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这是我在书板发的一系列讨论温洽溢翻译作品中的一篇。 出版单位是时报文化,国内少数能公开上市的出版社, 按理说该有良好的编审机制,但居然如此邋遢马虎混蛋! 诸君身在出版业中,能否说说其中道理? 多谢! ※ [本文转录自 book 看板 #1PJoPyyS ] 作者: decorum (Festina Lente) 看板: book 标题: [讨论] 追寻现代中国: 再论温洽溢的翻译 Part 2 时间: Sun Jun 25 10:56:57 2017 该说英文的部分了。 很遗憾,我认为错误多如牛毛! 开卷读到「中文版序」,我就有很糟糕的预感: Spence说这本书本该多写些台湾的部分(v), 温洽溢却译成「拙着并未将之含括在内」 (viii). 不在其位,不食其禄。这原是译者和编辑该做的事情, 我就不一一列举错误了,只说比较刺眼的吧。 若想看详细的译评,可以到 找 "史景迁《追寻现代中国》译评" ,共49篇近700条评论。 这位网友写了到清帝逊位,所以我只用民国以後的部分当例子。 ---- 有些可能是打字错误,如把新教徒 protestants 翻成「清教徒」(p.504), 以及把陆战队 Marines当成「海军」 (p.643)。 有些是一时眼花误读所致: Sun was driven out of Canton by feuding warlords in 1918. (p.197) 一九一八年,孙逸仙被封建军阀驱逐出广州,(p.384) 显然把 feuding 误看成 feudal 了 With the war dragging on, the only sop to China came through the availability of large amounts of lend-lease supplies, and the careful way in which General Wedemeyer and his staff labored to improve the combat efficiency of thirty-nine specially selected divisions of Chiang's own armies,... (P.483) 随着战况的胶着,中国的唯一希望系於美国继续提供大量战备物资的援助, 以及魏德迈将军和他的参谋幕僚装备三十九个师的中国部队以加强其作战能力,(P.638) 把小小的慰藉 sop 看成了 hope? ---- 更多错误,根本是英文程度不够造成的。 不客气地说,连程度好点儿的高中生应该也不会犯这些错误: There were close to 1.25 million Japanese troops in China proper, and another 900,000 in Manchuria, not counting all the puppet troops, armed or partially armed, and over 1.75 million Japanese civilians in the country. (p. 485) 当时有将近一百二十五万的日本部队驻留中国本土,另有九十万部队部署在东北,这还不 包括傀儡政权的军队,以及逾一百七十五万武装或半武装的日本文官。 (p.644) civilians 是平民。 在华的文官若有一百七十五万人,日本人全部都搬到中国了吧! 这麽不合理的事情,翻的时候难道没想过吗? The American consul general in Mukden (p.498) 美国驻渖阳领事馆的武官 (p.659) consul general「总领事」被降级成武官了,显然以为general是军职将领。 若遇到的是secretary general, 会闹什麽笑话? One important sideline to Bandung was China's effort to resolve problems arising from the large numbers of Chinese living in Southeast Asian countries. The income that these Chinese sent back to their families at home was an important source of China's foreign exchange, and the last thing China wanted to do was weaken the loyalty of these overseas citizens to their native land. (p.554) 万隆之行还有另一项重要议题,亦即众多华侨在东南亚国家生活所遭遇的问题。东南亚地 区的华侨寄回家乡的钱是中共外汇的重要来源,中国此行所能做的就是尽可能缓和这些海 外侨民对祖国的向心力。(p.750) sideline 表示不是在万隆会内讨论的议题,而是会场外的问题。 the last thing China wanted to do...... 中国最不愿意做的事情, 就是削弱这些华侨对祖国的忠诚。 翻译完全跑到另一边去了! During the early stages of the First Five-Year Plan, Mao Zedong began to see that intellectuals—writers as well as scientists and engineers—of all political persuasions would be needed if there were to be a surge in China's productive capacities. (p.566) 一五计划初期阶段,毛泽东开始体察到,中国若要增进生产力,包括作家、科学家、工程 师在内的所有知识分子都必须拥有坚定的政治信念。(p.764) of all political persuasions...... 具有各种政治信仰的作家、科学家、工程师...... It was a time when many felt that things were going well in China, a feeling expressed in a loosening of the drab dress codes, a brief blooming of flowered blouses and slit skirts, and even the staging of an officially sanctioned fashion show. (p.568) 这段时间中国大势看好,这可以从衣着限制的逐渐放宽之上看出,花衬衫与窄裙曾一度流 行过,甚至可以欣赏到官方禁止的服装表演。(p.766) officially sanctioned fashion show 官方批准的服装表演 ---- 有些问题是不明典故造成的: It was an apocalyptic version of that dragging of China into the modern world that Hegel had speculated about thirty years before. (p.182) 马克思此一观察无疑是三十年前,黑格尔断言中国将被迫拖入现代世界之天启式的说法。 (p.225) apocalyptic是apocalypse 的形容词,原意是「启示」没错, 但圣经最後一篇「启示录」详细预言了末日灾难的惨况, 所以apocalyptic有「末日灾难的」的意思。 翻为「天启式」,教读者如何明白? In reasserting central government power, Guomindang official's behaved in a "carpetbagging" style similar to that followed in Shanghai and Manchuria. (p.510) 国民党在重新伸张中央政权的过程中,其行为举止所流露出的「政客」(carpet bagging)品行一如在上海、东北的表现。