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(回到Alexandra) 墓地老奶奶 : I could tell by Bangerz's face that he was hiding something, so I saked him and he spilt the beans. Apparently, Miss Jessica's run away from home! If her Mother found out, she'd be in terrible trouble! (Bangerz在宿屋前等待) Bangerz : Oh, you're back! You were ages! I was starting to get worried! So where's Jessica? Hmm… Really? So you saw her in the tower? Well, it's not brilliant, but I suppose if she said she was coming back, then that's good enough. Thanks for your help, Superpig. You were a bit of a pain at first, but you're pretty sound, I suppose. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I asked at the inn if they'd be able to put you up for the night. Mash and I put our   pocket money together to pay for it. So you'd better noe let it go to waste! Bangerz : it's a relief to know that there's nothing weird in the tower any more. But I wonder where that Dhoulmagus character disappeared to? (先进宿屋睡一觉罗!) 宿屋老板娘 : Hello there! Bangerz told me to expect you. Are you ready to rest for the night? (选Yes) Sleep well! 宿屋旁小女孩 : Yay! Miss Jessica's better again now! Yay! 墓地老奶奶 : I heard from Bangerz that Miss Jessica got back from the tower not long ago. She went over to the mansion. I do hope she's not fighting with that poor mother of hers. 水井旁修女 : I saw Miss Jessica come back to the villags just now. It was quite a relief to see her back, I must say. 水井旁妇女 : Miss Jessica seems to have cheered up, so now we can all stop freeting quite so much. 田中男子 : I once heard something about the Albert family having sone kind of strange magical power passed over the generations. I wonder if Jessica will be next in line for it? 男子 : A women that looked like Miss Jessica went into the mansion just now… But she's been in there all along, so it can't be her… Ah! Surely it can't be … TWO OF THEM!? (进到Albert family 的家中) (一楼) 守卫 : There I was thinking Miss Jessica was inside all along, but it seems she'd slipped out. Luckily, she came back just now. But I'm still a bit worried that I might get into trouble for not spotting her leave in the first place. (二楼) Mash : Jessica and Lady Rosalind are having a blazing row. They'll end up killing each other at this rate! It doesn't look like they're gonna stop any time soon, that's for sure! Bangerz : Huh! I tried really hard, but Lady Rosalind still found out what was going on in the end. Jessica just came in the front door as if nothing had happened! Talk about giving the game away! Lorenzo : I had no idea she was this…er…high-spirited…(惊)Oh! Are you here to see Miss Jessica, too? She's otherwise engaged at the moment. I should leave her to it if I were you. (接进争执中的两人) Lorenzo : Hold on there! This is a family matter. The lasy will attend to you shortly. Rosalind : I'm going to ask you again, Jessica. Are you entirely bereft of compassion!? Will you not mourn your own brother's death!? Jessica : Not this, again! Of course I'm sad! I can't believe I even have to say it! But all you can think of is tradition and family obligations! I'm talking about avenging his murder! Rosalind : Avenging…? You will stop this foolishness this instant! You are a young lady, not a worrior! Do you think Alistair Would have wanted this? You will mourn your brother's death like a proper lady! It's our family's way. Jessica : Our family's way? Who cares about our family's way!? I don't expect you to beliebe me, but Alistair spoke to me! He told me to follow my heart. That's why my mind is made up. I don't care about the consequences. I'm going to make Alistair's murderer pay. Rosalind : ……Very well. It's obvious there's no talking to you. Do as you wish. But…As far as I'm concerned, I no longer have a daughter! I want you out of this house at once! Jessica : Fine! I was planning on leaving until you came to your senses, anyway! (Jessica走回房间) Jessica : Bangerz! Mash! Let me through. I'm getting my things! (Jessica进房後,收拾好东西再度出房门) Jessica : I'm sorry for not telling you the truth before. Forgive me? Bangerz : Are you really leavin', Jessica? Jessica : Yeah. I am. And I want you two to watch over the village while I'm gone. Aistair told me this would happen. He said you two Would protect the town and grow up to be famous worriors. Mash : (Sob, sob…! Sniff…) Jessica : Come on. Chin up. Your mission guarding my room is over. I want you to patrol outside from now on . Bangerz : Yes, sir! Mash : (Sob!) (Jessica走向Rosalind) Jessica : Well, I'm leaving! Thanks for being such a great mum! Have a nice life! (Jessica说完便离开了) Lorenzo : Jessica! Gone! My hopes of marriage dashed upon the rocks misery! Love! That treacherous beacon! How could you lead me astray!? Hm…Oh well. I suppose there's nothing to stop me from staying here and enjoy the easy lofe for a while. Rosalind : I just can't imagine who that child takes after! No doubt she'll soon be back with her tail between her legs. (回到镇上) 宿屋旁小女孩 : It's not fair! Miss Jessica's happy again now, but she's gone and left the village! Ohhh! 墓地老奶奶 : Miss Jessica spoke to me before she left, you know. She said she won't be coming back until she's avenged Master Alistair's death. Once she's made up her mind, nothing'll stop her. She's always been like this. She may look all grown up now, but she's still the same inside. 水井旁修女 : I saw Miss Jessica earlier. It was a relief to see her looking happier again, but…I don't know. Why would she leave the village at a time like this? I wonder where she's going? Bangerz : Oh, it's you. If you're looking for Jessica, she said she was going to Port Prospect. She heard rumours there about some weirdo or other, and she said she's going to stop him. If you want to go there, just head towards the tower and go right where the path splits into two. Then just follow it long 'til you get there. It's quite a long way, though. If you're going, you'd better make sure you're well-prepared before you set off. Mash : Nothing to report, sir. 男子 : Hm? Miss Jessica? She's not here in the village any more. She's left. I don't know why she went, but I can bazard a guess. She probably ran away because she didn't want to marry that awful man! (出发到Port Prospect去找Jessica罗) (与同伴对话) Yangus : Look like Jessica's scarpered, eh? Guess she didn't realize we was about. I 'ate birds like that who just go an' do stuff wivout thinkin'. She's all yours, guv. I'm stayin' well clear of 'er! Yangus : That Jessica said she wanted to say sorry to us, but then she Went an' done a runner! She's a bit wild, that one. More trouble than she's worth if you ask me. --

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