作者grace514 (学习享受孤单)
标题[药理] 成功大学7月23日研发论坛邀请您参加!
时间Fri Jul 18 11:44:34 2008
7月23日(星期三)研发论坛由美国南加州大学药理学教授Prof. Clay Wang主讲
主 讲 者:Clay C. C. Wang Ph.D
( Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Department of Chemistry: University of Southern California)
讲 题:Natural Product Drug Discovery in the Genomic era:
Molecular genetic mining of the Aspergillus secondary metabolome
日 期:97年7月23日星期三
时 间:12:00 ~ 14:00
地 点:成功大学光复校区 云平大楼四楼 第一会议室
主办单位:研究发展处企划组 创新卓越研究中心
Clay Wang received his A.B. from Harvard University Department
of Chemistry under the guidance of Professor George Whitesides (1996),
Ph.D. in Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology
under the guidance of Professor Peter B. Dervan (2001), and carried out
postdoctoral research at Stanford in the laboratory of Chaitan Khosla
(2001-2003). He was appointed Assistant Professor at the University
of Southern California in 2003.
The current research of the Wang Lab involves heterologous expression
of natural products using E. coli and discovery of natural products in
Aspergillus nidulans.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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