作者RyanTan (运气是很邪门的东西)
标题[讨论] Question of the day #2
时间Wed Mar 29 14:21:51 2006
#Game No : 3843940041
***** Hand History for Game 3843940041 *****
NL Texas Hold'em Trny:21485718 Level:3 Blinds(50/100) - Wednesday, March 29,
00:47:12 ET 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(648880) Table #148 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: IceDragon808 ( $2040 )
Seat 2: jkrjpiccolo ( $2130 )
Seat 4: oxy1980 ( $2000 )
Seat 7: Honeychild63 ( $2280 )
Seat 8: 耍笨 ( $34126 )
Seat 9: amjona ( $2160 )
Seat 6: CMinusRod ( $2490 )
Seat 5: SilentSammy ( $2150 )
Seat 3: Julio1945 ( $2240 )
Seat 10: rulookin ( $17214 )
Trny:21485718 Level:3Blinds(50/100)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to 耍笨 [ Tc 5d ]
Honeychild63 folds.
耍笨 calls [100].
amjona folds.
rulookin raises [300].
IceDragon808 folds.
jkrjpiccolo folds.
Julio1945 folds.
oxy1980 folds.
SilentSammy folds.
CMinusRod folds.
耍笨 calls [200].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3c, 6h, Ts ]
耍笨 bets [1170].
rulookin raises [2340].
耍笨 calls [1170].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2d ]
耍笨 checks.
rulookin bets [3316].
Your time bank will be activated in 5 secs. If you do not want it to be used,
please act now.
耍笨 will be using his time bank for this hand.
耍笨 calls [3316].
** Dealing River ** [ 3s ]
耍笨 checks.
rulookin bets [5590].
如果你是"耍笨" river你call不call?
If I could arrange the alphabet,
I would put U and I together.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ awwh:fold 我不知道他是不是乱玩,但看起来他是有比你好的底牌~ 03/29 14:28
2F:→ awwh:从pre-flop就玩得这麽aggresive,我很难不认定他是over pair 03/29 14:29
3F:→ awwh:我想他底牌应该不出QQ KK AA 03/29 14:30
4F:推 bookmarks:我也会fold 03/29 14:45
5F:推 bookmarks:不过play money他也可能是AK or something 03/29 15:06
6F:推 samoyed:不跟不跟不跟....因为我讨厌two pairs....XDXDXD 03/29 17:38
7F:→ terryfan1124:FOLD 03/29 17:51
8F:推 awwh:这题也没那麽难吧,就算是AT可能也是要fold的,T5就想都甭想了~ 03/29 20:31
9F:推 RyanTan:这题大家都猜错 对方拿44 03/29 23:27
10F:→ RyanTan:这一手我考虑了很久...本来是打算call...结果却fold... 03/29 23:28
11F:→ RyanTan:事实上我没注意到pot size...算是败笔之一... 03/29 23:29
12F:→ RyanTan:另一方面...对方很明显的是想偷blinds...因为那桌基本上只 03/29 23:30
13F:→ RyanTan:剩我跟他在玩...其他人都是ghost..我竟没考虑到这点..sigh 03/29 23:31
14F:推 RyanTan:白白送对方到奖金区.还好对方也只拿到$0.75..不然我会干死 03/29 23:37
15F:推 bookmarks:我是觉得这把打错是river的check或者turn的call 03/30 00:33
16F:→ bookmarks:跟check 被压着打 压力渐增 你的手牌又没强到能承受 03/30 00:35