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(进到Kalderasha的家中,他正坐在椅子上,看到Superpig就起身罗) Kalderasha : I knew you would return before long. And it seems you have done as Valentina asked. You see! Even with a glass ball, the Great Kalderasha's eyes see further than you realise! But you are meddling in matters that do not concern you. And you are wasting your time. You can bring back my crystal ball as many times as you like. I will throw it away again! What!? Don't throw things in the waterfall? It might open an old wound? What are you talking about? Enough! Listen to me! No one knows why I threw away my crystal ball. Even Valentina has no idea. I'm not about to confide in a stranger. Give it to me! This time I will smash it into a million pieces, so it never finds its way back to me again! (Valentina突然出现) Valentina : Stop! Please stop, Father! I know! I've known for ages...I know why you threw away your crystal ball. Kalderasha : You, you know...!? So you know about your real parents? Valentina : Yes. And I don't blame you for their death. Kalderasha : Why not? How can you not blame me, Valentina? How can you not hate me? Valentina : Because you were just fortune-telling. Just doing what you do best. I was too young to remember, were once a truly great fortune-teller, weren't you, Father? No one knew where my parents had fled to. But to you, it was as clear as day. Kalderasha : ............Back then, there was nothing I could not see. The Grear Kalderasha was known all over the world. I was walking on air. Fortune-telling was my life. It was my soul. I thought only of myself. Be they good or bad, I cared not who asked me to use my crystal ball. I lived for the vision. Valentina : It's all right, Father. You're a good man. You took me in and raised me, didn't you? When I was just a helpless baby. I want to see it for myself. I want to see the Great Kalderasha in all his glory! I want to see your magnificent powers at work again, Father. Kalderasha : Oh, my sweet Valentina... (画面一黑…在Kalderasha家楼上醒来(??),一旁Yabgus死猪般睡着…^^) Yangus : Ah-fooo, Ah-fooo...(Looks like he's zonked and out for the count!) (下楼看到Kalderasha坐在椅子上) Kalderasha : So you are awake at last! It is already past midday. You must have been exhausted. I must thank you and your friend. Look! I have put my crystal ball back where it belongs. Many years have passed since I gazed into the crystal like this...I have to thank you for returning it to me.(水晶球发亮!大惊!) W-what is this!? Yes, yes! I see it! I see it! There is a jester! A jester breaking through the southern checkpoint! Yes! The mists are clearing! And the same jester murdered Master Rylus! Yes! Yeeesss! The mists are clearing! Ah!? Can it be...? Surely not...He has changed, but there can be no mistake . It was to be Master Rylus's former pupil... Dhoulmagus! (Yangus惊醒!) Yangus : Hun? Wot!?(狂奔下楼)Guv! He said Dhoulmagus, right? That's our man! That's the evil magician you an' the old grandad are after, innit? So where'd 'e go after that? Wot else can yer deduct? Kalderasha : What else...? Let me look deeper. Hm? What's this...? Yes, no question. This is definitely my old crystal ball. But, look here! It has been chipped. Hm! It must have hit something very hard to do this damage. And look! Someone has scratched sone letters next to the chip...What!? Halfwit!? Who's the halfwit!? What ignorant lowlife would do this to my crystal ball? Yangus : You wot!? When I asked wot else yer could see, I didn't mean ON the ball, I meant IN the ball! Wotever! Oh, come on, guv! (於是就离开罗!) Yangus : Wait up, guv! (再次去找Kalderasha) Kalderasha : There is something troubling you. I see it. Come, tell me! So you came to ask Rylus for information about Dhoulmagus. But the old man was already dead. And now my crystal ball illuminates the mysterious circumstances surroundung his death. Yessss! It was Dhoulmagus himself who murdered Rylus! Perhaps he is trying to eliminate everyone who knows who he is. Or perhaps he has other motives...Even I do not have all of the answers! But through the mist I see this Dhoulmagus breaching the checkpoint as he moves south. There is a small village called Alexandria in that direction. I can tell you no more. Thank you for everything you have done. I wish you good fortune on the journey ahead. (这时再跟镇民们讲讲话,又有不同的对话) (白天) 防具店老板 : Seeing sa you've come in the back way, maybe you're after something a bit, shall we say..."special"? (不管选Yes or No都一样) Don't I know it!? Of course you are! But I'm all out. Conpletely sold out. If you're desperate, try going to the church in the middle of the night and taking a look around the bell, eh! Nudge-nudge, wink-wink! (听了老板的话半夜去教堂的钟底下发现了Thief's key recipe拿起来一看) Thief's key recipe : Combine an iron nail and a bronze knife. You will need a device called an "alchemy pot" to combine the items. (再去找老板 : What? You've already got the recipe? Well, well! You're quick off the mark, eh! I was the one who put it there. Just a bit of fun, you know. Thought someone might happen upon it. I was starting to get a bit frustrated actually. No one came close to finding it. 防具店前妇人 : I don't know what to do with myself. I bumped into Kalderasha earlier, and he said good morning to me... What's wrong with him? Why's he so cheerful all of a sudden!? 