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※ [本文转录自 AfterPhD 看板 #1adEwGCe ] 作者: utsbeaver (肥海狸) 看板: AfterPhD 标题: [徵才]澳洲雪梨科大招聘博士後与博士生 时间: Thu Jun 29 10:38:06 2023 【职缺名称】 Postdoctoral (PostDoc) Researcher or PhD Student 【徵才单位】 Human-centric AI Centre (HAI), University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia 【工作说明】 Become a PostDoc researcher or PhD student at the Human-centric AI Centre (HAI) at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia and work in frontier research in the areas of deep machine learning, trusted AI, trustworthy human-autonomy teaming, natural BCIs, reliable GPT, extended reality and swarm intelligence. We are seeking applicants for PhD scholarships and PostDoc research positions with prior experience and skills in some of the following areas: ‧machine learning fundamentals and generative models ‧deep learning optimisation and reinforcement learning ‧brain-computer interfaces ‧drones and robotics ‧trusted AI ‧extended reality 【薪资待遇】 Salary: A$98.000 per year (PostDoc), A$36.000 per year (PhD) 【徵才条件】 To be considered for a position you will have: ‧outstanding academic merit ‧mathematics, analytical and problem-solving skills ‧skills in at least one of Python, C, C++ or C# ‧a demonstrated capacity to work independently and as part of a research team ‧highly effective English communication and technical and academic writing skills ‧strong interpersonal skills Of advantage will be: ‧graduated from a top university ‧industry experience In addition, applicants for postdoctoral research positions will have: ‧a PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Robotics, Neuro-engineering or in a closely related field ‧excellent student engagement and supervision skills ‧experience in research grant applications ‧previously published papers in reputable international conferences or journals ‧a demonstrated ability to publish in high-quality journals and conferences 【申请方式】 To apply please provide the following: ‧1-page cover letter outlining your relevant experience and specific interests ‧CV outlining your skills ‧copies of academic transcripts for all degrees completed ‧contact details of two academic referees Email: [email protected] Applications will be reviewed immediately and will continue until positions are filled. 【关於我们】 About UTS UTS is the No. 1 university in Australia in AI and the No. 10 university in AI in the world. It also ranks as the top young university in Australia. Our vision is to be a leading public university of technology recognised for our global impact. We are known for our innovative teaching. We are committed to practical innovation and research that benefits industry and society. We believe in social change to create a more just and equal world. About HAI At HAI (led by Prof. Chin-Teng Lin) we are preparing for the Fifth Industrial Revolution that will see the creation of human-centred solutions using AI and automation, firmly putting humans at the centre of AI. Our fundamental and foundational research focuses on challenges in developing synergies between natural and artificial intelligence, strengthening collaborative decision-making and control between humans, AI and machines, and creating trust between humans and AI. We translate our research into real-world applications that can be used in a wide range of industries and sectors including advanced manufacturing, mining, transport, agriculture, healthcare and cybersecurity and in situations where reliability, trust, safety and speed are paramount. Working and studying within the HAI Centre gives you access to a highly talented and multi-disciplinary team. You will work on exciting projects, allowing you to gain further knowledge in human-centric AI. You will also increase your skills in research management, collaboration with industry and research partners, and research teamwork. For further information, please visit our website: or explore our works through the following videos:

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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: utsbeaver ( 澳大利亚), 06/29/2023 10:43:14

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