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(到了瀑布下的洞窟前) King Trode : It looks like we've found it.Naturally I'd love to come in with you, but I couldn't possibly put Medea in danger. I'm sure you'll do a fine job of finding the crystal ball without us, Superpig. We'll be waiting here. You be careful in there! (进洞窟冒险去罗…^^) (与同伴对话) Yangus : This is like lookin' for a needle in an 'aystack! How are we s'posed to find a crystal ball in 'ere then, eh!? We'd better go carefully 'ere, guv. Don't wanna get ourselves 'urt or nuffin'. Yangus : This place is nice on the eyes an' ev'erfin', but the damp don't do nuffin' for me, I tell ya! I can't stand bein' all wet like this. Feels like I've 'ad an accident or somefin'! Yangus : Where d'ya reckon that crystal ball is anyway? You don't think it's at the bottom o' the waterfall, do ya? We'll be stymied if it is! (战斗记录画面) King Trode : It is a fine thing to immerseyourself in combat, I'm sure. Most admirable! But don't forget the task at hand! The crystal ball, hm!? 洞窟中的男子 : I came to look at the waterfall and I stumbled upon this cave! A waterfall cave...It's so intriguing! I was trying to explore, but I've gone and got myself completely lost. 挡路的拿着大木搥的怪物 : Well, well! You must be really brave to come up and talk to me like this! A man that looked like a peddler came along earlier, but when he saw me he ran away without saying a word! Anyway...As you've probably realised, you'll have to fight me if you want to go any further! What do you think? Brave wnough for that, are you? (选Yes) R-Really!? Y-You are brave. That means you must be a good fighter... ............ ............ I know! In recognition of your bravery, I'm going to let you through! Off you go. Be careful now! (选No) I thought as much!Then you'd better on tour way. 再交谈一次 : Do you by any chance, think I'm a bit of a wimp? Well, I'm not, I tell you! If you don't believe me, why don't you try your luck and fight me!? (选Yes) R-Really...!? Th-Then I suppose that's decided. Let's fight! (选No) I thought as much!Then you'd better on tour way. (就凭这只小东西…唉…一人一下就解决罗) 倒在地上的可怜的怪物 : Y-You caught me off guard. Uuurgh...but I suppose you won fair and square. Go on, you can pass. (讲完话继续倒地不起^^") 在Level 2遇到了slime : (Slurp!) Guess what!? This passage is a dead end! Do you believe me? (选Yes) Yay! Then I'll tell you something good! It is a dead end, but there's a treasure chest up there! (Slurp) 再交谈 : I'm so happy! You believe me! 拿到宝物後 : Wow! You got the treasure? Was it any good? I've been wondering what was inside that chest for ages! (选No) Why not!? Taht's so mean! Now I feel blue! You don't? Then there's no point in me telling anything! Have a nice adventure, Byebye! 再交谈 : Just forget it. I didn't expect you to believe me anyway.(Slurp) 拿到宝物後 : Wow! You got the treasure? Was it any good? I've been wondering what was inside that chest for ages! (在Level 3的底端看到了水晶球) A crystal ball is suspended in the air!Reach out and take it?(选Yes) (冒出了Geyzer怪物) Geyzer : Wha ha ha! Surprise, surprise! Meet Geyzer! I am the master of this waterfall! Oh, how long it's been! How many people have gone and come! Ten long years and more I've waited! Ten years, I tell you! All the time hoping for the left one...I mean, the right one to come...But enough with the introductions! Now for the troment of muth! Does this brystal, crystal ball belong to you? (选Yes) Ha ha ha haaa! At last! At last we feet, mace to mace, you halfwit human! Now I'll teach you a moron! Argh! I mean a lesson you won't forget! (选No) No!? But, I was sure you were the one! Oh, the lone, lonely years! Ah, go, then! My wait continues! (选No後再交谈 : What? You again? I, Geyzer, am the master of this waterfall, I tell you! Oh, how long it's been! How many people have gone and come! Ten long years and more I've waited! Ten years, I tell you! All the time hoping for the left one... I mean, the right one to come... Now then, have I asked you this, before!? Does this brystal, crystal ball belong to you? 