SFGiants 板


Williams still seeking his groove Like Giants pitcher, Bonds also topped by Clemens By Rich Draper / MLB.com ‧ In big matchup, Rocket bests Bonds HOUSTON -- It is a continuing struggle for Giants second-year pitcher Jerome Williams. After a poor spring in which he went 0-6, Williams still seems light-years away from the often confident rookie of 2003 who had his moments of brilliance, winning five straight games during one stretch and logging a 7-5 record and 3.30 ERA overall. In his season debut Wednesday, he labored over six innings, giving up six hits and five runs in San Francisco's 10-1 blistering by the Houston Astros at Minute Maid Park. Maybe it was to be expected. Opposing him was Roger Clemens, nearly 20 years older and holding a massive experience-level advantage with 608 big league games against the kid's 22. While Clemens was on his fastballing game, Williams is still searching for his, and he is frustrated that he feels so near yet so far from his groove. "I left some balls up and they got ahold of them," said Williams, who issued a solo homer to Richard Hidalgo and a two-run blast to Jeff Bagwell in the first three innings, all but dooming the Giants from the start. "I tried to bounce back, but I bounced back too late. "It is totally different from Spring Training -- I felt totally confidence coming into the game," said Williams. "It was the opening game and I have to bounce back from it. This time I was over the top on all my pitches and felt good and was trying to get guys out." On facing Clemens, Williams admitted it was "a rush" to face the hurler even if he was called out on strikes and became victim No. 4,100 on Clemens' all-time list. Slugger Barry Bonds didn't fare any better in a personal duel against the Rocket, walking intentionally in the first, then taking called third strikes in the fourth and seventh frames. Bonds left Houston still sitting on 659 homers, one shy of godfather Willie Mays for third on the all-time list. Only Ray Durham managed a hit off Clemens, a single up the middle in the third. Fortunately for Williams, the new season is seemingly as young as the 22-year- old right-hander, for there is time to get his pitching act together, find the strike zone with his slider and solid command he has shown on occasion. "Williams was pitching pretty hard tonight -- hardest yet this year -- but some pitches were left down the middle and they hit 'em out," said manager Felipe Alou. "They got a couple of breaks in the first inning and things add up. That's what we did the first two games. "If he throws the ball with life like he did tonight he'll be all right," continued Alou. "It's a matter of locating his pitches, and the breaking ball today was off and on. He had it for a while then lost it for a while. He did get consistent with it, but we'll run him again five days from now." Williams doesn't have the experience to adjust on the fly and kicked himself for leaving pitches high in the strike zone, but he expects his accuracy and command to return in his next outing. "I'm feeling real close now but I still have kinks here and there -- other than that, I feel real confident. No major deals -- it's mainly location," said Williams. "It's kind of frustrating but you can't dwell on things in this game. You've got to look forward to the next game." Another problem pitcher, whose short stint with San Francisco has seen a stream of poor efforts, is reliever Leo Estrella, a recent acquisition from Milwaukee who sports a 27.00 ERA over 1 1/3 innings. He has given up eight hits and four earned runs, including a pair of scores in the eighth inning Wednesday. "His breaking ball was up again and leaving too many pitches right down the middle of the plate," said Alou of the 29-year-old right-hander. Despite dropping the final game of the series, the Giants head into Thursday night's game against San Diego and new PETCO Park full of confidence. They're 2-1 and feel fortunate to escape Houston with only one loss. As was the case last season, the bullpen has borne the brunt of work so far, and Alou said he's grateful for Friday's off-day to give the relievers rest. Rich Draper is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- LOS ANGELES LAKERS is the BEST!!! 8 Kobe Bryant 34 Shaquille O'neal 11 Karl Malone 20 Gary Payton 2 Derek Fisher 3 Deaven George 9 Bryon Russell 17 Rick Fox 7 Brian Cook 54 Horace Grant 14 Stanslav Medvedenko 12 Jannero Pargo 21 Kareem Rush 31 Jamal Sampson 4 Luke Walton --

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