RealMadrid 板

Luka得奖感言 致词原文 英文:听打 西文:听打+皇马官网 克罗埃西亚语:根据windmagic板友提供翻译 Google关键字ljeto(夏天)/podrsci(支持)/pozdraviti(问候) 终於在克罗埃西亚广播电台的网站找到了(。 我弱到爆炸斯拉夫文理解程度只能算音节确定句子长度没有问题 翻译是Google translate+线上克罗埃西亚语词典+线上斯拉夫文法教学 拼凑出来的,可信度就?? Good evening to everyone.It’s a great honor and beautiful feeling to stand here with this amazing trophy.First of all, I would like to give congratulatio n to Mohamed and Cristiano for the great season that they had.And I am sure in the future you will have another opportunity to fight for this trophy. This trophy is not just mine. It’s for all my Real Madrid teammates, for all my teammates from Croatia National Team, for all the coaches that I have played f or. Without them, this would not be possible and thank you a lot to them. This tro phy is also for my family, without who I would not be the player and the perso n that I am. They are mine the best. Thanks to my fans all over the world for great support and love that they are showing me. All these mean a lot to me. I would also thank those who voted for me. In this moment, in this particular m oment, I would like to mention my footballing idol and captain of Croatia, gen eration 1998 that they in first participation win a bronze in France. He was m y big inspiration and that team gave us belief that we can achieve something g reat in Russia. Hopefully we can be the same for the next generations. This aw ard shows that we all can became the best; with hard-work, dedication and beli ef, all dreams can come true. To finish, I would like to say a few words if you allow me in Spanish and in C roatian language. It's gonna be short. Don't worry. First of all Me gustaría agradecer a mi club, el Real Madrid, y a los aficionados por el cariño y el apoyo que me muestran siempre. Este premio es vuestro también. Cr. (皇马官网偷偷校对了莫少的西班牙文文法XD) Volio bih pozdraviti moju Hrvatsku… Kakvo smo samo prekrasno ljeto imali. Hvala Vam na predivnim emocijama. Uzivali smo. Hvala Vam na iskrenoj podrsci i saljem Vam velike pozdrave… Cr. Thanks again to everyone. Have a great evening and all the best. 中译 大家晚安,站在这里领奖,感觉十分荣幸,非常美好。首先,恭贺Cristiano和Mohamed度 过出色的赛季,我确信,未来仍有其他机会争取这个奖项。这不只是我个人的荣耀,我将 它献给皇马所有的队友,献给克罗埃西亚国家队所有的队友,献给每一位带领我们的教练 没有他们,这一切都不可能发生。我也要将这个奖献给我的家人,没有他们,就没有今 天的Luka Modric,无论作为球员,或是作为个人。他们是我心中的最佳。谢谢我在世界 各地的球迷,他们展现了对我的支持和喜爱,对我而言,意义重大。我也要谢谢投票给我 的人。此时此刻,在这特别的一刻,我要特别感谢我在足球上的偶像,1998年在法国,带 领克罗埃西亚首次出战世界盃赢得铜牌的队长(lamer按:Zvonimir Boban)。他们激励了 我,种下信念,因此,在俄罗斯时,我们相信能够踢出了不起的成果。我也希望,我 们能成为下个世代的榜样与信念。这个奖代表了,我们都能成就最佳,只要努力,投入, 怀着信念,所有梦想都会成真。最後,如果可以的话,我想用西班牙文和克罗埃西亚语说 几句,别担心,不会太长。 首先,(西文)我要感谢我的俱乐部皇家马德里,还有球迷一直以来给我的支持和爱,这个 奖也是你们的。 (克罗埃西亚语)我要问候克罗埃西亚......我们有很美好的夏天,谢谢谢你们美好的情感 ,我们很享受。谢谢你们真挚的支持,我将问候献给你们...... 再次谢谢大家。祝大家有个美好的夜晚,一切顺利。 感谢版友windmagic补充的翻译!
1F:推 windmagic: 克转日转中,一定有误差,仅供参考:想对我的克罗埃西亚 09/25 22:44
2F:→ windmagic: 献上问候。我们真是渡过了无与伦比的夏天啊。感谢你们 09/25 22:45
3F:→ windmagic: 炽热的情感。真的很开心。感谢你们真挚的声援。 09/25 22:45
== 奇怪凌晨看直播的时候没有觉得这致词有那麽好哭啊... 在高铁上一边耳鸣一边听,可能有听错的地方...OTZ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: lamer (, 09/25/2018 21:04:49
4F:推 niewongbuyue: 推推大大翻译辛苦了,谢谢大大 09/25 21:56
5F:推 Verola: 推 Q_Q09/25 21:59
6F:推 windmagic: 克转日转中,一定有误差,仅供参考:想对我的克罗埃西亚09/25 22:44
7F:→ windmagic: 献上问候。我们真是渡过了无与伦比的夏天啊。感谢你们09/25 22:45
8F:→ windmagic: 炽热的情感。真的很开心。感谢你们真挚的声援。09/25 22:45
9F:推 third233: 谢谢翻译 09/25 23:01
10F:推 FuwafuwaCAT: 推 感谢大大 09/25 23:42
11F:推 winniedadu: 推软妹~~感谢翻译09/25 23:48
12F:推 jjeuann: 感谢翻译 Luka真是真情流露 好喜欢他 好幸运能在这次世09/26 01:05
13F:→ jjeuann: 界盃认识他:)09/26 01:05
14F:推 SaintIker: 感谢翻译09/26 09:11
15F:→ pikalinda: 好棒!好感动!谢谢翻译!09/26 10:31
16F:推 rohank: 看魔笛踢球是种享受09/26 19:51
17F:推 yuzi1222: 感谢翻译!09/26 20:43
18F:推 st5325: 感谢翻译!!09/26 22:04
19F:推 christing19: 感谢翻译09/26 22:21
20F:推 qookennylin: 谢谢翻译 09/28 15:28
21F:推 ameo0505: 感谢翻译!!09/29 13:30
22F:推 niewongbuyue: 推推大大感谢翻译~ 09/29 19:15
23F:推 gomatto: 感谢翻译!这感言很真挚动人 09/29 19:56
※ 编辑: lamer (, 09/29/2018 23:59:09

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