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线上演讲:日本学术职涯分享 波士顿台湾人生技协会(BTBA)在台湾时间5/27早上九点将举办日本学术职涯分享的线上座 谈。活动邀请到四位分别在东京大学、早稻田大学、东北大学、九州大学任教的台湾学 者,来分享日本任教的经验,包含学术环境、日常生活、及没有日本学位如何申请日本 学术工作等。欢迎大家报名参加! 活动网址: 讲者英文简介: Hsin-Ni Ho (何昕霓), Ph.D. Dr. Ho is an associate professor in the Faculty of Design at Kyushu University in Japan. She received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at MIT in 2006. After earning a Ph.D., she worked as a research scientist in the NTT Communication Science Laboratories in Japan from 2007 to 2021. Her lab focuses on modeling physical processes during hand-object interactions for the development of haptic interfaces and aims to understand how the brain processes cutaneous inputs and integrates them with other sensory inputs to form a unified perception of touch events. Lab page: Shao-Min (Sean) Hung (洪绍闵), Ph.D. Dr. Hung is an assistant professor at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study at Waseda University in Japan. He received a BS in Psychology at National Taiwan University and a Ph.D. at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. After his postdoctoral training at Caltech in the US, Dr. Hung moved to Japan and began his professorship there in 2022. He is interested in understanding the way the brain processes information not captured by our consciousness and how such information prompts behaviors. His lab uses psychophysics, eye tracking, EEG, fMRI, and other methods to address these questions. Lab page: Chia-Huei Tseng (曾加蕙), Ph.D. Dr. Tseng is an associate professor at the Research Institute of Electrical Communication at Tohoku University in Japan. She finished her undergraduate degrees (BS in psychology and BM in international business management) from National Taiwan University (NTU) and a Ph.D. in Psychology from University of California, Irvine, USA. After her postdoctoral training at Rutgers University, Dr. Tseng started her professorship in several Asian countries. Before joining Tohoku University in 2016, she worked at NCKU, NTU and the University of Hong Kong. Her current research uses psychophysical, neurophysiological, and computational approaches to answer how sensory systems construct the coherent world we experience. Lab page: Chien-Te Wu (吴建德), Ph.D. Dr. Wu is a project associate professor at the International Research Center for Neurointelligence at the University of Tokyo. He received a BS in occupational therapy at NTU in Taiwan and a Ph.D. in Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University in the US. After earning a Ph.D., Dr. Wu moved to France for his postdoctoral training at the Université Paul Sabatié r. He worked in the School of Occupational Therapy at NTU as an assistant and associate professor from 2010 to 2021. His expertise includes attention and visual awareness, social decision-making behaviors, and EEG-based brain-computer interfaces. 策划与主持人(Organizer & Moderator): Wei-Chao Huang (黄威超), Ph.D. Wei-Chao is a postdoctoral associate at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. He earned a B.S. in Occupational Therapy at NTU, an M.S. in Neuroscience at NYMU in Taiwan, and a Ph.D. in Neurobiology at the University of Utah in the US. During his Ph.D. studies, he worked on several projects to determine allele-specific expression effects and their epigenetic mechanisms in the brain through next-generation sequencing. In 2019, Wei-Chao moved to Boston to take a position at Amgen. At Broad, he is focused now on studying the mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders using mouse models. Profile page: --

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