作者JeremyKSKGA (GIANTS!!!)
标题Fw: [影片] 鬼神 Barry Bonds
时间Fri Feb 22 00:37:16 2013
※ [本文转录自 MLB 看板 #1H9UqGZV ]
作者: miniblog (miniBlog) 站内: MLB
标题: [影片] 鬼神 Barry Bonds
时间: Thu Feb 21 17:46:52 2013
>>>>>>>下载版<<<<<< >>>>>>>大萤幕<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/ccfM4 http://goo.gl/oOalf Bonds puts a homer into the cove
http://goo.gl/prhXU http://goo.gl/Jl5SO Bonds' 57th home run of 2001
http://goo.gl/64IWw http://goo.gl/fsrAu Bonds crushes it into the water
http://goo.gl/EoXM4 http://goo.gl/lNLEx Bonds' three-run blast into bay
http://goo.gl/dPwOb http://goo.gl/Dox9j Bonds' 580th career home run
http://goo.gl/6hNMI http://goo.gl/xxNfd Bonds' Splash Hit ties game
http://goo.gl/VKoc9 http://goo.gl/JBBME Bonds' solo shot into the water
http://goo.gl/5xPlJ http://goo.gl/MyShp Bonds hits it deep into bay
http://goo.gl/CTnGQ http://goo.gl/Fd4yA Bonds hammers it into the water
http://goo.gl/VZwxq http://goo.gl/5mPvA Bonds' two-run blast goes in bay
http://goo.gl/iLPrb http://goo.gl/2QR5J Bonds' three-run Splash Hit
http://goo.gl/l3lKj http://goo.gl/5nlzQ Bonds' three-run blast ties game
http://goo.gl/TKnJx http://goo.gl/vNMVm Bonds' walk-off Splash Hit
http://goo.gl/YUAgb http://goo.gl/AfLTJ Bonds hits 47th homer of 2001
http://goo.gl/6jodF http://goo.gl/j0Lz6 Bonds' 69th home run of 2001
http://goo.gl/mJq8F http://goo.gl/KX6YT Bonds crushes homer into bay
http://goo.gl/gdACj http://goo.gl/uubNX Bonds' laser into McCovey Cove
http://goo.gl/bgShu http://goo.gl/Aux6x Bonds' moonshot into the bay
http://goo.gl/EhLcr http://goo.gl/5fBLE Bonds' slam into McCovey Cove
http://goo.gl/9Sg76 http://goo.gl/yuGGn Bonds' solo Splash hit home run
http://goo.gl/UlJjN http://goo.gl/C7tia Bonds' first inning blast
http://goo.gl/OOmGJ http://goo.gl/JAOBm Bonds blasts Splash Hit
http://goo.gl/MSPuF http://goo.gl/m4vB2 Bonds hits second homer of game
http://goo.gl/rBhWq http://goo.gl/Pvwwc Bonds belts a Splash Hit
官网最近整理的影集,太超过了 XD 史上最强打者,没有之一
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ porten812:以下开放嘘爆米花 02/21 17:48
2F:推 bensn101:我推 02/21 17:50
3F:推 yankeefat:Stary Stary Bonds 02/21 17:56
4F:推 Bagwell5:看棒子爷狂把球击飞到McCovey Cove真是过瘾 02/21 18:10
5F:推 Edison1174:最强打者*** 02/21 18:11
6F:推 ilove1530:未看先猜推文有 02/21 18:11
7F:推 ryvius0723: * 02/21 18:15
8F:推 davidex:而且巨人主场还是偏投手的... 02/21 18:17
9F:推 sonnyissonny:神 > < 02/21 18:21
10F:推 O10lOl01O:反正乡民只会把他打个* 02/21 18:29
11F:→ ilove1530:我的LF就是选他 02/21 18:30
12F:推 jason12308:我心中的左打! 02/21 18:33
13F:推 white75724:看他挥棒真的很舒服 02/21 18:34
14F:推 afans:推 02/21 18:35
15F:推 gcg94668:有没有BB爷尻小小郭的影片啊!! 02/21 18:41
16F:推 Uncontinue:没记错BB还要迎着海风把球扛出去 02/21 18:54
17F:推 ps20012001:垒上有人..看到他 防守者自动往後退... 02/21 19:16
18F:推 wolfking:有时候满垒还是保送卡好.... 02/21 21:00
19F:推 leowwe:根本直接保送啦~ 02/21 21:15
20F:→ Uncontinue:传说中满垒还被(故意?)保送的打者 02/21 21:26
21F:推 Valter:Hamilton 08全垒打大赛暴走那年 下半季也被满垒故意保送过 02/21 21:30
22F:推 terop:看到splash shot 看台观众还会故意丢好几颗球下去混淆 02/21 21:44
23F:→ terop:就觉得很好笑 02/21 21:44
24F:推 alex710707:Babe Ruth跟Teddy OPS+比BB爷高耶 02/21 21:49
25F:推 mightymouse:以前看BB还以为打splash hits很容易,後来才知道其实 02/21 21:51
26F:→ mightymouse:McCovey Cove其实是超级大逆风,只有他很容易 02/21 21:51
27F:推 wadechang:Babe Ruth在死球时代,攻击观念跟方式都不同 02/21 22:05
28F:推 mightymouse:比单季的OPS+最高是BB爷喔 02/21 22:06
29F:推 jesusnotme:Bonds必推!!! 02/21 22:10
30F:推 qowgd:目前唯一一位,500-500的神人 02/21 22:12
31F:推 ohmyya:吃药也没关系的男人 打这种鬼神成绩吃药可以接受 02/21 22:13
32F:推 linwurih:史上最强打者! 02/21 22:13
33F:推 derek2szr:打中球後~停在本垒看着球飞出去真的超屌!! 02/21 22:21
34F:推 star01:gogoHOF! 02/21 22:47
35F:推 lewis803:God of baseball 02/21 22:52
36F:推 akea:真的是吃药也没关系的男人! 太鬼神了... 02/21 22:57
37F:推 min19892007:HOF...... 02/21 23:01
※ miniblog:转录至看板 Baseball 02/21 23:06
38F:推 doomx:伟哉 BB爷 02/21 23:08
39F:推 ppumpkin:其他人吃药怎麽没办法打成这样 真是太超过了XD 02/21 23:09
40F:推 akea:其实也有部分投手吃药,他面对的也是吃药的选手啊... 02/21 23:10
41F:推 davidex:棒子爷生涯还有500多SB 超扯的 02/21 23:12
42F:推 Zuleta:BB的挥棒真得很经典 02/21 23:18
43F:推 andy0305:都是因为Bonds害我以为巨人球场偏打者球场 02/21 23:44
44F:推 devilsky:球投甜一点就被干出场了.....投手:<囧> 02/21 23:56
45F:推 s7m6i1t2h13:就算不甜也照样被拉出去= =+ 都投外角了 照扛无误!! 02/22 00:04
46F:→ s7m6i1t2h13:左打硬扛BB爷 右打硬扛普神!! 都是鬼神级的 02/22 00:05
47F:推 beareyes:真的最强,没有之一 02/22 00:06
48F:推 JeremyKSKGA:借转SFGiants 02/22 00:37
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: JeremyKSKGA (, 时间: 02/22/2013 00:37:16
49F:推 sato111:支持Bonds~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 02/22 02:17