防具屋前男子 : Hey, wot d'ya reckon, eh? There was that fire 'ere the other day, an' then that freaky monster turned up. Things ain't been right since that weird clown came to town. Come to think of it, I ain't seen 'im for a while. Where's he got to? 广场上老人 : This is the second time I've lost a friend in a fire, you know. Master Rylus could be an intractable old fellow, but he was a good man at heart. You can never be too careful around fire, young man. What? You can't be too careful around water, either? I don't know what you mean, but I'm sure you're right. Never hurts to be prudent. 广场上小孩 : Hey! Have you heard!? Everyone says Mr. Kalderasha's been reborn! But…I didn't even know he'd died. I don't understand! 广场上男子 : Outside town, there are some monsters you'll always find hangin' about in the same place. They're all tough ones to beat. If ya wanna take 'em on, you better prepare yourself for a fight! If you're getting' beaten too bad, don't be afraid to flee. That takes guts too. 广场上士兵 : Do you know about the hut on top of the waterfall? I thought you could get up to it through the cave, but I'm not so sure. Hm… Maybe you have to climb up the mountain from the far side. I wonder… 广场上卫兵 : Oh? You're going south? Then I'll give you some pointers. If you follow the path south, you'll come to the checkpoint. It's by a bridge. But there's a fork in the path on the way, so make sure you read the sign. It's a wide, wide world. Plenty of scope to get lost. If you're worried about it, stick to the paths. (晚上) 神父 : No doubt you've heard the sad news already. Rylus passed away in the fire a few days ago. Some people say it was the work of a criminal, but I hope such terrible allegations are ill-founded. This is just between you, me and the Goddess, but Rylus was related to one of the great sages, you know. If he was murdered, then that would end one of the ancient bloodlines of the great sages. I'm not sure what it means in the greater scheme of things, but I am sure of one thing…No good shall come of it. 酒吧内男子 : Hello. Are you looking for someone? (选Yes) Oh, uoy are! Someone called Dhoulmagus? WHAT!? He's the one who killed Master Rylus!? Good Goddess! Next, I suppose you're going to tell me this Dhoulmagus man was the jester who showed up here the other day! What a story! Well, you certainly don't mind saying what you think, do you!? A real chatterbox! You're as bad as me! Heh heh heh heh heh! (选No) You're not? Well that's a relief. Every time people ask me about things, I always end up saying something I shouldn't. Just can't seem to help it. Heh heh! 酒吧老板 : They say Mr. Kalderasha's regained his knack of fortune-telling. No doubt we'll be seeing queues outside his door before long. And maybe I'll see some of his credit repaid as last. It seems our fortunes truly are intertwined! Ha ha ha! 酒吧内老人 : It's a funny old world. It used to be not a night went by when I didn't see old Kalderasha here in the pub. But I've seen neither hide nor hair of him of late. Perhaps all this talk's true. They say he's got his old powers back. 西门边少女 : Good evening. How are you liking Farebury, then? You look happy. Have you run into a bit of good luck or something? 旅馆内士兵 : Keep this to yourself, but I'm actually searching for this thing they called the "alchemy pot". Apparently, it's the key to forging the most powerful weapons! But apparently the castle where it was kept was destroyed. It looks like I might have reached the end of this particular journey… 广场上男子 : You'll never guess what! Apparently Kalderasha can teel fortunes properly now! The real deal! I think I might give it a try! Yup, I've decided! I'm going over there right now to get in line! That way I'll be the first one he sees in the morning! Bye! (去到Kalderasha屋前果然看到他在排队) 男子 : He he! I'm going to be first in line come morning! I wonder what time he opens. (出镇前与同伴对话) Yangus : Kalderasha reckons Dhoulmagus 'eaded south out of Farebury. As far as I remember, there's a village called Alexandria down that way. Why don't we try our luck there? Yangus : Who'd 'ave thought Dhoulmagus was 'ere and that 'e was the one who killed Rylus!? It's mind-bogglin'! Anyway, sounds like 'e broke through the southern checkpoint. We'd better 'urry up after 'im! Yangus : It's funny 'ow Kalderasha and Valentina aren't really dad and daughter, eh? I s'pose that's why they don't look alike. I thought it was a bit weird when we first met 'em, what wiv 'im being all rough and 'er bein' so lovely. (战斗记录画面) King Trode : If this is to be the pace for our entire journey, I fear I may be in my grave before we see its end. Onwards, I say! (走到镇外King Trode跟马公主已在外等候) King Trode : So? What happened? Did you do what the young girl asked? Hm? Well? (主角略说一二之後) King Trode : WHAT!? Dhoulmagus killed Master Rylus!? The same Dhoulmagus we're looking for? (这画面…^^") That fiend killed his own teacher!? And you say he headed south? Then there's no time to lose, Superpig! We must go after him at once! Let's be on our way! (往南方的Alexandria出发罗) -- 对话真的蛮好看的 (只是打的好累…><) 看了喜欢或不喜欢或有任何意见或想说什麽,请推文或给个好文 (不会是劣文吧><) 也可到我的blog : 去给点回应 谢谢大家…^^ -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 ytm1987: 04/29 15:49
※ 编辑: superpigpig 来自: (04/29 16:01)
2F:推 superpigpig:为什麽一楼两篇都要推我个空白呢? 04/29 16:01
3F:推 quark:因为他要跟你「表白」 XD 04/29 16:23
4F:推 cot123:纯推 不想多打任何字罗 XD 04/29 16:38
5F:推 superpigpig:版主…你有东西掉了… 04/29 17:17
6F:→ ytm1987:XD 纯推嘛 04/29 17:22

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