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因为是 PC member, 所以来广告一下 :p ========================================================================== 2005 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (GECCO-2005) June 25-29, 2005 (Saturday-Wednesday) Washington, DC, USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Largest Conference in the Field of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Loew旧 L壱nfant Plaza Hotel ---------------------------------------------------------------- 41 Free Tutorials - 12 Workshops - 16 Independent Program Tracks ---------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Submission Deadline: January 17, 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------- 14th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA) and the 10th Genetic Programming Conference (GP) ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Organized by ACM SIG-EVO ------------------------ The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005) will present the latest high-quality results in the growing field of genetic and evolutionary computation. There are 16 independent program tracks, including tracks covering genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, real-world applications, learning classifier systems and other genetics-based machine learning, evolvable hardware, artificial life, adaptive behavior, ant colony optimization, swarm intelligence, biological applications, evolutionary robotics, evolutionary combinatorial optimization, co-evolution, artificial immune systems, and other topics. Each paper submitted to GECCO-2005 will be rigorously reviewed, in a double-blind review process, by one of the 16 separate and independent specialized program committees that make final decisions, subject only to conference-wide space limitations and procedures. The conference features 41 free tutorials and 12 free workshops. Loew's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel is centrally and conveniently located right at the main junction station of the Washington DC subway system and will offer special rates for GECCO attendees. The GECCO-2005 conference will also offer $10,000 in prizes for human-competitive results produced by genetic and evolutionary computation. Visit The GECCO-2005 conference is co-located with the 2005 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware Conference running from June 29 - July 1 (Wednesday - Friday), 2005 at the Westin Grand Hotel Washington, DC. Visit CONFERENCE CHAIR: Una-May O'Reilly, MIT PROCEEDINGS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Hans-Georg Beyer BUSINESS COMMITTEE: David Goldberg, John Koza, Una-May O奥eilly, Erik Goodman, Riccardo Poli WORKSHOPS AND LATE BREAKING PAPERS CHAIR: Franz Rothlauf COMPETITIONS CHAIR: Simon Lucas LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIRS: R. Paul Wiegand, Ron Morrison STUDENT WORKSHOP: Michael O'Neill EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION IN PRACTICE: Tina Yu, Cem Baydar 16 PROGRAM TRACKS AND CHAIRS Genetic Algorithms: Erick Cantu-Paz Genetic Programming: Terry Soule Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming: Dirk Arnold Real-World Applications: Eric Bonabeau LCS and other Genetics-Based Machine Learning: Xavier Llora Evolvable Hardware: Andy Tyrrell Biological Applications: James Foster, Wolfgang Banzhaf Evolutionary Robotics, A-Life, Adaptive Behavior: Hod Lipson AntColony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: Christian Blum Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization: Gunther Raidl Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: K. Deb, Eckart Zitzler Coevolution: Edwin de Jong Artificial Immune Systems: Dipankar Dasgupta Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: Martin Pelikan Search-Based Software Engineering: Sprios Mancoridis Meta-heuristics and Local Search: Jean-Paul Watson 12 FREE WORKSHOPS Numerous workshops (included with conference registration) will be held during GECCO-2005. Workshop chair: Franz Rothlauf - 8th International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS-2005) - Tim Kovacs, Xavier Llora, Keiki Takadama - 4th Annual Workshop on Biological Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (BioGEC) - Jason H. Moore and Marylyn DeRiggi Ritchie - Second Workshop on Military and Security Applications of Evolutionary Computation - Stephen C. Upton, Laurence D. Merkle, Misty