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其实会接触到 MBTI 是因为最近我和女朋友正在上 MBTI 的课程 谘商员请我们做 MBTI 测验, 并和我们一对一的讨论我们的人格特质是属於哪一型 我看好像蛮多人不了解这个东西, 所以我用一篇 post 简单介绍一下 Myers-Briggs人格特质分类法把所有人的人格特质分为四大项 第一大项指的是, 人的动力来源是外发性的 (E特质) 还是内省性 (I特质) 的 Extraverted characterostics Introverted characteristics 举个例子, 当你一个人很无聊时, 你觉得找人聊天很开心还是一个人静静地想事情开心? E & I 特质不是说一个人是不是自闭, I 的人也可能很外向, 但是这个外向特质并不是 I 型人的快乐来源 或许只是因为工作需求而必须很外向之类 E 的人还会有以下的特质 Act first, think/reflect later Feel deprived when cutoff from interaction with the outside world Usually open to and motivated by outside world of people and things Enjoy wide variety and change in people relationships I 的人还会有以下的特质 Think/reflect first, then Act Regularly require an amount of "private time" to recharge batteries Motivated internally, mind is sometimes so active it is "closed" to outside world Prefer one-to-one communication and relationships 第二大项指的是领解时是敏感型 (S特质) 还是直觉型 (N特质) Sensing Intuitive S的人理解时会考虑现实条件, 例如找工作时考量薪资, 工时, 福利等等 而 N 的人会考虑未来, 愿景, 所以只要工作有潜力就可以了 另外, S 的人细心, N 的人大而化之 S 的人还会有以下的特质 Mentally live in the Now, attending to present opportunities Using common sense and creating practical solutions is automatic-instinctual Memory recall is rich in detail of facts and past events Best improvise from past experience Like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are "fuzzy" N 的人还会有以下的特质 Mentally live in the Future, attending to future possibilities Using imagination and creating/inventing new possibilities is automatic-instinctual Memory recall emphasizes patterns, contexts, and connections Best improvise from theoretical understanding Comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data and with guessing its meaning. 第三大项指的是做决定时是属於对事性 (T) 还是对人性 (F) Thinking Feeling T 的人大抵上是对事不对人, 但是有时候会不近人情 F 的人大抵上是对人不对事, 有时候又不够公正 T 的人还会有以下的特质 Instinctively search for facts and logic in a decision situation Naturally notices tasks and work to be accomplished. Easily able to provide an objective and critical analysis Accept conflict as a natural, normal part of relationships with people. F 的人还会有以下的特质 Instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations Naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions Naturally seek consensus and popular opinions Unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony. 第四个大项是指当你有一个决定要做时, 是判断型 (J) 还是 感知型 (P) 的 Judging Perceiving J 的人会有计画的, 事先决定好未来要做的事 而 P 的人是一时兴起就做 J 的人还有以下特质 Plan many of the details in advance before moving into action. Focus on task-related action; complete meaningful segments before moving on. Work best and avoid stress when keep ahead of deadlines. Naturally use targets, dates and standard routines to manage life. P 的人还有以下特质 Comfortable moving into action without a plan; plan on-the-go. Like to multitask, have variety, mix work and play. Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work best close to the deadlines. Instinctively avoid commitments which interfere with flexibility, freedom and variety 介绍就到这边先靠一段落吧 事实上很多东西我也还只是一知半解 只知道 MBTI 是很神奇的测验 顺带一提, 我是 ENFP 的 -- I-Hsuan Huang Yuan Ze University Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering E-Mail:[email protected] Web: --

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