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(跟Yangus交谈) Yangus : Wot's that all about, eh? She's askin' us a favour! Ain't she scared o' the old codger? I mean, he's pretty monstrous-lookin'. Anyway, she said 'er place was by the well, right? Best go take a look,eh? Yangus : She's an odd one, eh? Fancy askin' a funny old crew lije us for 'elp! 'Specially wiv the old codger lookin' like a moster! Wot was it she said? The house in front of the well, right? Better go an' see wot she wants, I s'pose. Yangus : It's late. Looks like everyone's fast asleep. I was worried we'd make a stir like earlier, so this is a real stroke o' luck! (再次进城去找村民聊聊) 男子 : You'll never guess what! Some freaky monster got into town before, but then we all managed to chase it out! ……!!! Wait a minute! You're the people who were with it! So…y-y-you're w-w-with the monster!? Waaaah! 门口卫兵 : This gate is shut of a night. You can't be too careful. If you want to leave town, you'll have to go round to the other gate. 村民 : Oooooh…Hic! Maybe I've 'ad a b- Hic - a bit too much.You know, I've been thinkin'… Hic! First that weird clown…Hic! And now that green monser. There's a lot strange things goin'on. If you ask me, it's an - Hic! - omen. Somefin' bad's gonna 'appen. 诗人 : La la la la la. Let me tell you a tale, Ahem…There stands a castle here about, Devoured by thorns and gutted out. La la la la la. And from the ruins walked away, A single soul, or so they say La la la la la. Or was it three? Well anyway, it wasn't good! La la la la la. 防具店老板 : Phew! That was quite a shock, eh!? Everyone was on tenterhooks with that monster in town. 旅馆内士兵 : What's the matter with this innkeeper!? "Yes sir, we're preparing the room now, sir." That's all I ever get! But does he actually do it!? 旅馆老板 : Ah, hello. I hope you're not looking for a place to stay. I'm afraid we're completely full, so…Well…I'll see what I can do. If you come back in a while, I should be able to sort something out for you. 旅馆内男子(床上女子之丈夫?) : I'm so…sorry! It…was…me… I dropped your ring …into a well by the castle. I'm…Ah-phew…Ah-phew…It's sounds like he's talking in his sleep. (到井边的屋子找Valentina,一到就看到她趴在桌上休息) Valentina : Ah! You came! I'm so sorry! I, I must have drifted off. How rude of me! I wanted to ask you a favour about this crystal ball... Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Perhapa I should start from the beginning? (选Yes) Of course. Let me explain.(选No) All right. I'll carry on then. My father, Kalderasha, was once a really famous fortune-teller. Lost treasure, missing people…There was nothing the Great Kalderasha couldn't help people with. But then one day he lost powers. All of a sudden, nothing he foretold turned out to be true any more. It's probably because he stopped using a real crystal ball. This glass ball isn't- (Kalderasha突然进门) Kalderasha : Valentina! What is going on here!? How many times have I told you not to touch my crystal ball? (看到主角) What? Aren't you that boy from the pub!? What brings you here? ...Never mind! I do not know what my daughter has asked you, but you can forget it! I do not need your help! I am fine as I am. I am going to bed. Valentina! Say your farewells and show our young visitor to the door. (於是Kalderasha就上楼了) Valentina : I'm sorry about my fatherBut whatever he says, he's the one who's really suffering since he lost his powers. That's why I wanted to ask you this favour. Can you find him a crystal ball? One that's big enough to bring back his powers? (选Yes) Really? You will!? Oh, this is exactly how it all happened in my dream! So far everything's come true! I also dreamt that there's a crystal ball hidden deep inside the cave under the big waterfall to the south of town. I suppose only the daughter of the Great Kalderasha could know a thing like that! (选No) Of course you won't. What was I thinking? I'm just a stranger to you, after all. I'm sorry. I suppose my dream was just that…A dream, and nothing more. (在书柜中找到"Moster Behaviour" : "After many long years spent researching monsters, I have reached an unexpected conclusion. It appears that nocturnal monsters are far stronger and more civious than their