作者giive (lala)
标题 Agile Web Development with Rails 第二版
时间Wed Nov 29 09:31:38 2006
Ruby on Rails 界的圣经 Agile Web Development with Rails 的第二版终於脱离 Beta ,开始送印了。所有购买 PDF Version 的人应该都会收到一封信
The final version of Agile Web Development with Rails went to the printer last Friday. This means that the paper book will start shipping sometime around December 15.
然後所有购买 PDF 版本的人都已经拿到最新的 PDF 了吧 XD 。我想距离 Amazon 上面买到应该不远,大概是12月中就可以开始订购了。这本书一定要败的啦!!!
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