Philippines 板


各位外籍朋友,你知道我国的现任总统是谁吗?你知道我国的国旗样式是为何吗?国籍法 新制,从今年1月1日起,申请归化我国国籍,必须通过语文测试或提出上课时数证明,上 课时数一般外籍人士要达两百小时以上,外籍配偶则为一百小时以上。   内政部为加强外籍人士学习我国语言、鼓励外籍配偶参加政府开设的教育研习班,协 助提昇外籍配偶教养子女之能力并早日适应我国环境生活,参酌美国等世界各国国籍法相 关规定後,在国籍法增订外国人申请归化为我国国籍时,必须通过语文测试或提出上课时 数证明,以具备我国基本语言能力及国民权利义务基本常识的规定。   语文测试可分为口试或笔试,口试部分,参加者可以选择国语、台语、客家语或原住 民语等国内通用语言接受测试;笔试则以中文文字办理。内政部备有口试、笔试题库各两 百题,有需要的民众可上网站下载,或至各地户政事务所免费索取。 台北市监理处为协助新移民考取驾照,於今年1月2日启用「多国语文驾照考验网路模拟测 验系统」,除了原有的中英文模拟测验外,现在更加提供日文、越南文、印尼文、泰文及 柬埔寨文等五国语文版本,各位新移民可多加利用。网址为: 高雄县的新移民女性有福了!你曾经有过去图书馆借书,却遭拒绝的经验吗?在台湾外籍 或大陆的配偶,要取得身分证至少要四年的时间,在这之前想到图书馆借书,常因为无法 办理证件而被拒绝。高雄县文化局图书馆决定从今年起,要仿效北高两市,只要外籍或大 陆配偶,拿着有效期限内的护照及居留证,就能办理借书证,而且借书证还能够通行高雄 县各个公立的图书馆喔! What a good fortune to live in Taiwan! Related Regulation of Social Welfare Dear friends, do you know who is our president right now? Do you know the pattern of our national flag? The new nationality law has asserted that from January 1st, 2006, people who want to apply for naturalization to acquire R.O.C. nationality should pass a language test, or present a certificate of participating in Chinese-learning class for two hundred hours (general foreigners) or one hundred hours (foreign spouses).   In order to promote the foreigners to learn Chinese, encourage the foreign spouses to take part in the study lessons hold by the government, help improve foreign spouses' ability for caring and educating their children and be adapted to the way of living in Taiwan, the Ministry of Inferior have referred to many countries' regulation and decided to amend the nationality law. Foreigners have to pass a language test or present a certificate of attending classes for stating one's Chinese ability and the basic knowledge of civil right and duty.   The language test can be taken in two forms: oral or written. People who take the oral exam could choose Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, or Aboriginal as test language. Otherwise, the written exam is in Chinese only. People can download all the questions from the website, or ask the population administration office for a free one. For helping New Immigrants get the driver's license, the Motor Vehicles Office, Taipei city government, have started a " Multi-language Vehicle Driver License Online Simulative Test System" from January 2nd this year. In addition to the Chinese and English ones, the new system also offers the simulative test in Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai and Cambodian. You can access to the system through the website: here is good news for new immigrants who live in Kaohsiung County. Have you been refused when borrowing books in a library? Foreign spouses who haven't got their Taiwan ID can't apply for a library card so that they can't borrow books from a library. However, it takes at least four year for a foreign spouse to get her ID. This year, Cultural Bureau of Kaohsiung County Government decided to change the regulation of applying for a library card. Foreign spouses who have a valid passport and resident certificate are able to apply for library card which is accepted by all the public libraries in Kaohsiung County. 出处:赛珍珠基金会 -- makiyo's 菲律宾游记相片 makiyo's 流浪动物大草原 makiyo's 宠物相片 --

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