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※ [本文转录自 Ecophilia 看板] 作者: weitzern (高级杂工) 看板: Ecophilia 标题: [新闻] 植物绝种将造成人类利益损失 时间: Sun Nov 11 06:56:43 2007 来源: 摘译自2007年11月5日ENS美国加州,圣塔芭芭拉报导;朱以方编译;蔡丽伶审校 Del Mar manzanita,一种加州滨临绝种的灌木。图片来源﹕USDA根据一份最新科学报告 指出,物种灭绝将可能造成地球上植物的生产力大幅降低50%,而人类将因此丧失植物所 能提供的一些非常重要的利益,包括吸收温室气体,以及植物栖息地所制造的氧气、食物 、纤维和生质燃料。此外,不论是生物个体大量消失,或是物种灭绝的种类多寡,都会改 变生态系统所能提供给人类的各项服务,而且这项改变正在发生。 卡丁奈尔(Bradley Cardinale)是本项研究的主笔者,同时也是加州大学圣塔芭芭拉校 区的副教授,他表示:「植物生长与制造「生质物」(biomass)的过程,是地球上最基 本的生物历程之一。」 他还指出:「实验时间越长的研究,会发现物种多样性对植物生产力的冲击越强。但很不 幸的,大部份研究都因为经费的关系,一次只能做短短几年的实验。因此,我们很可能低 估了物种灭绝对天然栖地的影响。」 这篇报告本周将刊登在《美国国家科学院学报》线上版,报告中共汇整了来自全球44篇模 拟植物灭绝的实验研究。该报告显示,相较於具有较原始天然状态的生物多样性环境,拥 有较少物种数量的生态系,将制造较少的植物「生质物」,低至50%。 卡丁奈尔博士表示:「因此,物种灭绝将抵消大自然带给人类社会的好处。」实务上来说 ,这表示多样性高的生态系应更能控制虫害、分解有机物质,并且吸收二氧化碳。 来自蒙特罗梅基大学的罗洛(Michel Loreau)教授,同时也是本研究的共同作者,他表 示:「我们的分析提供了最充份的证据证明,植物多样性高的天然栖息地更具生产力。但 更重要的是,生物群落越多样,其生产力就越高,因为植物在利用生物资源时具有互补性 。换句话说,不同的植物品种在环境中都扮演了非常独特的角色。」 Plant Extinctions Erode Benefits to Humanity Authorship: SANTA BARBARA, California, November 5, 2007 (ENS) Scientists are warning that species extinctions could reduce the productivity of plants on Earth by half. A new analysis shows that humans could lose some of the most important benefits that plants provide - the absorption of greenhouse gases, as well as the ability of habitats to produce oxygen, food, fiber, and biofuels. Both the number and types of species going extinct are changing the "services" that ecosystems provide to humanity, the authors conclude. "The process by which plants grow and produce more plant biomass is one of the most fundamental biological processes on the planet," said Bradley Cardinale, lead author of the paper and assistant professor of biology at UC Santa Barbara. "We found that as experiments were run longer, they detected increasingly strong impacts of species diversity on plant productivity," Dr. Cardinale said. "Unfortunately, because most experiments have only been funded to run for a few years at a time, they have probably underestimated the impacts of extinction on natural habitats." The article will appear this week in the online issue of the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." The study summarized the results of 44 experiments from around the world that simulated plant species extinction. It shows that ecosystems with fewer species produce up to 50 percent less plant biomass than those with more "natural" levels of diversity. "Therefore, species extinctions could compromise the benefits that nature provides to society," said Cardinale. In practical terms, this means that diverse ecosystems are likely to be better at controlling pests, breaking down organic matter, and absorbing carbon dioxide. "Our analyses provide the most comprehensive evidence yet that natural habitats with a greater variety of plant species are more productive," said co-author Michel Loreau of McGill University in Montreal. "But even more important, our analyses show that diverse communities are more productive because plants are complementary in how they use biological resources. In other words, different plant species play unique roles in the environment." said Loreau. 全文及图片详见ENS --

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