PlayStation 板


DRAGON QUEST VIII ~ Journey of the Cursed King~ (开头中,邪恶的魔法师Dhoulmagus抢走了在城中的杖,伴随底下的五行字) A sceptre spoken of in lore… And sealed away since days of yore, Unleashes its forbidden power, And heralds Trodain's darkest hour. Your quest has begun! (Superpig的宠物Munchie跑了一段路,跑回主角的口袋) Yangus : Oy! Guv! It's gonna get dark if we'ang about 'ere much longer. Let's 'ead inta town. There's better places than this to spend an evenin'! (看到Superpig毫无动静) Shake a leg, guv! (Superpig起身去找Trode交谈) Trode : (Mumble grumble…) (Superpig找Yangus交谈) Yangus : I've prob'ly said it before, but it beats me 'ow you ended up workin' for an old codger like 'im! Not that I can talk, though, eh?! Guess people say the same thing about me workin' for you. Trode : Hm? Old codger!? I do hope you're not referring to me! What would you know? A lowlife like you wouldn't recognize nobility if it came up and bit you on the…arrrgh! (两人怒目相视,突然Trode想到什麽似的) Trode : Enough dilly-dallying! Superpig! Where's the Princess? I can't see her any where… (公主呢?大家环顾四周都找不到,草丛中却跳出了三只slime) Yangus : Uh-oh! Here comes trouble, guv! (进入战斗,当然小小slime当然不是两人的对手,轻松解决掉) Trode : Well…they certainly took us by surprise. But nothing we couldn't handle, eh!? (一惊!) Trode : Now, where's the Princess!? Where's my Medea!? My precious one and only daughter!? (这时走出来一匹"白马") Trode : Ah! There you are! Thank goodness you're safe, Medea! (走过去抱了抱她(牠?)) Yangus : Aye-aye, the 'orse-princess is back… I say we make a move now, before it gets dark. (天色渐渐变了,夕阳西下,一行人走向Farebury,画面出现了工作人员的名单) (进了镇内,有长的像妖怪的Trode的一行人,自然引起了大家的恻目) Trode : Yes. Yes! Here we are. If my memory serves me correctly, this is the place. This is the town where Master Rylus lives. Yangus : Hold yer 'orses, grandad! I thought it was Dhoulmagus we was after. Trode : I AM NOT YOUR GRANDAD! And of course Dhoulmagus is our man! He's the one who turned Medea and I into such laughing stocks! But that dastardly magician can't hide from us forever! We must track him down and lift this confounded curse! Oh! Just look at my poor Medea! And we'd only just settled on her engagement to the Prince of Argonia… Oh, that despicable Dhoulmagus! That's why it's imperative we locate Rylus! Will you go and find him, Superpig? (选yes) That's the spirit! I knew I could rely on you, Superpig! I'll be waiting here. (准备离开时) Yangus : Oy, guv! (跑过来) You weren't thinkin' of goin' wivout me, I'ope! I'm the best there is when it comes to lookin' for people. It'd my 'piece de resistance', as they say. (两人就一起离开了) (到教堂记录先) 神父(or 修女) : Wayward sheep of the great shepherdess, welcome to this house of the Goddess. How may we help you? (选Confession(Save)) Declare your sins and your achievements before our great and benevolent Goddess, and I shall record them in an adventure log. (之後就没什麽好说的了…^^) (准备在Farebury问情报罗~~~) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ superpigpig:上次听了一些网友的建议,趁着暑假在家没得玩 07/12 00:38
2F:→ superpigpig:稍微改了一下之前的文章,这样觉得如何呢? 07/12 00:39
3F:→ superpigpig:我是觉得比之前好多了,还可以更好的话再给意见罗~ 07/12 00:39
4F:推 debian99:太棒了~ 07/13 09:42

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