作者giive (lala)
标题Orielly 书市报告:Ruby 销售还在暴涨
时间Tue Nov 7 14:04:06 2006
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2006年 Q3 的 O'Reilly 书市报告出来了 ,Ruby 一如预料的销售量还在暴涨,成长幅度
约为 255% ,虽然没有上上次 1500%,以及上次的 687%吓死人的成长率,但是依旧是
Programming Language 成长率第一名。
而 Ruby on Rails 书籍的部份
Ruby on Rails, another relatively new category, has also become very
competitive. The Pragmatic Programmers' initial groundbreaking book, Agile
Web Development with Rails, which once had the market to itself, now competes
with at least three other titles, including the Prags' own Rails Recipes and
Manning's Ruby for Rails O'Reilly's Ruby on Rails: Up and Running has taken
the top spot, but the book is too new to know whether or not its sales level
will stick.
Ruby on Rails 终於成为 Web Design 其中一个分类了。Agile Web Development with
Rails 也不再垄断市场,他受到 Rails Recipes ,Ruby for Rails ,Ruby on Rails :
up and Running 这三本书的竞争。
附带一题, Ruby 书籍销售量在今年七月已经正式超过 Perl ,还有 Python 了。
lighty RoR 是一个介绍 lighttpd , SQLite , Ruby and Rails 的 Blog
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