PlayStation 板


水井边男子 : Oh, yeah! Ya can't beat and ice-cold drink o' water after a night on the town! Wot's that? Yer lookin' for someone? Why don't ya go to the pub then? There's nuffin' the barman don't know about this place. 酒吧内兔女郎 : Oooh! I love seeing new faces! You're not from around here, are you? Is that little creature in youe pocket a pet of yours? It's so adorable! What's its name? Tee hee hee! Munchie? A cute name for a cute little fellow! Well, Munchie, enjoy your stay! 酒吧内壮男子 : Hic! Just the one after work…really - Hic! - hits the sopts! So, er…what d'ya want with me then? Eh? You're looking for someone? Get out of here! Why are you borin' me that rubbish? This is a pub! Hic! You're supposed to relax! If you're too tense, have a drink or let it all out on the battlefield! At least you can put your tension to good use out there! You know, if you psyche yourself up enough, your attacks and magic get more powerful. So save it for fightin', all right!? Remember, increase your tension by psychin' up. Decrease it by havin' a - Hic - drink! Ha ha ha! 酒吧内瘦男子 : Have you heard about the fire we had in town the other day? People are saying it was arson! Oops! That's a bit of a hot topic! We'd better not talk about it any more! 酒吧内老人 : He's a miserable excuse for a fortune-teller, that Kalderasha. He was famous once, you know. They called him the great Kalderasha. But look at him now! His fortune-telling's gone to pot since he started spendind every day in here. The only glass he stares into these days is the one he drinks out of! No, wait a minute…Maybe it was the other way around. Maybe he started drink AFTER his fortune-telling went to the dogs…? 吧台边男子 : Hello. Are you looking for someone? (选yes) Master Rylus? So…you haven't heard? Master Rylus died in the fire the other day. Actually, just between you and me, I think he was murder-Oops! I shouldn't have said that! Forget I mentioned it! (选No) No? That's probably for the best. Every time people ask me about things, I always end up saying something I shouldn't. Just can't seem to help it. Heh heh heh! (走近吧台,事件出现了…^^") 老板 : Haven't you had enough, Mr. Kalderasha, sir? I'm sorry but I've got a business to run. This, er, haphazard fortune-telling of yours is costing me a fortune in free drinks! Kalderasha : WHAT! My fortune-telling…HAPHAZARD!? Are you a complete fool!? Let me tell you something for free. All fortune-telling is "haphazard"! What do you expect!? Anyway, so what if I saw it? So what if I foretold the fire? If I'd tried to stop it, then what!? It would only have led to another disaster, that's what! 老板 : I'm sorry, Mr. Kalderasha, sir. I don't follow…If you're saying you knew about the fire, shouldn't you at least have warned Master Rylus? Kalderasha : Yes…Poor Rylus…How many times I argued with the old man…I cannot believe he is gone… (走近找Kalderasha对话) Kalderasha : What? What is it? Hmm!?...You! Come, show your face to the Great Kalderasha! Yes! Yeeesss! (突然一男子冲进酒吧) 男子 : Q-Quick, quick! Everyone come quick! There's a monster in town! 酒吧内壮男子 : What!? 男子 : Just come and see! The whole town's gone crazy! (众人跑出酒吧,只剩Kalderasha、老板、老人及兔女郎) Kalderasha : What's all the noise? Can't a man drink in peace!? Now then, what were we talking about before? Do you remember? (选Yes or No都一样) Ah, yeeesss! I was just getting to the 'yes, yeeesss' bit. But now with all the noise, I have lost interest. You do not understand, do you? That is how I do business! Can you not feel the curiosity stirring in you when you hear me say the words!? "Yes, yeeesss!" It makes you want me to tell your furtune, no? Kalderasha : Hm? You again? As I told you before, I have lost interest now. If you still want me to tell your firtune, come back tomorrow evening. 