Rent_apart 板


最新情况:2020.12.11 空屋招租中,欢迎参观 条件限制:禁养宠物/ 可开伙/ 无管理费/ 无电梯/ 顶溪捷运站5分钟 房屋类别:公寓 租屋地址:234007新北市永和区後溪里仁爱路73巷2弄11号3楼 租屋楼层:所在楼层3/总楼层5 格 局:2房 / 1厅 / 1卫 / 1厨 / 2阳台 坪  数:20 (66平方米/711平方英尺) 每月租金:17000 (不含水电费、无管理费) 租屋押金:34000 (两个月) 公共设施:无 提供设备:冷气(只有一台)、天然瓦斯(热水器、瓦斯炉)、排烟机 未 安 装:电视盒, 网路, 冰箱, 洗衣机 停 车:巷弄可停机车,附近可租停车位。 垃圾清运:每日下午 13点 和 19点 (双北市专用垃圾袋) 联 络 人:小吕 (房东的儿子) 联络方式:站内信 照片连结: 02_地图_ 03_街道_ 04_大门_ 05_梯间_ 06_玄关门_ 07_客厅_ 08_北面景_ 09_北面前阳台_1_ 09_北面前阳台_2_ 10_北面卧室1_1_ 10_北面卧室1_2_ 11_南面卧室2_1_ 11_南面卧室2_2_ 12_卫浴1_ 12_卫浴2_ 13_南面厨房_ 14_南面後阳台_ 环境交通: 走路5分钟至,顶溪捷运站 & Ubike。房东住附近 走路7分钟至,乐华夜市、仁爱公园。 走路10分钟至,河滨运动公园。 >备 注: 前後窗外皆是楼房,有阳光反射但不直晒,隔壁只有一户邻居, 巷子能停很多机车,附近很多小吃和诊所。 >English Apartment for rent: Features:MRT station/ Cooking/ No elevator/ No pets. Location:3F,No.11,Aly-2, Lane-73, Ren-ai Road,Houxi Vil. Yonghe Dist.,New Taipei City(234007) MRT Station: Dingxi (Orange Line) Ubike === Floor:3F (3/5) Pattern:2-Rooms / 1-Livingroom/ 1-Bathroom / 1-Kitchen / 2-Balcony Size:20(坪)Ping = 66 Square meter = 711 Square feet Price:NT$ 16,000 /month (Not include utilities bills, No need maintenance fee) Deposit:32,000 (Dual month) Amenities:A/C, Wardrobe, Water heater, Gas stove(LNG), Fume extractor Not installed:Cable, Wifi, Frezzer, Washing Machine Parking: None Garbage trucks collecting:Daily 13 and 19 pm (Use Designated garbage bag) Owner:Mrs.Chen Contact:Mr.Lu (Owner's son) E-Mail: [email protected] Call: 0932-254-119 === 5 minutes walk from MRT Dingxi Station, The owner lives nearby. 7 minutes walk from Lehua Night Market, and Renai park. 10 minutes walk from Riverside sports park. === There is only one neighbor next door. Outside the front and rear windows are buildings, with sunlight reflecting but not direct sunlight. Many snacks and clinics nearby. If english has wrong, please tell me. 02_MAP_ 03_Lane_ 04_Gate_ 05_Staircase_ 06_Entrance door_ 07_Livingroom_ 08_Northward view_ 09_Northward Front Balcony_1_ 09_Northward Front Balcony_2_ 10_Northward Bedroom1_1_ 10_Northward Bedroom1_2_ 11_Southward Bedroom2_1_ 11_Southward Bedroom2_2_ 12_Bathroom1_ 12_Bathroom2_ 13_Southward Kitchen_ 14_Southward Rear Balcony_ ※ 编辑: s855108 ( 台湾), 12/11/2020 15:14:54 ※ 编辑: s855108 ( 台湾), 12/20/2020 03:35:13

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