Blowers - Second Workshop on Self-Organization in Representations for Evolutionary Algorithms: Building Complexity from Simplicity - Ivan I. Garibay, Sanjeev Kumar, Ozlem Garibay, Hal Stringer - Coevolution Discussion Forum: What Can Coevolution Do for Us? A Problem-Oriented View - Anthony Bucci, Edwin deJong, R. Paul Wiegand - Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization Problems - Shengxiang Yang and Juergen Branke - Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (MedGEC) - Stephen L. Smith and Stefano Cagnoni - Optimization by Building and Using Probabilistic Models (OBUPM-2005) - J顤n Grahl, Martin Pelikan, Kumara Sastry - Parameter Setting in Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms - Fernando Lobo and Claudio F. Lima - Scalable, Evolvable, Emergent, Developmental Systems (SEEDS) Gregory Hornby, Sanjeev Kumar, Julian Miller - Theory of Representations - Marc Toussaint, Alden H. Wright, Edwin D. de Jong - Ask the Consultant Workshop - Dave Davis 41 FREE TUTORIALS The conference will include numerous tutorials (included with conference registration) from many of the world旧 foremost experts in the field of genetic and evolutionary computation Introductory Tutorials Genetic Algorithms Erik Goodman Genetic Programming John Koza Evolution Strategies Thomas Back Learning Classifier Systems Tim Kovacs A Unified Approach to Evolutionary Computation Ken De Jong Evolvable Hardware I Tetsuya Higuchi Linear Genetic Programming Wolfgang Banzhaf Ant Colony Optimization Christian Blum Particle Swarm Intelligence Russell Eberhart Advanced Tutorials No Free Lunch Darrell Whitley Genetic Algorithm Theory Jonathan Rowe Bioinformatics James A. Foster Taxonomy and Coarse Graining in EC Chris Stephens Multiobjective Optimization with EC Eckart Zitzler Computational Complexity and EC Ingo Wegener Evolvable Hardware II Adrian Stoica Representations Franz Rothlauf Bionik: Building on Biological Evolution Ingo Rechenberg Principled Efficiency Enhancement Kumara Sastry Hill Climbing Algorithms Sheldon Jacobson Statistics for Evolutionary Computation Steffan Christensen Mark Wineberg Tutorials on Specialized Techniques and Applications Symbolic Regression in GP Maarten Keijzer Grammatical Evolution Conor Ryan Quantum Computing Lee Spector Evolutionary Robotics Dario Floreano Evolutionary Music Al Biles Evolution and Resiliency Terry Soule Evolutionary Design Ian Parmee Interactive Evolution Hideyuki Takagi Optimization of Dynamic Environments Juergen Branke Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms Marco Tomassini How to Start a GA Company Z. Michalewicz Industrial Evolutionary Computing A. Kordon, G. Smits, M. Kotanchek In Vitro Molecular Evolution Byoung-Tak Zhang Evolving Neural Networks Risto Mikkulainen Fitness Approximation in EC Yaochu Jin, Khaled Rasheed Constraint-handling Techniques used with EAs C. Coello-Coello XCS Learning Classifier System Martin Butz Experiences Implementing a GA-Based in Aerospace Thomas Dickens Fitness Landscapes and Problem Difficulty Jean-Paul Watson Experimental Design in EC Mike Preuss, T. Bartz-Beielstein HOW TO SUBMIT A PAPER TO THE GECCO CONFERENCE The deadline for arrival of submissions of regular papers is MONDAY JANUARY 17, 2005. Visit for details on electronic and paper submissions, including procedures and formatting details. The conference proceedings will be published in book form and on CD-ROM, with both distributed at the conference. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For information concerning hotel reservations, travel discounts, student housing, student travel grants, graduate student workshop, proposals for workshops, proposals for additional tutorials, late-breaking papers, and other matters, visit For technical matters, email Una-May O奥eilly, GECCO-2005 General Chair at [email protected]. For administrative matters, email [email protected]. GECCO is operated by ISGEC, the International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation. GECCO is administered by American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA. Phone: 650-328-3123. Fax: 650-321-4457. ISGEC EXECUTIVE BOARD Erik D. Goodman (chair) Wolfgang Banzhaf Erick Cantu-Paz Kalyanmoy Deb Kenneth De Jong Marco Dorigo David E. Goldberg John H. Holland John R. Koza Una-May O奥eilly Ingo Rechenberg Marc Schoenauer Lee Spector Darrell Whitley Annie S. Wu --

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