daytime counterparts.What an incredible discovery! Now I must redouble my efforts to fathom the secrets of monster biology!" (与Yangus交谈) Yangus : Well, we know wot we gotta do. Better report back to the old codger then, eh? Mind you…(Yaaaaaaaawn…) I'm pretty knackered. I thought givin' up the old bandithood would mean I could keep more silverised hours! But life on the straight road don't seem no better in that area. Still you know best, guv! (走出镇外找King Trode) King Trode : Hmmm, I see…Magnificent! Such adecotion to her father! I'm impressed! Just how a daughter should be! And if this Kalderasha gets his powers back, there's nothing he can't find, am I right? Then we'll kill two birds with one stone! If everything goes according plan, we'll find out where that hateful Dhoulmagus is. But time's getting on .Medea and I will stay outside. That's the last time we set foot in a barbaric town like this. But you should spent the night at th inn and rest well so that you're ready to take on the world tomorrow!In the morning, we leave for the water fall cave! (到旅馆内休息後出镇) King Trode : Ah, Superpig. I was starting to think you'd got lost! Right, Let's go to the waterfall cave and see if we can fond that crystal ball. Medea and I will be right behind you. If you have any trouble, feel free to consult us. I'm sure there's nothing we can't solve if we put our heads together! Away we go! (开始练练功存钱买东西罗…^^") (再回镇里跟镇民交谈,有一些新的对话) (白天) 西门边少女 : Welcome to Farebury! This is the west gate. If you want to go and see the waterfall, you'd better off leaving from the other gate. The one on the south side of town. 教堂内婆婆 : You know a man died here in a fire just recently. I thought I'd say a prayer for the poor fellow. He was quite a looker, you know. And the heir to a great sage, apparently. 教堂前修女 : You're travelers, aren't you? Please, go inside. The priest will take your confession personally. I only take confessions at night. 教堂旁男子 : Well, that worked out rather well, what with that Kalderasha being on the bottle and all! (一惊!) D-Did you hear that!? Well, never mind.You wouldn't understand what it's about anyway. 井边老人 : Kalderasha's had more than his fair share of pain. But he's done a fion job of raising young Valentina. It's high time he put it all behind him… 井边妇人 : I saw you, you know! I saw you and young Valentina talking outside in the middle of the night. So? What were you talking about? Did she ask you something? I can have a pretty good guess as what it was. 酒吧前屋内男子 : I can't believe Kalderasha! What's happened to him? It's such a shame for poor Valentina. He was never like this before. Although actually…When Valentina was still a young girl, Kalderasha was… 酒吧前屋内妇人 : I've got to get on with the cleaning. Maybe my husband can help you. He used to be good friends with Kalderasha. 酒吧前屋旁妇人 : Valentina's such a wonderful child to Kalderasha. Anyone would think he was her real fath-Oh dear me! I'm blabbing again! I should never have said that. Pretend you didn't hear it! 诗人附近女子 : Someone was telling me about this huge kingdom somewhere or other where the Prince has just got engaged…But ever since the engagement, no one's heard a single word from the kingdom where his fiance lives. What a waste! I wouldn't ignore a handsome prince if he wanted to marry me! 防具店前妇人 : I saw that monster that everyone chased out of town. It was only a puny little thing. I felt quite sorry for it. 旅馆内男子 : Oh, you're the ones who came looking for Master Rylus, aren't you? (选Yes) He was a strange one, that Rylus! Right up to the end. I mean, talk about a strange way to go! I'm convinced somebody bumped him off…Oops! I never said that! I always manage to put my foot in it! I don't know what's wrong with me. Just can't stop blurting things out! Heh heh heh! (选No) Oh? Sorry, I must have the wrong people. I was sure you were the ones I met in the pub. 防具店旁屋内妇女 : People talk of this big castle somewhere off to the west. What? Which way's west!? You haven't got much of a sense of direction, have you!? The gate just outside of my place here is the west gate. The other gate that leads out of town is the south gate. But I don't think you can get to the castle. There's a ravine on the way that you can't get across. 