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(到Albert family的家中) (一楼) 守卫 : There was never any need for a guard here in the past…I was hired just after Master Alistair died, so I'm still quite new here, really. That doesn't mean I'll be putting up with any shenanigans, though. Make sure you behave inside the masion, do you hear? 女佣 : To be honest, I never really liked Miss Jessica all that much. Er, don't tell anyone I said so, though. It's just, she's never very friendly to us house staff. And she's always arguing with her poor mother as well. But I do sympathise with her now. I mean, her only true friend in the world was her brother, Master Alistair, so now she's all alone. 女佣 : Ooh, are you travelers? What a life that musr be! I wish I could leave all this behind and go off myself. (大惊) Oh dear, listen to Me! If the mistress heard me, I'd be out on my ear! Then I'd have no choice to travel! (二楼) Lorenzo : Ha ha hah! Congratulations! You have the great pleasure of meeting…I, the world famous poet, Lorenzo! Not only am I a son of the Chancellor to a large and prosperous kingdom. but I'm also the lovely Jessica's fianc?. Yes, that's me! She lost her brother recently, so I came here today to comfort her. But I seem to be faced with an unexpected obstacle to our love. There are some brats in front of her room who won't let me in. Ah, the sea of true love is strewn with the flotsam of despair! But I shall crest the waves of adversity and find find harbour in my lady's bosom! Rosalind : Allow me to introduce mtself. I'm Rosalind Albert. Sadly, my family is currently in mourning. No one is permitted to set foot outside the house. I'm afraid that my daughter is less than happy about this arrangement and has confined herself in her room. She's even asked the boys to stand guard at the door. I'm sure I don't know what's got into her. (书柜 : It appears to be a book about the history of the Albert family. "The history of the Albert family begins with Alexander Kranbartle, a gifted sculptor, skilled swordsman, and capable magician. Alexander was a truly unique individual who left his mark on history in a variety of ways, fully deserving his reputation as a great sage. His descendants reap the benefits of a prestigious and noble bloodline. They would do well to remember that they have a responsibilility to uphold the high traditions of their ancestry.") (书柜 : It's a book entitled "Cheeses of the World" "The world in which we live is blessed with an astonishing variety of cheeses. Some of them have even more astonishing effects. Spicy cheeses that will have you spitting fire. Cold cheeses that refresh as they chill. And it goes without saying that they all taste simply wonderful! Cheese is tasty! Cheese is healthy! Cheese makes everything better! Cheese makes the world go round!" Mash : You look a bit like thieves to me. I bet you are! I'm never wrong either. Bangerz : Oh, it's you. I'm sorry about before. But not sorry enough to let you through here. I'm under orders, see. Jessica said she doesn't want to see anyone, so I can't let people through. (三楼) 女佣 : Oh! Look out! It isn't safe here! Just look! There's a mouse! I hate mice! Why do I have to deal with it? Ohhh… (一只老鼠跑进墙边的洞里) See!? See!? Did you see it? Just now!? What am I going to do!? Jessica's room is on the other side of that wall! Oh, dear… (这样就知道把Munchie放进洞里去,就可以到Jessica的房里了) [那女佣的声音还蛮……] (Munchie跑到了Jessica的房间,看到桌上一封信,拿出来给Superpig) (Munshie brings over the letter. Superpig takes the letter and reads it. "I don't know who will find this letter. But please consider it my last will and testament. For by the time you read this, I will already be gone. I am going to the tower in the east. I will not return until my brother's death is avenged. Mother, I'm sorry for the damage I've caused to our family's reputation. But this is about something far bigger than tradition. I must follow my heart, no matter the consequences. Please forgive me. And to Bangerz and Mash, I'm sorry for lying to you. I hope you'll forgive me as well. Signed,Jessica" 女佣 : Excuse me! What were you doing there by the wall? Th-That wasn't a mouse, was it? (二楼) Mash : Lady Rosalind and this bloke called "Fancy"…no, "Francais"…hm, "Fionsay" or something, have sone downstairs for lunch. I wonder what kind of things the Albert family eat. Bangerz : Oh, it's you. I'm sorry about before. But not sorry enough to let you through here. I'm under orders, see. Jessica said she doesn't want to see anyone, so I can't let people through. …What!? She's not in her room!? Ha! I knew you were dodgy from the first moment I saw you, so don't think you can put one over on me! There's no way she's not in her room! So prove it! You can't just say something like that without proof! Are you a Complete thicko, or what!? (Show him Jessica's letter? 选Yes) (Superpig reads Jessica's letter. 内容同上) Bangerz : What!? A letter from Jessica? No way! You're lying! She's been in her room the whole time! So how could she give you a letter? Mash : I dunno. It sounds sorta real o me. Bangerz : ……Okay! Fine! I'll check her room! But if I'm right, you'd better leave and never come back! Got it? (选Yes) Right. Just wait here. No running away, now! (开门进房里) Hey! She is gone! Gimme that letter! (接过信看後) This is definitely Jessica's handwriting. But if she really did go to the tower, she'll end up just like her brother Alistair! This is bad… This is REALLY bad… We've gotta do something! We've gotta get her out of there! (指着Superpig) You! This is partly your fault! So I'll open the door to the tower. You go in and get her. Got it? (选Yes) Okay! We've gotta hurry! To get to the tower, go left down the path outside the village! (Bangerz joins your party) One more thing. I'll leave the monsters to you lot! Listen, Mash. Whatever you do, don't let Jessica's mum find out where she went! Mash : Yessir, Bangerz! Bangerz : Good! Come on! We've gotta hurry! (於是就准备带着Bangerz准备到东边的塔去) Mash : So Jessica lied to us so that no one would find out she wasn't in her room? I don't believe it… Bangerz : Never mind that now. Just make sure Lady Rosalind doesn't find out, okay? Mash : Yessir… (与村民交谈) 男子 : You just came out of the Albert mansion, right? (选Yes) What was going on in there!? Was there a amarmy-looking man saying awful things to Miss Jessica!? I'd have to dash in and save her if there was! Be her knight in shining armour! …Not that I'd ever actually have the nerve to do it, knowing me… What? You say he wasn't saying anything particularly awful? Well, that's a relief. (选No) Liar! I've been watching from here for ages! Why would you lie like that!? 男子 : The Albert family's very strict, so Miss Jessica's only marrying that creep because she has to. …Surely!? I mean, how could someone like her truly want to marry someone like him!? It's just unthinkable! 老婆婆 : Ah, hello there, young Bangerz. I hope you're not causing trouble again. Bangerz : 'Course not~ I'm showing these travelers around to make up for before. It's true! 老婆婆 : Well, that's nice. Just you make sure you do what Miss Jessica says, all right? Bangerz : Ys, ma'am! (前往东边的塔罗~~) --

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1F:推 cot123:推 05/21 13:40
2F:推 ytm1987: 05/21 14:36

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