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【活动分享】波士顿台湾人生技协会(BTBA)将於台湾时间1/27早上十点举办台湾教授於 生医领域创业的线上座谈。此活动邀请到台大化学系徐丞志与北医生药所庄国祥教授,他 们同时目前也是各自公司的CEO,并分别荣获2023十大Best Bio Startup CEOs与环球生技 台湾CEO首奖。两位教授将分享创业与经营公司的经验,包含如何开始创业的第一步、营 运公司与实验室有何不同、对目前台湾创业环境的看法等。欢迎有兴趣者报名参加并转发 分享! 活动网页: 报名网址: 讲者介绍: Kuo-Hsiang Chuang Ph.D. (庄国祥) Dr. Chuang is a professor at Taipei Medical University (台北医学大学) and the CEO/founder of CytoArm Co., Ltd (赛昂生医). Dr. Chuang completed his Ph.D. at Kaohsiung Medical University in 2010 with more than 20-year experience in multifunctional antibody drugs, novel tumor-specific T-cell technology platforms, novel protein drugs for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, and a variety of tandem repeated protein technologies that can be applied to enhance the sensitivity of immunoassay technology. The company CytoArm, developed by Dr. Chuang, is a rising startup biotech specializing in next-generation T-cell therapy. The patented technology, the Armed-T cell platform, is ready to initiate a clinical trial for end-stage untreatable metastatic colorectal cancer. More information can be found at Cheng-Chih Hsu Ph.D. (徐丞志) Dr. Hsu is an associate professor in the Chemistry department at National Taiwan University (台湾大学) and the founder/CEO of Leeuwenhoek Laboratories Co. Ltd (雷文虎克生技). He received his Ph.D. at the University of California San Diego and was trained as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. His research is focused on using mass spectrometry to explore the chemistry of complex biological systems and clinical applications, especially human microbiota. He was selected as one of the “Top 40 Under 40” by the Analytical Scientist in 2018 and rewarded with the MOST Young Scholar Fellowship – Columbus Program (哥伦布计画) in 2019. Leeuwenhoek Laboratories Co. Ltd is a spin-off from National Taiwan University. Since August 2021, it has set up three major laboratories: Metabolomics, Culturomics, and BioMedicine. Leeuwenhoek Laboratories aim to develop next-generation probiotic therapy by utilizing advanced bio-technologies such as mass spectrometry analysis and relevant techniques in intestinal microbiota. More information can be found at 活动负责人 Organizers: Wei-Chao Huang, Ph.D. (黄威超) Wei-Chao is currently working as a postdoctoral associate at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. He holds an M.S. in Neuroscience from NYMU in Taiwan and a Ph.D. in Neurobiology from the University of Utah. During his Ph.D. studies, Wei-Chao worked on many projects that used next-generation sequencing to determine the epigenetic mechanisms and allele-specific expression effects. Furthermore, he and lab members built a startup team with the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute to put the research findings into practice. In 2019, he relocated to Boston to work at Amgen. Presently, he is studying the mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders through mouse models at the Broad Institute. LinkedIn: Yi-En Liao Ph.D. (廖怡恩) Yi-En is a Novartis clinical science and innovation fellow in Boston, working on early-phase clinical trial development and operation. She moved to the U.S. for an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Southern California and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, respectively, after her pharmacist training at Taipei Medical University in Taiwan. During Yi-En’s academic training, her research focused on the development of anti-inflammatory treatments for inflammatory diseases, including traumatic brain injury, sepsis, and acute liver injury. LinkedIn: --

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