RealMadrid 板

LINE ae.html Lopetegui insists upon negotiating James Rodriguez return Real Madrid continue to look for ways to strengthen their midfield, and Julen Lopetegui is insisting upon the club discussing James Rodriguez's return from his loan spell with Bayern Munich. It's long been known that the former Porto midfielder thoroughly enjoyed his t ime in Madrid and would love to return, but a difficult professional relations hip with Zinedine Zidane made this impossible. With the French coach no longer in place, his successor is determined to get t he best out of the Colombian and has encouraged him to force his way out of th e Allianz Arena a year earlier than planned. Unfortunately for the Spanish coach, Bayern Munich hold all the cards in negot iations having agreed a two-year loan deal in the summer of 2017. The only way the playmaker could return to LaLiga this summer would be if the Bavarian club agree to void the terms of the loan agreement, something they ha ven't yet shown any desire to do. Cristiano Ronaldo's incredible rate of production will be sorely missed at the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu and Lopetegui is desperate to make up the creative shortfall whilst working within the club's budget. Contact between the Spaniard and the player has already started and there is o ptimism that any potential roadblocks to a deal can be overcome eventually. Rodriguez has a great relationship with supporters in the Spanish capital, he was given a standing ovation when he returned with the German champions in the Champions League semi-final. If an agreement can't be found with Bayern this summer then the player will re main in the Bundesliga until at least the end of the 2018/19 season. There is an embedded option to purchase the former Monaco star on a permanent basis, however that would depend on the will of the player, which at this mome nt is to return to Los Blancos. 心得:席丹也不在了,哈梅斯该回来继位了 不过Modric应该是不会把十号还回来就是了... --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: MartinGarrix (, 07/15/2018 07:09:19
1F:→ s9321312: 覆水难收啊 明年才能买断今年要怎样谈 痒痒就是气定神闲 07/15 07:31
2F:→ s9321312: 的等你来被海噱 07/15 07:31
3F:推 maik7023: 带回家 不给租了阿 07/15 08:16
4F:推 LesBleus: 回来吧! 07/15 10:45
5F:推 cloudshow: 回来吧!没了C罗,有个J罗也不错,颜值也有! 07/15 11:35
6F:推 sdf88523: Hazard不是也要来...要让J罗当锋线球员了吗? 07/15 17:08
7F:推 san6102: 回来吧!!! 07/15 17:16
8F:推 duckchi: 哈妹回来吧! 07/16 00:06
9F:推 MtCloud: 回来回来,再加哈炸!!! 07/16 02:07
10F:→ MtCloud: 双哈连线 07/16 02:07
11F:推 skydark: 哈妹的射术可能可以当前锋 07/16 05:53
12F:推 SaintIker: 世界盃结束了 看看近期会发生甚麽事 07/16 09:42
13F:推 willy0527: 拜仁不可能放 有星度踢得不差又能卖球衣 应该会被买断 07/16 12:20
14F:推 KyKiske: 不过拜仁感觉蛮尊重球员意愿的,所以也要看哈罗想不想回 07/16 12:51
15F:→ KyKiske: 来,他想的话也许有机会回来吧 07/16 12:51
16F:推 skydark: 拜仁新帅说拒绝皇马的请求 07/20 10:45

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