Railway 板


原始标题 请填在这里 勿自行加上冒号 以免排版出错 Grupo Carso agrees to repair Mexico City's collapsed metro line 新闻网址 请填在这里 h ttps://www.reuters.com/world/americas/ grupo-carso-agrees-repair-mexico-citys-collapsed-metro-line-2021-10-20/ https://tinyurl.com/skne5u9f 发表日期 请填在这里 October 21, 2021 全文完整内容 请从这里开始填写 https://i.imgur.com/pKhIdtO.jpg
MEXICO CITY, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim's Grupo Carso said on Wednesday it had signed a formal agreement with Mexico City authorities to rebuild a stretch of metro rail that collapsed in May, killing 26 people. Earlier this month, Mexico City officials said they were opening criminal cases against people and companies involved in building the Metro's Line 12 and urged the firms to quickly come to settlement deals. read more Grupo Carso denied responsibility for the accident. It said that despite disagreement on what caused the incident and in order to not further delay the rehabilitation and reinforcement work, it "agreed to resolve in advance the legal procedures associated with this unfortunate event" by inking Wednesday's agreement. The firm said it has told the attorney general's office it is interested in participating in a compensation fund for the accident's victims. The accident occurred in May when an overpass and train carriage on the line plummeted onto a stream of cars in the southeast of the city. An independent auditor found that missing bolts and poor welding contributed to the crash, findings confirmed in a separate investigation by the Mexico City attorney general's office. Slim has said his construction firm, Grupo Carso (GCARSOA1.MX), which helped build the section that collapsed, will repair the line at no cost to the government. Mexico's Grupo ICA (ICA.MX) and France's Alstom (ALSO.PA) were a part of the consortium that built the full line. Reporting by Anthony Esposito and Miguel Angel Gutierrez; Editing by Sam Holmes and Leslie Adler Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. google 翻译 carso 同意修复倒榻的捷运 路透墨西哥城 10 月 20 日 - 墨西哥亿万富翁卡洛斯·斯利姆 (Carlos Slim) 的 Grupo Carso 周三表示,已与墨西哥城当局签署正式协议,重建一段於 5 月坍塌、造成 26 人死亡的地铁铁路。 本月早些时候,墨西哥城官员表示,他们正在对参与建设地铁 12 号线的人和公司提起刑 事诉讼,并敦促这些公司迅速达成和解协议。 Grupo Carso 否认对事故负责。 他表示,尽管对导致事件的原因存在分歧,并且为了不 进一步拖延修复和加固工作,他“同意通过签署周三的协议,提前解决与这一不幸事件相 关的法律程序”。 该公司表示已告知总检察长办公室,它有兴趣参与为事故受害者设立的赔偿基金。 事故发生在 5 月,当时线路上的一座立交桥和火车车厢在城市东南部坠落到一排排的汽 车上。 一名独立审计师发现,螺栓缺失和焊接不良导致了事故,墨西哥城总检察长办公室的另一 项调查证实了这一发现。 斯利姆曾表示,他的建筑公司 Grupo Carso (GCARSOA1.MX) 帮助建造了倒塌的部分,将 免费为政府修复这条线路。 墨西哥的 Grupo ICA (ICA.MX) 和法国的阿尔斯通 (ALSO.PA) 是建造全线的财团的一部 分。 Anthony Esposito 和 Miguel Angel Gutierrez 的报导; 山姆·福尔摩斯和莱斯利·阿德勒编辑 我们的标准:汤森路透信托原则。 #PTTRailway -- 这个社会一直在谈家庭、教育,以及工作间的平衡,我辞职之後回家带小孩, 我没想到这个社会是如此的不安全。 我真的很希望政府、各级单位,能够做些事情让妈妈放心带小孩, 或者是让妈妈放心工作 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Railway/M.1635126964.A.02D.html ※ 编辑: hateOnas ( 台湾), 10/25/2021 09:56:28 ※ 编辑: hateOnas ( 台湾), 10/25/2021 09:57:18
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