广场上小男孩 : Hey! Did you see the green monster!? I wish I'd seen it too! I've never seen a monster before! 广场上士兵 : Ah! You're travelers, eh? Just like me! Always best not to ask travelers where they're goin, I say. We all have our own personal reasons, after all! 广场上男子 : Be careful if you leave town by the west gate and head north towards the top of the cliffs. There's a fearsome monster hanging around there. I was out gathering herbs the other day, and it chased me around all over the place. I thought I'd had it! (夜晚) 南门边卫兵 : There's been a lot going on recently. But nevertheless, I've decided to leave this gate open overnight, too. It's a pain for people to have to go round to the other gate every time they want to leave town. 道具店旁男子 : I'm sure…I'm sure I've seen that jester somewhere before. A long time ago now, but…He looked a lot like a fellow Master Rylus had as an apprentice once. Although he was far more mild-mannered than the jester. Yes, he was very timid. Didn't have a lot of punch. Still, people can change, can't they? 广场上老人 : Fire is a fearsome thing. Devous everything in its path. No one'll ever know what went on in the house before it burnt down. You can never be too careful with fire, you know. 酒吧吧台旁男子 : Hello. Are you looking for something? (选Yes) What!? You're after a big crystal ball!? Surly you're not thinking of going into competiotion with Kalderasha over here!? I mean, you, a fortune-teller!? Ah ha ha ha! That's priceless! Well, you'll be able to find out who did over old Rylus th-Oops! Forget I said that! (选No) No? That's probably for the best. Every time people ask me about things, I always end up saying something I shouldn't. Just can't seem to help it. Heh heh heh! 酒吧老板 : Mr. Kalderasha's even more stormy than usual today. I wonder what's happened. 酒吧中Kalderasha : Hm? You again, is it? (选Yes or No都一样) You blundering fool! Did it sound like I wanted an answer!?You are far too zealous! Whatever my Valentina has asked you to do, forger it! I do not need your help! I am perfectly fine as I am. Leave us alone! Or grave things may happen! You understand!? (选Yes) Hm. Fickle, but reasonable at least. Thank you. So noe we have nothing more to say to each other. (选No) Hm! What point is there talking to a fool!? Do as you please. When it all falls apart, you will only have yourself to blame. (跟同伴交谈) Yangus : We argeed to go 'an find a crystal ball for that Valentina girl, right? Erm…didn't she say it was in some cave under a big waterfall? Yangus : Nah, once you see where yer 'eaded, just forget about the path and go straight there. No messin'! Awright, so there might be a few more monsters, nut a real man don't need to worry about that! King Trode : I do hope you realize that the Princess and I have no intention of setting foot in that cave. We are royals after all. We can't go putting ourselves in danger like that. So I'm relying on you to find the crystal ball! King Trode : It's terribly wasy to get lost once you're out of town, so you be careful now, won't you, Superpig?That said, there are paths to most places, so I shouldn't have thought you'd have too many problems. The important thing is to stick to the main thoroughfares where there are fewer monsters. You remember that. (战斗记录画面) King Trode : Your experience in battle is still sadly lacking! If you refues to roll your sleeves up and get into a fray once in a while, what use is it me giving you advice!? King Trode : Are you a man or a snail!? You have been dawdling about, haven't you!? Come along, now! Stop wasting time and get that crystal ball! (出镇来去洞窟中找水晶球罗…^^) -- 对话真的蛮好看的 (只是打的好累…><) 看了喜欢或不喜欢或有任何意见或想说什麽,请推文或给个好文 (不会是劣文吧><) 也可到我的blog : 去给点回应 谢谢大家…^^ --

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1F:推 ytm1987:推 这很费工啊! 04/08 12:40
2F:推 keyword1983:推 我现在也在玩美版的 很有意思 04/08 13:30
3F:推 nenini:加油!最近重玩美版刚过完这里 04/08 17:15
4F:推 superpigpig:谢谢大家,我会更努力的…^^ 04/08 22:16
5F:推 apoq:superpigpig是个超级好老师!!!!! 04/10 23:20
6F:→ superpigpig:^^" 04/12 13:58
7F:推 DougHC:大推!!这很费工啊,真是造福大家!!感谢!! 04/12 15:54

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