之後同上 ) (将Geyzer打败後) Geyzer : Argh! The pain, the pain! Oh, my old wound! Ever since I got this, I've not been right quite. And it's all because of you! What!? You don't know what I'm talking about...? Then you...You're not the true owner of this crystal ball! No! The shame, the shame! So strong! Strong enough to withstand my fearsome might! You are no fortune-teller! Wait! Could you be...? The waterfall rears many humours, you know. I hear a castle called Trodian has been cursed. That it was run over...overrun by thorns. And that only one person inside survived. He set off on a journey, leading a corse and a hart with a lone driver. As I thought! That was you! I don't know what you want with this crystal ball...But it's yours now. I accept dehands...Or is it defeat? (拿走水晶球罗) One last thing! Should you meet the true owner of this crystal ball , tell him this from me! DON'T THROW THINGS IN THE FALLWATER! So, ware thee fell! Oh, the pain, the pain! The pain of my old wound! (与同伴交谈) Yangus : I s'pose that Geyzer geezer's 'ad a bit of an 'ard time of it, really. I mean, gettin' whacked on the 'ead like that wiv a crystal ball! Must be awful not bein' able to talk proper, like. But why'd Kalderasha throw it away in the first place? That's wot I don't get. Yabgus : That Geyzer said somefin' a bit odd back then, eh? You know. That thing about the thorns and the castle and only one person survivin'...Wot was 'e on about, eh!? Yangus : Well, we've got wot we come for. No point 'angin around in this damp old place no longer. Let's 'ead back to town and get that crystal ball to Valentina. She must be dyin' to see it, eh!? (出洞窟後与同伴交谈) King Trode : Goodness! All that happened inside a cave!? It's extraordinary that this Geyzer monster knew all anout us...But how preposterous to say that you rescued me from the castle! It was I who rescued you! These monsters never get their facts straight! Preposterous, I tell you! Yangus : You can tell that crystal ball's a real'un. Glows better, like. Bet we'll get a good fortune outta this one, eh? I can always spot when a thing's worth somefin'. I was famous for it back in me younger days. King Trode : Right! Time to return to Farebury and have Kalderasha tell us where to find Dhoulmagus! That's why we went to all the trouble to get the crystal ball, after all. Yangus : Oy! Wot trouble did you go to, grandad!? It was the guv an' me that done all the 'ard work! King Trode : You ignorant imbecile! Don't you realise that when my subjects suffer, I suffer!? Yangus : Subject!? since when 'ave I been sour subject!? King Trode : ......... (到镇上後与同伴交谈) Yangus : Diamond! We got our 'ands on the goods! Now to deliver 'em to Valentina!D'ya remember where 'er 'ouse is? I think it was next to the well, weren't it? Yangus : I feel a bit better now we got the job done. I mean, not nervous like I was the last time we was 'ere....I s'pose the job ain't quite done yet though, eh? Not 'til we 'and over the crystal ball. I was gettin' ahead of myself. Yangus : If we wanna catch the Dhoulmagus, we've gotta find out where 'e went first.If that Kalderasha's any good at the old fortune tellin' lark, 'opefully 'e can tell us where we should be 'eadin'. That's if 'e comes round a bit an' agrees to do it in the first place. (於是拿水晶球去给Kalderasha罗…^^) -- 对话真的蛮好看的 (只是打的好累…><) 看了喜欢或不喜欢或有任何意见或想说什麽,请推文或给个好文 (不会是劣文吧><) 也可到我的blog : 去给点回应 谢谢大家…^^ -- --

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1F:推 ayun:推。 04/14 23:15
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3F:推 nenini:推推推 04/15 10:53

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