作者giive (lala)
标题Applet in Ruby
时间Thu Nov 16 22:08:28 2006
JRuby 作者在自己 Blog 提出了一篇Ruby for the Web? Check,里面有一个吓死人的 Demo 『Ruby in an applet』,形式跟 Tr Ruby 是一样的,但是唯一不同的是,他不是用 AJAX,而是用 Applet 去跑的,要看demo 请到这里观赏
Yes, JRuby can run in an applet. No, it's not that hard. No, the archive doesn't have to be this big (the applet above is about a 1.6MB JAR file, but it includes stuff it doesn't need). Yes, this means you could start writing stuff for web pages in Ruby. No, I'm not kidding.
作者也兴奋的莫名其妙,我也兴奋的莫名其妙!!!JRuby 自从 SUN 接管後,实在突飞猛进呀。
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◆ From:
1F:推 godfat:问一下,这要用在哪? applet 实在有点慢 11/17 12:10
2F:推 giive:火力展示而已,代表 JRuby 已经跟 Java 紧密结合 11/17 14:10
3F:推 godfat:了解,谢谢 11/17 15:40