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(与同伴对话) Yangus : Kalderasha reckons Dhoulmagus 'eaded south out of Farebury. As far as I remember, that town Alexandria's down that way. Why don't we try our luck there? King Torde : Dhoulmagus, you spineless clown! To attack one's own master is an un forgivable offence. I always knew he was evil, but I never imagined he was capable of this. What a fiend! The situation of Kalderasha and Vanlentina may be intriguing, but we have to concentrate on Dhoulmagus! Time to reckon with that rogue once and for all! To the south! We leave at once! (顺着之前瀑布洞窟後面的坡道到了瀑布上方一户人家) 屋内男子 : Hm? I don't often get visitors all the way up here! Well, now You're here, maybe I could ask you a little favour? (选Yes) Okay, I'm not goin' to say this once, so clean out your ears and get listenin'. If you go outside and look at the view from the topof the mountain, you should be able to spot a tree with red leaves. I had a bit of a kip there when I was out the other day, and it seems I left my tool bag behind. I don't expect you to do this for free of course. I'll be able to give you a small reward. I'll be waitin' here in my hut for you to bring it back. Try not to take too long (选No) Huh. That was unexpected. I was sure you'd say yes. I mean, you must have plenty of time on your hands to have come all the way up here. Still, not my place to try and talk you into it. (再次对话) 屋内男子 : Hm? Didn't you follow what I was sayin'? I told you I was only goin' to wxplain it once! Just forget it! Never mind! Go on! Get out of here! 屋内男子 : Er, I shouldn't have lost my rag like that. Bang out of order, I was. Sorry. Anyway, all I want you to do is bring back somthin'of mine that I left under the red tree. You can see it easily from up here on the mountain. It won't be anythin' grand, but I will be able to give you a small reward if you help me out here. (找到工具袋後回去) 屋内男子 : Ah! You found it! Let's see! Yep, this is the one! This is definitely my tool bag. Thanks! I suppose I'd better give you that reward I promised…Hm? Hey! You there! That little mouse you've got there is no normal mouse! It's your pet, is it? Right …here. Have this cheese as your reward. Superpig places eight pieces of plain cheese in the bag. It may just be plain old cheese, but that mouse of yours is sure to like it. And I could be wrong, but try givin' it some next time you've got yourself into a fight with some monsters…You never know what might happen! Anyway, that's enough noise out of me. Thanks again for brinin'my bag back. 屋内男子 : Hm? You're still here? Sorry? Munchie, you say? Well, well. Now there's an interestin' name! (经过了被破坏的checkpoint,来到了一个村落-Alexandria) (刚进村里,两个小男孩看到二人,其中一人便跑了过来) 小男孩(Bangerz) : Halt! Who goes there? Don't waste your breath, scoundrels! I can spot bandits a mile off! This is for Alistair! Come on, Mash! Let's get 'em! Mash : Yessir, Bangerz! Bangerz : Prepare to meet your maker! (进入了战斗画面…^^") 一个声音传来 : What on earth are you two rascals up to now? Stop it at once! 老婆婆 : Where are your manners!? That's no way to welcome travellers! (往Bangerz的头敲下去!) Bangerz : Ow! (再敲Mash的头) Mash : Ow! (哭了起来…) 老婆婆 : Didn't Miss Jessica ask you to run an errand for her? And here you are playing around! Bangerz : Oh! I forgot! 老婆婆 : You'd better run along before Jessica finds out! Bangerz : Yikes! (於是两人就跑开了,老婆婆走近猪猪二人) 老婆婆 : I'm so sorry. They don't mean any harm. It's just that our village has been through a lot lately. Ask around for yourself. You'll see. There's nothing wrong with the place, mind. It's a lovely village, really. Make youselves at home. (与同伴对话) Yangus : Phew! Them kids layin' into us as soon as we arrived in the village threw me off a bit. Mind you, looks like they'd 'ad some bother before, so ya can't blame 'em. I bet it's Dhoulmagus! He's at the bottom of all this. Yangus : Ev'ryone 'ere seems a bit sown in the dumps, don't thwy? There ain't no sign o' Dhoulmagus about though. Maybe somefin' else is botherin' 'em. Ysngus : You know, I never used to take a blid bit o' notice of what anyone else said. But if you told me not to go somewhere, I'd stop right there in me tracks, guv. King Trode : Bother! I have no idea where to go next. Perhaps we were a little hasty leaving that last town so soon. (开始在Alexandria打听消息罗) (白天) 入口附近少女 : Hello there, travelers. Welcome to Alexandria. Dhoulmagus? Hmm…Sorry, I've never heard of him. 