Pet_Get 板


※ [本文转录自 pet 看板] 作者: regina (我要华丽的冒险~) 看板: pet 标题: [资讯]拜托大家请尽量转寄此文章,帮助狗狗~ 时间: Mon Jun 19 21:12:52 2006 没有勇气多看一眼的照片,如果你愿意,请您帮忙转寄,让更多的人注意到这个事实。 如果你心有余力能够帮忙,你的福气会比任何人都多! 以下有英文讯息,若你有国外的朋友也可以转寄, 希望能够以国际舆论激起国内立法的动作! 各界的朋友 我们在台湾的角落努力许久 结紮、救援、送养..许多动物 然而..台湾的动物保护法令的松散及不落实... 让台湾的角落依然处处出现哭泣的声音 虐待的定义无法获得解释...让被虐的动物只能认命 宠物买卖的泛滥及贱价...让随意虐养跟弃养的事件ㄧ再上演 纵使想依赖动物保护法来帮助动物 无奈却无法获得回应与帮助 法令的缺失...机关之间的互踢皮球 救援跟保护变成民间人士的责任与义务 却都是自掏腰包,无止尽的做下去 个案永远无法是个案... 无奈台湾的农委会只会视为个案...不被重视... 可是...真的是个案吗???? 各地的动物保护团体承接援救过的无数个案...难道不能被视为缺失的现象 此一虐待案的业主 已经不是初犯...而是累犯!! 救援出上ㄧ批幸存的狗之後...我们又继续承接救援第二次 而业主呢?? 台湾的动物保护法只有开出罚单新台币5万元!! 却也收不到钱,任其逍遥 而民众报案...却无法知道正确管道 连求助警察...也吃闭门羹..因为---这不是警察的职权业务范围 甚至...最高单位的农委会认定 除了犬只以外,其他动物种不适用动物保护法令来保护 所以..我们养的猫..兔子...其他宠物等等...都不能使用动物保护法 这是农委会发函给民间团体的真实回函说明 这该算是什麽动物保护法! 台湾政局不安定,民众只能等待 但被虐动物的世界,是我们伸手可做的维护 为什麽要冷眼旁观?? 台湾民众被要求饲养道德,被禁止不能携带宠物进入公园 可是..台湾的政府为动物们做了什麽?? 为ㄧ直致力於动物保护的朋友们做了什麽??? 当然..我们不能否定台湾政府订定动物保护的努力 只是... 这法令却只是一个空壳子 无力保护... 就算大家努力的尽力的做,试图帮主管机关落实保护的方向 可是..当需要执法及施行公权力协助的时候 我们却无法获得这样的支援及有效的制裁 只好..花了许多钱..许多心力救援..医治..收容... 不停的做..不停的循环 而只能眼见恶劣的、该被制裁的人,轻松逍遥的继续过他的谋利生活 我们无力...无法让台湾的农委会正视我们的心声与努力 我只能尝试依靠网路朋友们的努力 帮我们把心声发出去 发到一个能够让我们出现署光的世界去 尝试其他的力量... 让渺小不被重视的我们能够有机会被他们看上ㄧ眼,承诺我们的要求 我们要求的不多... 只是... 请台湾行政院所属农委会能够重视正视动物保护法 台湾已不只ㄧ次发生狗吃狗案件 却无法停止..ㄧ直继续发生 我们尝试要开公听会,尝试想让农委会能够接受我们的方针 让我们能够更进ㄧ步 只是,我们的信心不是很够 因为我们很渺小...声音很小....所凝聚的力量不足以为他们所惧... 我们只能期望依靠外界国际的声音 重视的声音 让我们的努力得以顺利进行 各方的朋友们 你们的重视,是我们的力量... 你们可以发函给台湾的相关单位 行政院、农委会....或是与之接触表达你们的关切 让我们能够在你们的支持下 顺利推动更完善的动物保护 仅代表台湾各角落默默努力的朋友们向你们感谢~!! My dear friends, A tragedy found in south Taiwan on June 5th 2006. Over 40 dogs live in bad condition, even with with dead one. It’s really a sad story, and we feel helpless about it. Please link to following website for related pictures. We really need your help wherever you are. We do lots effort in animals rescue, be the midway family and help to find a suitable adopter. But the law of animal protection is not well implemented. That cause many stray dogs/cats and let the maltreatment case happened and happened again. The definition of animal maltreatment is not clear; animals could only accept their fate. Some pet business is out of control and against the law, which let many maltreatment and abandonment cases showed up. Animals can’t depend on the law of animal protection. Those helpless cases can’t get well response and help from right person. The law and regulations are flawed. Official institutions shirk their responsibility and choose not the deal with these cases. The rescue and protection actions become civilian’s responsibility and duty. The Council of Agriculture in Taiwan treats it as single case, and not important. “Is it really a single case??” The animal protection organization handle lots rescue case here in Taiwan. We are sure that it’s not a single case. It’s an abnormal social phenomenon. This is not the first time that the pet business owner causes this maltreatment case. We already rescued the dogs at the first time, and we found same case happened again. According to the law of animal protection here in Taiwan, the pet business owner only need to pay 50,000 NT dollars for the warning ticket. But no one knows where is the owner, and how to ask him to pay it. We called the police for helping when we found the maltreatment case. But they said the case is not under their duty-bound. Even the Council of Agriculture, the highest government department handle animal related case, think that only dogs suit the law of animal protection scope. What kind of animal protection law??? Other pets, such as cats, rabbits...etc., aren’t they animals??? We only can wait government take more actions since the unstable political situation in Taiwan. But the animals really need our help and rescue; we can't wait anymore. The pet owners are request to have breeding morality, can’t take pet into parks. But what did our government do for our pets and people who devote themselves to protect animals. Of course, we can’t deny all the effort our government did. Law should not be only set there and can’t really protect animals. It should be well implement and let all the related official institutions know what should they do clearly when they face the situation like this case. We can' t not let the abominable pet business owner do it again and again for money making. He/she should be punished, and the dogs should be rescued, treated well. This is not the first case. We saw it happened and happened again, but can't stop it. We try to change the situation. But we don’t have enough power to let Council of Agriculture treat this tragedy as serious case. We need helps from friends in Internet. Please give us more confidence and help us pass the information in worldwide. We need your support to force people take notice of this. We don’t request much. We only want Council of Agriculture in Executive Yuan would think highly of animal protection law. We really need your help and support; even its from international. You could e-mail or contact with related official institution, such as Council of Agriculture in Executive Yuan ( to show your deeply concern. Let us have consummate law for animal protection via your support. Thanks in advance. Animal Lovers in Taiwan --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: regina:转录至看板 cat 06/19 21:14 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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