PublicHealth 板


这篇是我上学期期末分享报告时选的, 一篇很有兴趣的新闻, 新闻来源是时代杂志。 英文翻译得很烂请不要轰我感恩。 Study: The Link between Diabetes and Depression Goes Both Ways 研究报告:糖尿病与忧郁症之间的双向关系 By Erin Skarda Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Two common conditions — depression and diabetes — frequently appear together, and a new study by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that each illness may be both a consequence and a contributor to the other. 糖尿病与忧郁症这两种常见的疾病经常被一同提及,一篇来自於美国哈佛大学公共卫生学 院研究人员所发表的最新研究指出,这两种疾病间可能对彼此的後果与互相促成有所影响 The 10-year study followed 65,381 women, ages 50 to 75, who were participating in the Nurses' Health Study. Over the course of the research, depression and new cases of Type 2 diabetes were monitored: 2,844 women from the group were diagnosed with diabetes and 7,415 women developed depression — unsurprising numbers based on the prevalence of both illnesses. 一篇长达十年的研究追踪了65381位参与美国护士健康调查的50到75岁女性,在研究过程 中监控着忧郁症与第二型糖尿病的新病例,有2844女性诊断出罹患有糖尿病,而有7415女 性被发现罹患有忧郁症,以此两种疾病为基础的盛行率数字并不让人感到讶异。 Researchers also found a correlation between the conditions: women who suffered from depression were 17% more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes during the study period than women who weren't depressed; women with diabetes were 29% more likely to develop depression than women without diabetes, even after adjusting for other mood disorders and risk factors, such as weight and lack of frequent exercise. 研究人员也发现到这两种疾病之间的关联性:既使调整消除了其他情绪障碍疾病和风险因 子,例如体重或缺少运动等状况的干扰後,仍发现患有忧郁症的女性比起研究期间没有罹 患忧郁症的女性要多出17%的机率容易患有第二型糖尿病,而罹患有糖尿病的女性比起没 有糖尿病的女性高出29%的机率容易罹患有忧郁症, Additionally, the more severe the depression or diabetes was, the more likely that women would develop the other disease. Women whose diabetes was serious enough to require insulin, for instance, were 53% more likely to develop depression during the 10-year time frame, compared with women without diabetes. And women who took antidepressants to manage their depression were 25% more likely than undepressed women to develop diabetes. 此外,当这些女性罹患的忧郁症或糖尿病越严重,就越容易罹患另一种疾病。例如,与没 有罹患糖尿病的女性比较发现,罹患有严重糖尿病而需要注射胰岛素的女性在十年间 罹患有忧郁症的机率高出了53%。 而需要服用抑郁药物来控制忧郁症的女性,比起没有罹患忧郁症的女性 要多出25%的机率容易罹患有糖尿病。 Lead researcher Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology, told WebMD that factors such as physical activity and body mass index (BMI) might partially explain the connection between the two illnesses, but that the more likely common denominator is stress. 研究计画主持人胡‧法兰克博士,营养学与流行病学教授,向中央社表示:一些影响因子 例如身体活动与身体质量指数等,可能可以用来解释这两个疾病之间的关连性,但更可能 的共同影响特性应该是压力。 High levels of stress hormones, which are often found in people who are depressed, can lead to problems with glucose and blood sugar metabolism, increased insulin resistance and an accumulation of stomach fat — all risk factors for diabetes. Depression also tends to lead to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, such as eating a poor diet and not exercising, which may further up the risk of diabetes. 高程度下的压力贺尔蒙通常很容易在忧郁的人们上被发现,除了会造成葡萄糖与血糖代谢 的问题外,也会增加胰岛素阻抗与腹部脂肪的堆积,而这些正好都是影响糖尿病形成的风 险因子。忧郁症也会趋使养成不健康的生活习惯,例如吃不健康的食物或是不运动,这些 状况都将更进一步造成糖尿病的风险。 Conversely, people with diabetes must deal with managing a chronic disease, which requires changing diet and lifestyle and adjusting to various prescription medications, so it's easy to see how the disease could increase stress levels and risk of depression. 相反地,罹患有糖尿病的人必须面对慢性疾病的控制,需要改变饮食与生活方式并且适应 各种处方药。这就是为什麽我们可以轻易的了解,罹患糖尿病会增加压力的程度与忧郁症 的风险。 The study's authors say, therefore, that doctors should take care to address the psychological aspects of disease management with diabetes patients, and pay attention to blood sugar levels and other signs of diabetes in patients diagnosed with clinical depression. 因此这项研究的作者提到,医师应该要关注糖尿病患控制其病情时的心理层面,另外也该 专注於那些被诊断为忧郁症患者的血糖程度与任何有关糖尿病的警讯。 The new study was published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine. 这篇最新的研究将出版於《内科医学档案》期刊里。 -- 对不起成了这国家的口头禅, 道歉敌不过口沫横飞, 鞠躬摇身为一种全民运动。 声嘶力竭若被加诸为暴民的冷然姿态, 某天醒来,我们正捡拾着散落一地的破碎自由, 罪名肆无忌惮。 --

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1F:推 firejimmy:推~~~ 02/03 17:31
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