作者blueiching (遗径)
标题[转录][分享] The Big Issue Hits Taiwan
时间Sun Apr 4 23:45:17 2010
※ [本文转录自 AAAAAAAA 看板]
The Big Issue Hits Taiwan
By Global Voices Online ‧ on April 2, 2010
The Big Issue, first published in UK 20 years ago, is now rolling out its
Traditional Chinese monthly edition in Taiwan on 1st of April. This is a
unique publishing project which relies on homeless people to sell the street
magazine and hence helps them to have a legitimate job. The homeless can earn
50 TWD (around half of the price) for each magazine they sold. You can read
more about its origin and development on Wikipedia.
Taiwan is the 9th country that publishes The Big Issue. Li Chi Zhong(李取中),
the founder of Roodo Blog, introduces this model to Taiwan with a hope to
develop a new type of social business. One month before publishing the first
issue, bigissue.tw started its Facebook fan page to recruit volunteers. So
far it has 27,000 fans already. Many Taiwanese bloggers are invited to write
for the first issue, including Kenworker, famous travel blogger, and
soundfury, noted writer and music critic.
Lin You Xue is excited about the arrival of The Big Issue to Taiwan:
Big issue 登陆台湾,对我个人是个振奋的消息,除了惊讶台湾亦步亦趋吸收英国的社福
The arrival of The Big Issue to Taiwan is an exciting news to me. I am
surprised that Taiwan is not just taking up perspectives but also
methodologies of British social welfare. This sold-only-by-homeless-people
magazine has been publishing in UK for more than 20 years. Besides its
content, it provides a way for citizens to help minorities. But different
from donation, the model lets minorities to take responsibility and live on
their own.
siligraphy19 says:
… 请大家告诉大家这本杂志的消息,转贴我的部落格文也可以. 如果在捷运站出口处,看
到穿着The Big Issue制服的街友或志工, 请停下脚步, 购买一本100元的杂志, 作为对社
会企业杂志最直接的支持. 省下一杯星巴克的钱, 获得的不只是阅读的乐趣, 也帮助街友
或社会弱势的人们, 透过贩售杂志的工作机会, 赚取收入, 重建信心,重新取回生活主导
…Please tell everyone about this magazine, or you can just repost my
article. If you see homeless people or volunteers in The Big Issue uniform
around MRT stations, please stop and buy the 100 TWD magazine for showing
your direct support to the social business. Drink a cup less of Starbucks and
save the money for the joy of reading and helping homeless people and
minorities. By selling magazines, they can get income, rebuild confidence and
earn their own living.
Purple Beans(紫豆子) took some photos when he saw volunteers selling The Big
Issue near Gongguan MRT Station. Although it looks like a promising project,
Ambertaipei shares her conversation with Mr. Jia, one of the homeless sellers
on Twitter:
人停驻看一眼;贾先生说,我是他今天卖出去的第一本the big issue
“Please support me to earn my own living!” Mr. Jia shouted. I met him in
the morning when I left the MRT station, no one slowed down or took a look no
matter how hard he shout. Mr. Jia said that I was his first customer today.
Mr. Jia said: “They do not know what I am shouting about.” It was raining
outside the station and he could not stand in front of the escalators under
the roof, so he kept shouting “The Big Issue” outside the station. However,
what is “The Big Issue” anyway? What is inside The Big Issue? For white
collars who are only interested in online auction sites, read only Apple
Daily and GQ everyday, they don’t care about the middle aged man shouting
and selling unpopular magazine outside a MRT station.
antibadmedia also anticipates the difficult future of The Big Issue in Taiwan:
便利商店作为贩售通路,恩…… 如果这本杂志内容还不差,也确实地实践其宗旨「由街
Two more days and this magazine is going to publish its first issue. It has a
good intention, but the news said that outside Taipei city and Taipei county
the magazine will be sold via convenience stores, well…….If the content
inside this magazine is not bad, and it genuinely practices the principle of
“sold-only-by-homeless-people”, then we shall do whatever to support it!
Social fairness in large scale is not something to be achieved overnight, but
resource re-allocation in small scale is still possible. Let us wait and see.
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The Big Issue Hits Taiwan
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