防具店老板 : Awright! Here, did you know that mechanical monsters don't have no heart!? So they'll never run away in a fight, no matter how hard you try an' scare 'em. An' those zombie jobs are a bit slow on the uptake, so they're not easy ones to scare neither. 武器店老板 : Master Alistair was the head of the Albert household, and he was a real whiz with magix and swords. For someone like him to be murdered…I just can't believe it's really happened. 田中男子 : The heir of the great Albert family, Alistair, was murdered over in the eastern tower. I reckon it was the doin' of some thief, in there after the statue of Alexandra. 入口附近屋中少女 : The jewels in the eyes of the Alexandra statue are so beautiful that you sort of lose yourself in them. 墓地老奶奶 : Ah, hello again. Sorry those little rascals were causing you grief before. No doubt you've heard of the Albert family? They live in the massion on top of the hill. Lady Rosalind and Miss Jessica have shut themselves away inside, ever since Master Alistair's death. The poor lambs. 水井旁妇女 : Master Alistair came from an important family, but he never lorded it over us. He always guarded the village for us, you know. What a terrible waste, a lovely boy like him being killed like that. What is the world coming to? 水井旁修女 : Master Alistair's father passed away so, although he was still young, he was the head of the Albert household…I just can't believe how his poor mother and sister, Miss Jessica, must be feeling. It mist be hitting Miss Jessica particularly hard. The pair of them were always inseparable. 宿屋旁男子 : I'm a peddler. I travel about selling my wares. I came through the western checkpoint to get here. It was very strange. it looked like it had been broken open by some kind of terrifying force. I wonder what it was? 宿屋旁小女孩 : My dad says that women likes Jessica are really 'va va voom'. What do you think he means? I wonder if I can be 'va va voom'? (宿屋内书柜 : It's a quarterly journal called " King of Adventure". "Newsflash! You can get different in formation from the same people depending on whether it's day or noght. It's like a town has two faces! And remember : the things you hear may not sound particularly important at first, but you never know what may come in handy later on." 宿屋旁屋内老人: We always go an' see the statue of Alexandra once a year. It's what keeps me hangin' on, y'know. We were all supposed to be goin' again not long from now, but I doubt that'll be possible under the circumstances. 宿屋旁屋内男子 : We only go to the eastern tower once a year, on Alexandra's Day: a holy day when there are no monsters about. It's still quite a way off, but my father's already down in the dumps about not being able to go this year. 宿屋旁屋内女子 : I don't understand. Only people from our village are supposed to be able to open the door to the eastern tower. So how did the killer get inside? Everyone's saying it must've been a thief, but I'm not so sure. 男子 : Listen to this! I just saw a man at the Albert mansion claiming to be Miss Jessica's fianc?. How can a slimy-looking character like him be marrying her!? I just don't believe it! It can't be true! (夜晚) 教堂内老人 : Dear Goddess, hear the plea of a poor old man. Please let the Alexandra's Day pilgrimage go ahead this year. It fills my heart with joy, seein' the beautiful angles of the statue of Alexandra. And the voluptuous curves o' the statuesque Jessica! 宿屋内男子 : Miss Jessica was always following her brother around, even when she was really small. She can see a bit of a tough nut at times, but deep down shw's actually quite timid. Albert家前守卫: This is the Albert family mansion. I'm afraid I can't let you in at night. You'll have to come back in the morning. (接着就到Albert家去罗~~) --

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1F:推 ytm1987: 05/13 22:53

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