老板 : That man said there was a monster in towm, didn't he? How ridiculous! There's no monster! You learn a thing or two when you've been in this business as long as I have. Still, ou're remarkably calm, sir. You didn't feel inclined to rush outside to see what was going on, then? Really? You came yo Farebury looking for Master Rylus? I see…Yes, that was a most unfortunate business. I expect you've already heard, but Master Rylus passed away the other day. The old man was getting on a bit, but no one expected the fire, of course. The whole town's rather stunned, really. 酒吧内老人 : Stone the crows! A monster within the town walls? What is the world coming to!? 酒吧内兔女郎 : Did you hear that? He said there was a monster in town! Do you think it's true? (出酒吧後,有一个男子挡在中间楼梯处) 男子 : You want to get down into the courtyard? But it's mayhem down there! There's a monster loose in the town, you know! You could get jurt if you get caught up in it all, You'd better not go down there. 楼上通道上一位妇人 : There's a monster down in the courtyard! I want to go and see too, but he won't let me down there. He says it's too dangerous. I suppose I might be able to get around by the town gates … 诗人 : What's all the fuss about? (自一旁楼梯下到底下) Yangus : Wot the…!? This ain't good, guv! Come on! Look lively! (一群村民围着King Trode,King Trode 环顾四周) 村民 : Urgh! It looked at me! 村民 : Ewwww! It's hideous! 村民 : Get out! Get out, monster! You're not welcome here! (村民们拿起石头丢向King Trode,Superpig,Yangus赶忙护着Medea及King Trode离开) 村民 : Get out! Out out out out! 村民 : Get out of 'ere! 村民 : We don't want your kind 'ere! (夜晚,三人一马在镇外) King Trode : Well! That was a fine reception! Don't they realize who I am!?Hmph! Judging a book by its cover! Don't they know it's what's inside that counts!? Yangus : Yeah! You can say that again! King Trode : So then, Superpig, did you manage to find Master Rylus? (选No) What!? He's dead!? Oh, no, no, no…Well,,,I suppose there's no point crying over spilt milk… It's Dhoulmagus we're after! He's the one who cursed the Princess and I, after all. He's the one who made us look so ridiculous! I had hoped Rylus might be able to help us locate him. But it seems we'll just have to track Dhoulmagus down by ourselves. With Rylus gone, we have nothing further to gain from staying here. Let's be on our way! (转身要走时) ???? : Wait! 少女 : Please…wait…I'm sorry to come after you like this. It's just that… I wanted to ask you a favour. King Trode : Are you not afraid of me, young lady? 少女 : I dreamt about you…I dreamt that some people came to town with a strange creature. It was…sort of halfway between a human and a monster…And I dreamt that they could make wishes come true… King Trode : A strange creature!? Are you referring to me? (被一惊叹号K到…^^) (而Yangus则在一旁笑的可开心了…^^") 少女 : I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be rude! King Trode : Heh, not to worry. I've had worse things said to me today! You know, you remind me of my Medea. You're about the same age. Anyway, you say you had a dream about me? Most peculiar… (Yangus真是挖鼻孔挖不停…^^") 少女 : I'm sorry…I haven't introduced myself. I'm Valentina, daughter of the great fortune-teller, Kalderasha. If you could just come to my house, I'll explain everything there. It's by the well, at the far end of town. I'll be waiting for you! Yangus : Wot was she rabbitin' on about? Come round my 'ouse, she says… King Trode : Magnificent! She wasn't afraid to look at me at all! Not one bit! Ah, she reminds me of my Medea! We must give this young girl a helping hand! Right then, Superpig, my boy! Go and find the house by the well and see what it is she wants. Hm? Me? I'll wait here with the princess. We don't want to cause any more of a stir. -- 对话真的蛮好看的 看了喜欢或不喜欢或有任何意见或想说什麽,请推文或给个好文 (不会是劣文吧><) 也可到我的blog : 去给点回应 谢谢大家…^^ -- --

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