Poker 板


#Game No : 3613353717 ***** Hand History for Game 3613353717 ***** NL Texas Hold'em Trny:20446596 Level:4 Blinds(100/200) - Friday, February 24, 06:38:48 ET 2006 Table Regular(609436) Table #5 (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 2: Petereng40 ( $6892 ) Seat 3: xMORPHIENDx ( $2795 ) Seat 4: star2020 ( $4900 ) Seat 5: KENCASE111 ( $7795 ) Seat 7: sk8erboi0307 ( $1970 ) Seat 10: shotgun355 ( $2468 ) Seat 6: Pynegar ( $6833 ) Seat 1: Buci82 ( $6552 ) Seat 9: parks73 ( $9583 ) Seat 8: Scarkins ( $9968 ) Trny:20446596 Level:4Blinds(100/200) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to sk8erboi0307 [ Jd Jh ] sk8erboi0307 is all-In [1970] Scarkins folds. parks73 folds. shotgun355 folds. Buci82 folds. Petereng40 folds. xMORPHIENDx folds. star2020 calls [1970]. KENCASE111 raises [3640]. Pynegar folds. star2020 calls [1770]. ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 8d, 4c ] KENCASE111 is all-In [4055] star2020 folds. ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5h ] ** Dealing River ** [ 7s ] KENCASE111 shows [ As, Ah ] a straight, four to eight. sk8erboi0307 shows [ Jd, Jh ] a straight, four to eight. KENCASE111 wins 7595 chips from side pot #1 with a straight, four to eight. sk8erboi0307 wins 3055 chips from the main pot with a straight, four to eight. KENCASE111 wins 3055 chips from the main pot with a straight, four to eight. Game #3613355205 starts. #Game No : 3613382164 ***** Hand History for Game 3613382164 ***** NL Texas Hold'em Trny:20446596 Level:5 Blinds(150/300) - Friday, February 24, 06:56:19 ET 2006 Table Regular(609436) Table #5 (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of players : 9 Seat 3: xMORPHIENDx ( $2395 ) Seat 4: star2020 ( $4494 ) Seat 5: KENCASE111 ( $26694 ) Seat 7: sk8erboi0307 ( $2305 ) Seat 10: shotgun355 ( $2476 ) Seat 6: Pynegar ( $4123 ) Seat 9: parks73 ( $7101 ) Seat 8: Scarkins ( $10618 ) Seat 1: oceanbum ( $1730 ) Trny:20446596 Level:5Blinds(150/300) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to sk8erboi0307 [ Qs Js ] KENCASE111 raises [600]. Pynegar folds. sk8erboi0307 is all-In [2305] Scarkins folds. parks73 folds. shotgun355 folds. oceanbum folds. xMORPHIENDx folds. star2020 folds. KENCASE111 calls [1705]. ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ac, 9d, Qh ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ] ** Dealing River ** [ Jc ] KENCASE111 shows [ Ts, Th ] a straight, eight to queen. sk8erboi0307 shows [ Qs, Js ] two pairs, queens and jacks. KENCASE111 wins 5060 chips from the main pot with a straight, eight to queen. 应kirkland兄的要求 把log贴上来跟大家分享 XD 晚上在party poker闲晃 不小心发现有buy-in $1的tournament可以打 又刚好在msn上遇到kirkland兄说可以当我军师 然後就马上跑去register了 由於参加人数有300多个 所以我们就打算用龟的方式 一开始手气真的很背 好不容易拿到pocket AK还被Q pair干掉 不然就是fold掉的牌flop到最後变tripple = = 随着时间的流逝 来到了level 4 blinds变100/200 这时候我的筹码只剩不到2000 拿到pocket J pair 坐BB下家 眼看机会来了 马上all-in 然後button calls SB又raise button再call flop出来6h 8d 4c 此时SB也跟着all-in button folds 我跟kirkland想说死定了 因为SB是pocket Ace pair 没想到奇积还真的发生了 turn 5h river 7s table上出现了不可思议的顺子!! 结果当然就是我跟SB平分button的筹码啦 哈哈 虽然大难不死 但後福并没有跟着来 经过5分钟休息时间後 来到了level 5 这时我拿到pocket Qs Js 於是又再次all-in 没想到之前的SB又再次call 手中底牌是Ts Th flop Ac 9d Qh 看到这里心里正暗爽着 想说真的要转运了 结果好死不死 turn 8c river Jc 接着就眼巴巴的看我的two pairs被straight干掉 死得还真壮烈 ~_~ 结果最後排名156 虽然没能拿到最後的奖金 不过花个$1能享受这种上冲下洗的快感 也算值回票价了 呵呵 顺便感谢kirkland兄带我玩 :) 经过这场战役後 经验值增加了不少 之後打了一场sng 终於拿到1st place了 XD -- If I could arrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together. --

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1F:推 kirkland:我是叫你来问别人QJs那把该不该推..... 02/25 06:33

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