(p.674) carpetbaggers 是美国南北战争结束後,从北方跑去南方发展的人, 南方人认为他们是一群从事掠夺的外来投机份子。 Spence用这个字形容来台湾接收的国民党,就是强调其外来掠夺的特性, 译为政客,完全是隔靴搔痒。 ----- 有些问题是不明白英语口语造成的: The Communists, had they been given a free hand, might have been able to foment real revolution in the countryside. (p.355) 如有免费助力,共产党应该已经可以在农村地区发动真正的革命了。(p.463) "give someone a free hand"是让某人作主的意思。 中共在武汉时,处处听命於莫斯科,发动许多城市暴动而失败; 毛泽东当时则在发展农村革命,遵义会议後才成为中共的主流路线。 Spence认为如果那时中共能作主,农村革命路线就不会等那麽久了。 革命又不是请客吃饭,哪来的免费助力?! 不明白 "give someone a free hand"的意思,所以再碰到时, 也翻得有气无力: Mao retorted sharply, "It is necessary to give the masses a free hand." (p.595) 毛则严厉驳斥,「必须对群众松手」。(p.804) 「让人民群众当家作主!」才是老毛的霸气口吻。 "settle old scores" 也是出现过两次,译者都没搞明白的口语: This fear was borne out in the months after the Manchu abdication, as old scores were settled and powerful local incumbents took over a range of new posts designed to bring the authority of the central government much deeper into the countryside than the old Qing magistrates had ever been able to do. (pp.279-80) 清帝逊位後一个月,坐实了这样的忧虑,旧问题解决了,但势力强大的地方官员占据各项 新职,使中央政府的权威比过去满清时代更加深入渗透乡村社会。(p.362) "settle an old score" 是算旧帐、报旧仇的意思。 原文的意思是革命後清帝逊位,既有的地方势力乘机算旧帐,公报私仇, 结果革命後还把持了更多的地方权力,比过去还有势力。 阿Q正传不就是说这故事吗? 旧问题解决了? 因为始终没搞懂"settle an old score"是什麽意思,接下来就更翻得离谱了: Violence was an integral part of this process, as old scores were settled with village thugs and personal enemies as well as with landlords. (p.492) 一如往常在界定土豪劣绅、个别敌人和地主身份的实践经验,暴力是整个土改过程之中不 可分割的内在要素。(p.651) 简单说就是:「算清」土豪劣绅、个别敌人.... ----- 口语是很难对付的东西,没在英语国家待过几年,很容易误触地雷。 但译者本来就该做足功课,不带扫雷机进场,结果就是血肉模糊。 我想一战欧洲战场华工的一封家书,具体体现了温译的问题: For the inspection of my elder brother. I have come many ten thousand li* since I saw you. I am doing well and you need not have anxiety about me. I am earning three francs per day, but as living is expensive I cannot send many home yet. As to my quarrelling with you, that day at Yaowan, before I left, forget it! I did unworthily. Please take care of our parents and when I return in three or five years, I will bring enough money to help support them the rest of their days. (p.292) 自从接受了阿兄的建议後,我们之间已经相距几万里。我工作得很好,你不用为我担心。 我每天攒三法郎,但生活昂贵,目前我尚没有能力寄许多钱回家。就在我离开之前,在洮 湾(音)那天我们曾吵架,忘了它吧! 我不值得你生气。请照顾我们的爹娘,我将在三、 五年内回来,那时我会携回足够的钱让他们度过余生。(p.377) 一,搞错收信人的身份。For the inspection of my elder brother 分明是写给哥哥的,却误为写给自己的老婆。 二,「攒」是存、储蓄的意思,earn 当作「挣」。 三,语气也不对。晏阳初教导华工1000字写家书,会用到文诌诌的「余生」吗? 典雅华丽比较重要. 正确? The hell with you readers! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 fatisuya: 唔,好可怕… 06/25 13:44
2F:推 tryit0902: 推个 06/25 15:16
3F:推 chi12345678: 推专业! 06/25 22:16
4F:推 alleninwar: 感恩楼主! 06/25 23:33
5F:推 monarchist: 挑个无关紧要的错,称毛泽东可以称「老毛」,但不能称 06/26 12:41
6F:→ monarchist: 「老毛子」,後者是指俄国人 06/26 12:41
guilty as charged! ※ 编辑: decorum (, 06/26/2017 17:14:49

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: decorum (, 06/26/2017 21:38:22 ※ 编辑: decorum (, 06/26/2017 21:42:58
7F:推 kiki41052: 那个按理说通常都没办法真的有个理...编审机制..豆页痛 06/27 02:28
8F:→ sky820812: 这让我想到了哀伤的快思慢想XDD 06/27 10:29
9F:推 tiano: 这书是2001出版,通常合约是五年续一次约,若有错误会出修 06/27 15:01
10F:→ tiano: 订版,而十几年来应已续过几次约,都没出修订版,就表示没 06/27 15:01
11F:→ tiano: 人做过修订(没人发现错误,或没人告知出版社)。最可行的 06/27 15:01
12F:→ tiano: 是,写信请出版社,再出修订本。 06/27 15:01
13F:推 tiano: 邋遢马虎混蛋 06/27 15:05
14F:→ tiano: 这评语下得太重了。 06/27 15:05
15F:推 tiano: 您可以写封措辞比较婉转的信,做前五十页勘误,请该出版社 06/27 15:35
16F:→ tiano: 找你校对。我有些案子是这样的来的。与其批评,不如投入。 06/27 15:36
17F:→ tiano: (我上述几行字就有错字了,错误难免,改正就好啊) 06/27 15:38
18F:推 chi12345678: @__@ 06/28 03:31
19F:→ sky820812: 感谢t大回答~感觉又学到一课了 06/28 09:28
20F:推 jodawa: 推一个 06/29 23:23
21F:嘘 olp123: marine,海军陆战队 07/24 17:50

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