
4F:推 WLR: 看来是只暗牧 09/27 12:17
5F:推 hakk: 他应该很爱他妈妈 09/27 12:38
6F:推 jacky1990b: 各种消音 这样没气势啊XD 09/27 12:45
7F:推 hlij: We bleep bleeping bleep bleep. 09/27 13:02
8F:推 realblueken: 我怎麽觉得比较像军中的喊话XD 09/27 13:18
9F:推 globekiller: 一直bleeping XDD 09/27 13:36
10F:推 lowpear: 偶数年 09/27 14:01
11F:推 alex2426chen: 不过今年的巨人跟前两次比 形势很险峻 光SP就有差 09/27 14:04
12F:推 randylee: 他那年季後赛其实脚受伤几乎不能守备!硬撑住 09/27 14:13
13F:推 punzz: 连文字稿也在消音是怎样... 09/27 14:15
14F:推 jchao: 想起季中Pence被其他队球迷消遣的标语XD 09/27 15:16
15F:→ TSbb: 连吉祥物都会恶搞的人 XD 09/27 16:17
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: JeremyKSKGA (, 09/27/2014 16:31:52