RIPE_gender 板


身为sex and the city 的资深粉丝 (就是家里还有之前翻拍全集的光碟 大概看过100遍重播影集跟电影的那种) 今天一口气看完了”And just like that…’’5-10集 一开始真不能接受the Big 的领便当 (but… that’s life unfortunately…) 还有很多多元议题需要适应(觉得自己老了) 跟让人不想面对的’老化皱纹’与’失去’的议题 但第五集之後感觉渐入佳境 有很多在人生下半场的人生议题 虽然有些赤裸却真实的呈现着 无法面对失去挚爱到最後逐渐面对的过程 但明白了至少曾经拥有至爱美好回忆的幸运 即使人生过半但未来仍拥有无限的可能性 身为母亲尝试放手却又想永远陪伴孩子的心情 期待着让他们能做自己却又无法克制的担心 还有。面对不快乐的自己 能否勇敢做自己毅然放手改变现况的勇气 必须说有些情节有些drama有些可惜 但很多事情最终能有勇气面对不容易 没有对错,而最终一切都是自己的选择 也许青春一去不复返永远无法避免 而我们总是会走到那个阶段 但人生的每一个阶段 都有自己想过的生活方式 期待着下一季 也期待着当我们走到下半场时能有同样的勇气 怀抱着希望(与无限的可能性) 永远忠於自己 ————— 很喜欢以前/现在的某些经典语录 莎:「我爱你,但我更爱我自己,我与自己在一起49年,这才是我真正该花心力的关系。 」 The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous. Life gives you lots of chances to screw up which means you have just as many c hances to get it right Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and wh o you want to spend it with. You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a p roblem with it. Somewhere out there is another little freak who will love us and understand us and kiss our three heads and make it all better. I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not sp ill on it.” “I will not be judged by you or society.” “I want to enjoy my success, not apologize for it.” The more I live, the more I find that if you have good friends in your corner, anything's possible Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with.

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